In need of advice

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TurnThatCowLooseMaw":26c70dmn said:
I tend to disagree. Perhaps im more cold hearted than most. You have made an attempt to contact her. It is not your fault she fell ill. Nor is it your fault her phone was disconnected. If it were me I would sell the cow and the calf and make me a good profit. If this lady wanted her money back dont you think she would have gotten in touch with you by now? You are not obligated to this lady.

so, i take it you don't believe in handshake deals? and that's not cold hearted, that's frost bite.
Look at it from her point of view. She paid for the calf. Due to reasons beyond her control she can't take it now. If it were me I'd sell the calf in her name and send her the check. Even the amount above what she paid. Offer to sell her another one at a later date if she wants one. A little trouble and lost profit on you part may go a long way on her part. It would be the neighborly thing to do. JMO
dun":36lw52v2 said:
TurnThatCowLooseMaw":36lw52v2 said:
I tend to disagree. Perhaps im more cold hearted than most. You have made an attempt to contact her. It is not your fault she fell ill. Nor is it your fault her phone was disconnected. If it were me I would sell the cow and the calf and make me a good profit. If this lady wanted her money back dont you think she would have gotten in touch with you by now? You are not obligated to this lady.

Go ahead and sue her too while you're at it!


Thats you being sarcastic again, right? :)

Rustler and La4 hit it right on, and you probably knew the right thing to her, ask her if that works for her.

Doing the right thing will pay tenfold....
by the way let's take a look at something

T urnthat C owLoose M aw

T ennessee C attle M an

makes you want to say "hhmmmm"
i think i'd go visit with the lady and just sit down and tell her how it is. and discuss all the options. then go from there.
I tend to agree with the majority on this subject; do the farm community proud and speak to the lady and do the best you can for you both!
We always considered a handshake as binding as a contract and always took care of each other in the community.
I suppose that calf is eating all the pasture and most of the hay in the barn. I believe that my reputation is worth the price of a few pounds of hay. I'd forget the matter until it's time to deal with it...calf becomes steer and is slaughter ready, neighbor gets in touch with your or you locate her.
If she has been sick and can't go through with the deal I would return her money but talk to her and see what the situation really is. You will sleep better at night. DMc
You know if this was a case of this lady trying to take advantage of you, I'd probably see this differently. She's probably already counted the money paid for the calf as lost. I think if it was me, I'd take the money back to her and wish her well. It just seems to be the charitable thing to do.
i definitely wouldnt just sell it and take her the money without talking to her about it first.
TurnThatCowLooseMaw":34uupdsl said:
I tend to disagree. Perhaps im more cold hearted than most. You have made an attempt to contact her. It is not your fault she fell ill. Nor is it your fault her phone was disconnected. If it were me I would sell the cow and the calf and make me a good profit. If this lady wanted her money back dont you think she would have gotten in touch with you by now? You are not obligated to this lady.

You know, the only thing I can say about this post is this; with your ethics, I'm glad your a long way from me so there's no possible way I can ever accidently do business with you.
TurnThatCowLooseMaw":3lbtnsf0 said:
I tend to disagree. Perhaps im more cold hearted than most. You have made an attempt to contact her. It is not your fault she fell ill. Nor is it your fault her phone was disconnected. If it were me I would sell the cow and the calf and make me a good profit. If this lady wanted her money back dont you think she would have gotten in touch with you by now? You are not obligated to this lady.

