Heard one of the things a mother never wants

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Jun 5, 2005
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to hear. Your son has cancer. He is 23 and really sick. He wants me to make it all better and I so desperately want to. Least he has one with a high cure rate...lymphoma. Don't know what type yet. I already feel we are in over our heads. Praying that God wont give us anything we can't handle. I'm one scared mom.
Same this is happening with my friends son in his late 30's. I will include you in my prayers!
You're in my thoughts and prayers. Trust in God and be thankfull that there's a TON of money being pumped into cancer research. It isn't the death sentance that it used to be.
Sending my prayers too. FWIW~ My wife had large diffused B cell non-Hodgkins and kicked its butt. Betcha he can do the same.
I will be praying for you, my mom just found out she has lymphoma about 6 weeks ago. she has stage 2 t cell and is improving faster than expected.
Prayers for healing, strength and comfort lifted for your son and you.
May he be strong with a positive attitude to beat this. (((hugs)))
Here too with the prayers. Wife was stage 4 hodgkins at 18 yrs old. Now, 14 years and five kids, later I am still amazed at the wonders of modern medicine inspired by the One that allowed us to be here in the first place.
I can't even begin to imagine your concerns but I am sure if it were me I'd be like you and would rather bare this burden than them. My prayers and well wishes are with you.
Sorry to hear this. I know you and him are both scared. May God bless you and be with you.
Thank you all for encouragement and prayers. They are truly appreciated.

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