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  1. H

    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    Hi All. Any experience with Calf milk replacer that is made from milk. But has soy protein...... I bought it cheap off a gal. And I missed the soy protein. .... So what are your thoughts on it?
  2. H

    Post your Best Cheapskate Stories Here!

    I was watching a show the other night called Cheapskates that had me rolling. And it made me wonder how many of you have a good story to tell??
  3. H

    Update on the calf I put on coach's thread

    So yesterday morning she had her head caught under the fence couldn't stand and she only drank one cup of milk at her morning feeding, her breathing sounded terrible... 10:30 am checked on her she stood up and fell down, 1:00 pm got 3 cups of milk down her, she stood up leaning on me. 7:00 pm...
  4. H

    Goat Milk Replacer for a Calf???

    I had an uncle give me a bag of goat milk replacer, and I'm wondering if I could use the replacer for a calf?
  5. H

    Poison Hemlock

    How do you get rid of poison Hemlock? It's between two houses, sis in law tried pulling it with only eyes sticking out and still got covered in a rash. Any advice appreciated. Also would an animal eat it? Not wanting any to. Just curious.
  6. H

    Calf with Red spots on Nose & mouth

    Hi all, I have a 10 day old Beef heifer calf, Twin to the one who got attacked by the horned cow. She has been sucking on a Cedar slab from the sawmill that is part of her pen. She now has red sores that are tiny all over her mouth and nose, could it be from sucking on the cedar? She acts fine...
  7. H

    Calf attacked by horned cow

    Hi, all I have a calf that walked up to another cow (not her mom). The cow hooked it with her horns and she threw it up in the air. It only made a small hole that bled profusely. But an 6 inch by 8-10 inch spot on the top of her back swelled up. This was Sunday afternoon, she wasn't able to get...
  8. H

    Bottle Goats

    Has anyone here used All milk Human baby formula for a bottle goat? I have a few cans of it, that were given to me, but I don't have a use for, supposed to be getting a couple boer bottle babies in a week or so and I was wondering if I could use it in place of goat milk replacer. I've asked this...
  9. H

    Stolen Baytril

    Hi, do any of you know anything about Baytril , like will druggies shoot themselves up with it? I had a $130 bottle of Baytril turn up missing, after a drug head was asking me what calf meds I keep on hand.
  10. H

    English Shepard

    Hi all I an almost 6 month old English Shepard given to me. She hasn't had any training yet. What are your all's thoughts on English Shepard's? I really like her personality. I'm still trying to come up with a name for her lol, I will have to get a better picture of her. She's smaller than she...
  11. H

    Horse Nettle in hay

    Hi all, my Uncle baled some squares up and it's full of Horse Nettle. He was going to give it to Horse's, cow's, goats and rabbits. But has since been told it would poison all of the above animals. There's controversial stuff on it online. So he's thinking about Burning the hay instead of...
  12. H

    Calf Halters

    Hi has anyone on here ever made their own calf Halters, starting with Nylon Webbing and d rings and buckles? I haven't been able to find a single video on it. Just rope halters
  13. H

    Calf Manna

    Do any of you have any experience with using Calf Manna for bottle calves? What is it's purpose?
  14. H

    2 week old calf Self weaning

    I have a head scratcher for you all. I have a 16 day old Brown Swiss steer calf I started giving him grain 3 days ago, it's a 15% Calf Grower from my local feed mill, (they don't sell calf starter) . This calf has decided that he didn't want his bottle this morning he sniffed at the bottle and...
  15. H

    Calf choking on milk

    Hi I have an 11 day old Angus heifer calf that I have had for 9 days and she used to drink her milk fine without choking, now even with a lambs nipple on the bottle, she will be breathing fine and she will start drinking and she starts sounding congested, last night she had a little milk come...
  16. H

    Pop bellied calves

    Hi, I have 3 calves 2 beef 1 brown swiss, they're all in the 5 month old age I gave them cows milk for the first 4 months of their lives. They were fine until I went on vacation. While we were gone the drought hit hard, we were gone for 2 weeks. The guy who was taking care of them didn't up...
  17. H

    Warts On Yearling Heifer

    Hi, I have a chat cross heifer that is almost a year old and she recently developed warts on her face. Will they cause long term problems? Anything I can give her to get rid of them? I forgot to ask my vet, an now it's the weekend lol
  18. H

    Fly tag Experience

    Hi, do the chemical fly tags they sell work? One kind work better than another? I'm thinking about using some, far as I know they haven't been used on the property before where I'm thinking about using them. The cows on that property get the fly tubs, but are still covered in fly's.
  19. H

    Buying a lightweight calf

    Hi, what are your thoughts on buying a 6 week old 3/4 south pole 1/4 jersey bull calf, 6 weeks old, still on it's mom, doesn't know what grain is, for $300. Thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea?
  20. H

    Feeding lightweight calves

    High I'm wondering what the Best high protein feed is for 300 pound beef and dairy calves on fair quality forage. To get Optimal weight gain without messing up their rumen for digesting the grass. They're in pasture, free choice grass getting 10 pounds of 17% protein feed that's Dried distillers...