Buying a used truck

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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West TN
Do dealers not have any room to negotiate on used trucks or is it just me? I went to two dealerships today and neither would negotiate on the price.
I once had a neighbor that owned a used car/truck lot. He told me that dealers made more money [profit] on used vehicles than new.
I once had a neighbor that owned a used car/truck lot. He told me that dealers made more money [profit] on used vehicles than new.
There is quite a few used car dealers here in Australia that have huge warehouses full of cars and they make it clear there is no price negotiations. They do have good prices though but no vehicles older than ten years and no trade ins. For trucks though there is usually a fair bit of room to negotiate. Last truck i bought i got $2000 off, he wouldn't go any lower. I told him if they added another fuel tank he had a deal, he said no so i walked, made it to car park before he called me back and said "boss" had ok'd it. Just the games they like to play, you have to play along.
kerley said:
I once had a neighbor that owned a used car/truck lot. He told me that dealers made more money [profit] on used vehicles than new.

Don't believe that just go to an authorized dealer's used truck lot and see for yourself. A 2 year old truck will be priced at 90% of a new one. Course, in all fairness, if you were to buy a new one, what kind of perks were involved to bring down the price you negotiated from the MSRP. In today's pricing the scheme is to price them high and emphasize the SALE sign (a more realistic price as to what the vehicle is actually worth) to suck in the customers. The MSRP is just a dream.....not just vehicles, seems everything today is priced like that.....adds everywhere.....SALE price, save $15k on a new truck bla bla bla. :hide: (opinion)
I was just trying to get them to come down to the "fair purchase price" on KBB. I thought KBB was what everyone used in the used car market but maybe not?
Buying cash and negotiating is going by the wayside with vehicles.

Vehicles are getting very expensive, and people aren't making as much anymore. Most negotiate by monthly payment instead of overall price. It's why 5-8 year vehicle loans are common now.

Why negotiate a cash price with you, when they can sell it to someone else for sticker plus interest?

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