> Good AI technicians will run well
> over 85% first service
> conceptions, many approach 100%.
> If you have a good technician the
> real keys to succesfull AI is heat
> detection and having calm cattle.
> A nervous semi-goofy cow/heifer
> rarely takes. Heifers are
> frequently harder to settle
> because their heat cycles may not
> be consistant, i.e., the may not
> ovulate when common practice tells
> us she should. If the temperatures
> were in the 90's when she was bred
> or for a week or so after, that
> can also affect it. About the only
> way I can think of to up the odds
> would be to breed her when she is
> observed in heat then 12 hours
> later, if she still shows signs of
> being in standing heat 4 to 6
> hours after that, breed her again.
> We have used AI 100% since 1968,
> only once have we had to cull a
> heifer because she wouldn't settle
> by the second service. We give
> them two chances, if they don't
> settle from the second breeding,
> down the road they go. That
> applies to cows or heifers. I have
> bred cows for some herds that the
> cows/heifers never settle to AI.
> Whether that is a heat detection
> problem or the animals disposition
> I've never figured out.
> dunmovin farms Are you using any heat synchronization in your program? If so are you satisfided with the results? Thanks Al.
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