This is one of the problems with this world - money is more important than love and compassion to many people. :(

Jesus said you can't serve both money and God. When you care more about making a decent profit than helping a person out you are serving money. You are right, he isn't obligated but when everything else in the world seems to be going wrong it brings a lot of happiness having someone just be nice to you.
TnWI":1yk62n0f said:
I sold a calf to a woman last August, we both agreed the calf should stay on the momma til October, and at that point the momma would be taken to market, and the calf would go to its new home. In the mean time, this woman went in for gallbladder surgery and has been in and out of the hospital since then -- she contacted me once in early November to say thanks for keeping the calf, and ask that I keep it til around Thanksgiving so she can be strong enough to come get it. I, being the sap I am, said "sure, no problem". Well thats the last I have heard from her, and that calf is still in my pasture eating to its hearts content, and breaking fences. Through the town grapevine, I have found out she has been quite ill with pancreas issues, and unable to work, or tend to her home or kids. Their phone has been disconnected, so obviously they aren't doing well and are in need of money. My question is, since I am sending a black heifer to market, should I send this one too and send her money back to her? or do I keep it, and hope she shows up?

The time has come to be your neighbors keeper sell both take her the money. Might not be a bad idea to get a work crew and ladies and do the christian thing together and see if there is anything this lady needs.

Lot of things are more rewarding than money.
TnWI":iqglm635 said:
I sold a calf to a woman last August, we both agreed the calf should stay on the momma til October, and at that point the momma would be taken to market, and the calf would go to its new home. In the mean time, this woman went in for gallbladder surgery and has been in and out of the hospital since then -- she contacted me once in early November to say thanks for keeping the calf, and ask that I keep it til around Thanksgiving so she can be strong enough to come get it. I, being the sap I am, said "sure, no problem". Well thats the last I have heard from her, and that calf is still in my pasture eating to its hearts content, and breaking fences. Through the town grapevine, I have found out she has been quite ill with pancreas issues, and unable to work, or tend to her home or kids. Their phone has been disconnected, so obviously they aren't doing well and are in need of money. My question is, since I am sending a black heifer to market, should I send this one too and send her money back to her? or do I keep it, and hope she shows up?

Well, bless your heart for keeping it this long!

Now, you go find out where that lady lives the next time you are in town - look her up - ASK her what she wants you to do - then do it.

Never forget -

Good things come to those who do the right thing - even when no one is looking.

You are to be commended for being a good neighbor so far. To me, the lady trusted you and paid for the calf and the two of you had an agreement. She owns the calf. She got in touch with you and the two of you had another agreement that you would keep the calf a little longer since she was going through hard times. That time has past. She should have gotten back in touch with you, but for some reason she hasnt. For me, I wouldnt do anything with the calf until you actually are able to contact her. I would tell her that the calf has outgrown your facilities and your fences arent made for that large of a weaned calf and offer to either give her her money back or offer to sell the calf and have the check sent to her or offer to deliver the calf to the place she would like it delivered. I think the important thing is to think of how you would like the person to treat you if you were in that condition and then, if possible, treat her this way. If you are wrong and she is taking advantage of you, it is only a calf and you already have had the money quite a while. If she honestly needs the help, you will have been very good in a tough situation. Either way, you can sleep very good at night for your actions.
Medic24":1sla5phr said:
IMO...Rustler 9 and la4angus have it right.... best way to approach it........I have never met any one yet who has asked to get sick and down on their luck. Walk a mile in her shoes so to speak... and worse yet, if she is unable to get the meaning...........

Or you could be an arse and follow the advise of Loose cow maw, and keep the money, then while yr at it, may as well sue her not only for damages, but the feed, the supervision of the poor calf, as well as the emotional distress the whole issue has caused you, and don't forget to add loss of consortion with your loved one. Last but not least...hire the very best gall derned lawyer money can buy, and add that cost to the previous lawsuit.

Did I miss anything? :p

I figured she should be sued for getting sick and causing inconvenience. Lately that seems to be what's on a lot of peoples minds, or what passes for their minds

I have to agree with the folks who advise to go see the lady and kindly explain you need to do somthing with the calf and that you will work with her on what ever she decides. I've been through severe illness with a family member. It never fails to amaze me how some folks only worry about their pocketbook and all others be damned. Have a little compassion, money ain't everything. I've got to live with myself hopefully for a long time yet. I want my decisions to ones I can live with.

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