Hey Everyone. What a great broad! I just came across it a few days ago and have allready learned alot. Can I tell yall my story and ask for advice? I'm 45 years old and can retire from my job in 10 years. I have inhereted 114 acres in eastern North Carolina. It is being leased to a local farmer at this time. It has about 15 acres of good costal bermudia hay and about 25 acres of sand land that is being rotated between peanuts and sweet potatoes. There is also about 45 acres of bottom land that is producing corn and soy beans. The rest is overgrown pasture (my father was a daryman back in the 60's -70's.) Most of it is allready fenced in because the farmer was thinking of buying cows several years ago. Given this situtation does anyone have any advice. I'm not looking to get rich just wondering if the farm can support itself.