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  1. Caustic Burno

    Rain returns

    More tropical blessings starting this weekend.
  2. Caustic Burno

    Beating the dead horse

    From 4/1 to 6/1 I have received 55”. A guy I know nine miles south has been blessed with 60” in the same time frame. I’m not going to complain about the rain. The last few months have been challenging to say the least on this old man. I have repaired more fence and cut up more trees than I did...
  3. Caustic Burno

    Fun in East Texas

    We are over 10” so far hearing reports of 12”. Quarter to half dollar size hail twice during the night. Can’t wait till daylight to see what needs fixing.
  4. Caustic Burno


    Fourteen in the trap shot three more when I drove up. These are going into sausage for the disadvantaged.
  5. Caustic Burno


    Takes 3rd place in Austin Livestock Show.
  6. Caustic Burno


    Haven’t been on much lately as I have been under Psoriatic arthritis attack. This is an insidious disease that attacks ligaments, tendons and bone. I see Dr Monday for the right shoulder and the orthopedic surgeon later in the week to discuss more neck surgery. Rheumatologist got me started on...
  7. Caustic Burno


    The siege of the Alamo begins on this day in 1836.
  8. Caustic Burno

    MRI results

    Back to Houston next week. Disc below the fusion is failing and the one above has a bulge. Drs told me at ten the one below would fail it's been a little over nine years. Find out what they want to do. This old age isn't for sissies!
  9. Caustic Burno


  10. Caustic Burno

  11. Caustic Burno


    At Fort Worth mouse colored steer.
  12. Caustic Burno


    Wife walked out at 9:20 last night and a guy was trying to break in my shop. Camera caught the meth head just wasn’t recognizable. She was calling the sheriff as I went out the back door with shotgun loaded with buckshot. He had come through the woods by the road, when he ran, she heard a car...
  13. Caustic Burno


    Brahmas lost to Gilmer in state championship 28-26. Bellville had an exciting running game to watch.
  14. Caustic Burno

    Long Journey

    I’m hauling a perfectly good Angus bull to the salebarn in the morning. After culling for drought and lack of hay I am at 7 cows. Can’t justify keeping him with today’s inputs. I’m going in halves with my hay man he’s down from 75 head to 10. We’re both are going to maintain 10 head for the...
  15. Caustic Burno

    Job I don’t like.

    My old guard donkey went down last night. I put her out of her misery, knew it was coming. I could see the decline, when she wasn’t standing by the house at daylight to bray when I walked out, I knew. She was down in a grove she liked to hang in, she couldn’t get up. I dispatched her as humane...
  16. Caustic Burno

    Father time

    I always said you’re not old till all the girls you dated in High School are on Medicare. They have all crossed that line a while back. Reassessing after the ophthalmologist today I am getting real old, schedule cataract surgery in December. Put it off till after deer season.
  17. Caustic Burno

    Good Read
  18. Caustic Burno

    I’m not Addicted

    It’s not an addiction unless you’re trying to quit. I’m not! Be on the lake at daylight tomorrow.
  19. Caustic Burno

    Take Advantage

    When you can! With the drought made the stock tank two foot deeper.
  20. Caustic Burno

    Rusk Mental Institution

    I think the kids are about to commit me! I had a TIA last year no lingering effects my bunch is genetically inclined to strokes. I take all the prescribed medication I am supposed to . I decided I am not getting younger and I have been tighter than a crabs ass and that’s waterproof saving for...