A good cross breed

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Daniel B

Active member
Feb 9, 2009
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I am just getting into cattle and I was wondering what people thought would be a good breed or cross breed to start with. I am looking a breed that has good marbling (which I'm sure is the Angus) and puts up a high carcass yield. Thanks for any help.
Daniel B":rpwyalln said:
I am just getting into cattle and I was wondering what people thought would be a good breed or cross breed to start with. I am looking a breed that has good marbling (which I'm sure is the Angus) and puts up a high carcass yield. Thanks for any help.
where are you located
Probably the best breed or crossbreed for you is one that is popular in your area. They will be acclimated to the region, and be easy to get into and sell. Once you get some experience, you can decide from there if you want to continue with that breed, or go out on a limb and try another breed.
You may want to contact your local extension office and see what breeds do well in your region, and also for whatever reason you are raising them, find out which ones do well for that purpose. They can tell you.
The most popular around my area I think is the Angus with the Limousine being right behind.
They can be, but so can Angus. Limousin cattle used to be much "wilder" than they are today, but they still get a bad rap. if you're buying from a farm or a stockyard, look at the actions of the animal in different situations. You will be able to tell the which ones are wild pretty quick. Remember, there is more difference within a breed than between breeds.
Daniel B":22zpyvxn said:
I have heard that Limousin cattle can be wild is this true.

I think the limousin association has gone to great lengths to get the breed "calmer". But, as with any breeds, you are going to have the wild ones show up. As I have said before, I have a Limo bull that is as gentle as a lamb; but I wouldnt trust him either. I have an uncle that has both Limo & Angus cows and bulls. He says none of them are any wilder than the other.
What site can I go and see some good Limousin and Angus cattle I prefer red.
Daniel B":1v4lbqai said:
What site can I go and see some good Limousin and Angus cattle I prefer red.

Well now Daniel, I hope you know you just started a big poop storm. Good one tho :clap:
Black is just plan to me and if I'm going to get some cattle I want to have a little color. :tiphat:
So how about them sites. :D
WWWfullbloodlimousinalliance.org and you can link to a bunch of limousin sites form there. You will find a few of us on the board here like a little color to RED.

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