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  • Users: allenfarms
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  1. A

    Starting a Herd...

    I want to start a registered herd. It will me small to start unless I decide at a later time to buy/lease more land. I think the place will run 25-40 cows year round. I want something that is going to be a big deal or really on an upward curve like Balancers or Black Gelbvieh. The only...
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    Awesome Tilapia

    We were turned on to Tilapia by some friends a couple years ago and have a very high opinion of it. We buy ours at Wal-Mart and we buy the "fresh filets" not the whole fish or the bagged fillets. Break a couple eggs in a bowl, beat them then dip you fillets in the the egg and roll in another...
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    Colostrum Supplement/Replacement

    We have always used Clostrx and went in feed store last week to find they have and upgraded "plus" formula now. (Double the price) So start the feller out on it and nothing.... long story short after a few days of this figured calf's gonna die if we don't change something. So back to feed...
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    Who makes the best mens compound hunting bow?

    Who makes the best mens compound hunting bow? Leave which model in a comment......example... If you chose Mathews, then add a comment telling what model have such as a Switchback etc. and what you like/don't like about it. Also, if you were to buy a bow today what would you buy? I am fixing...
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    Great Website for Reviews
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    Check out this Tragectory Table. ... ution5.jpg
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    Win. Model 70 25-06?

    Been lookin for a 25-06 for some time, found one described in subject about 95% cond. the only blemish on it is where they had a swiver sling on it and it made some circular scratches around the mount. It also has 2 Boss attatchments. $400.00 with rings on it but no scope.
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    have went through several and they just plum give out after a few months. no body round here has had luck w/ them either. like the 1 and 2 million cp
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    Who Makes the Best Skid Steer.

    Ok new poll, I forgot Cat on the other one. Just interested what do you think is best and why.
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    Who makes the Best Skid Steer?

    It will be used primarily for TurkeyBarn Cleanout, but would like a versitile rig w/ lots of optional attatchments. Also would love a cab with heat and air! A Tractor with cab doesn't fit so well in the barns!
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    What do you think?

    Latest on Cloning Which came first, the chicken or the egg? People have puzzled over that question for at least 2,000 years. In the eternal cycle of natural reproduction, they saw no answer. But the cycle turns out not to be eternal. Last week, the Food and Drug Administration tentatively...
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    I have 50 acres of fescue and some Bermuda, should I just leave it alone and run more cattle, or less cattle and cut more hay. It is mostly fescue. Would it be worth much as hay? Last year the owner cut once and got about 100 bales, he said he could have cut it twice, but the 100 bales was...
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    This is a pic of an old gun my father in law received in a trade along with some other stuff. It is really old looks like, but we have no idea what it is, or how old, or what it is worth? Any input or help would be appriciated, thanks, Will. GUNPIC1
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    Another Board?

    I was wondering if anyone knows of a site simular to this for Turkey Growers? Basically lookin for a board like this for Turkey
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    I was wondering if anyone knows of a site simular to this for Turkey Growers? Thanks :cboy:
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    Border Coll. OR Aus. SHep

    Which breed will make the best Work first/ family second Dog. How quick to learn cattle and orders are they. How easy to train? Male or Female? Thanks
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    The Best Way?

    What is the best way for someone who only wants to run like 25 head year round to make money? I also want Registered Cattle and am leaning strongly towards Santa Gertrudis. I just want registered stock and to make the best money. If you have input on Santa Gertrudis good or bad please...
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    AI Tech?

    I am wanting to become an AI tech but not sure how. Does anyone know?