Women in Agriculture

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Jun 12, 2006
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I am fairly new to this site, so first off hello to everyone! I was wondering I am a female from the south and will be graduating soon with a degree in animal science. Growing up I ran into alot of people that were still very sexist even when I was in FFA. I was just wondering how often do you still see situations like this.

Have a great day! 8)
I think that you will find a lot of very smart ladies on these boards from all over the place that are well respected by everyone. I think that sexism probably still does exist, but you can't argue with anyone, man or woman, who knows her or her stuff. The proof is in the results of whatever you do.
Matter of fact, Dr. Lisa Kriese-Anderson - Animal Scientist at Auburn University just called me a few minutes ago. She is well liked and respected.

So is Jane Parrish, an Animal Science Dr. at Mississippi State University.

Neither one of these gals are afraid to get a little cowshat on them!!!!
World is full of idiots - no matter the chosen vocation. Usually they are trying to compensate for their own short comings.

This board has some very knowledgable folks - male and female. My hat is off to Milkmaid, she always seems to be right on target and Dun seems to be right up there with her. So gender and knowledge aren't correlated - IMHO !
Don't pay too much attention to the bickering that goes on - this is a great forum, Welcome !
FARMER4LIFE":235nnvyd said:
I am fairly new to this site, so first off hello to everyone! I was wondering I am a female from the south and will be graduating soon with a degree in animal science. Growing up I ran into alot of people that were still very sexist even when I was in FFA. I was just wondering how often do you still see situations like this.

Have a great day! 8)
Please Fax your resume to me immeadiately. Have I got a job for you!
I am a woman, my mother are the ones that run the ranch. My mother first came out here to work it for my grandfarther 32 years ago and she had a bunch of the guys betting how long she would last. She was a single mom, 3 kids and came from Calgary, never had anything to do with cattle. BUT she was willing learn, had a great vet to call with any question and had common sense. She started gaining the respect of the gentlemen in the area. It wasn't long before they were wanting her calves in their sales or buying them for their own herds. She was good with her cattle, they could see it and respected her for it.
One thing, don't go in with a chip on your shoulder. There's few things worse than a woman who has to prove she's good because she is a woman. Just know your stuff and you will gain the respect of most everyone. Most that don't come around probably wouldn't come around if you were a guy either, some people are just jerks, nothing you can do about it. The ones that are really just sexist may always look down on you for being a woman but that is their problem not yours. I am finding that there is less of this now than there was when my mother first started. Very few guys out there don't respect a woman who has intelligence and is capable to do her job.
Crowderfarms":1669bxet said:
FARMER4LIFE":1669bxet said:
I am fairly new to this site, so first off hello to everyone! I was wondering I am a female from the south and will be graduating soon with a degree in animal science. Growing up I ran into alot of people that were still very sexist even when I was in FFA. I was just wondering how often do you still see situations like this.

Have a great day! 8)
Please Fax your resume to me immeadiately. Have I got a job for you!

You blew it Crowder. You mispelled "Immediately". You should have said "Fast" or "Now". Would be more in your vocabulary.

Sorry, I have already hired her. She starts Saturday night!!! :lol:
welcome, to the boards. and don't worry about being a Woman on here, there are lots of us. give as good as you get, and a bit more, then you wont go to far wrong in this world.
MikeC":sxn9yzs4 said:
Crowderfarms":sxn9yzs4 said:
FARMER4LIFE":sxn9yzs4 said:
I am fairly new to this site, so first off hello to everyone! I was wondering I am a female from the south and will be graduating soon with a degree in animal science. Growing up I ran into alot of people that were still very sexist even when I was in FFA. I was just wondering how often do you still see situations like this.

Have a great day! 8)
Please Fax your resume to me immeadiately. Have I got a job for you!

You blew it Crowder. You mispelled "Immediately". You should have said "Fast" or "Now". Would be more in your vocabulary.

Sorry, I have already hired her. She starts Saturday night!!! :lol:
Well you go and cut 170 acres of Hay in the last 3 days, and then play "spell checker". I hired her last week. She's just trying to play it safe. I done warned her bout that dreaded MikeC! :lol:
Women in agriculture - why are they not simpy smart enough to stay at home and make babies and keep their man well fed, sheltered and satisfied - is this not what they were put on earth for? I do not believe my opinion is sexist - it is simply the way man and woman have related to each other for eons.

Well, I suppose I have at least one or two nibbles coming my way!! :D

Relax "oh p!ssed off one" - I do not mean it.

Bez?, I know you well enough to know you don't believe one single word of that crap you just posted because if I did think you meant it, war would be declared and you WOULD lose - trust me on this! ;-)
FARMER4LIFE":udiawmy4 said:
I am fairly new to this site, so first off hello to everyone! I was wondering I am a female from the south and will be graduating soon with a degree in animal science. Growing up I ran into alot of people that were still very sexist even when I was in FFA. I was just wondering how often do you still see situations like this.

Have a great day! 8)

Daily! A woman has to be twice as smart as a man to be considered half as good.
msscamp":3i825k39 said:
FARMER4LIFE":3i825k39 said:
I am fairly new to this site, so first off hello to everyone! I was wondering I am a female from the south and will be graduating soon with a degree in animal science. Growing up I ran into alot of people that were still very sexist even when I was in FFA. I was just wondering how often do you still see situations like this.

Have a great day! 8)

Daily! A woman has to be twice as smart as a man to be considered half as good.

Alright Miss Smartypants - I will answer both your posts in one.

Women are always twice as good as any man - and if any man really wants some personal attention on a regular basis he had better be willing to admit to it. 8) Most women have pretty big egoes - unlike us humble man types. 8)

Perhaps it is because I am the only male in my outfit. Those danged women drive me crazy with their theories and their "workology" - but they get the job done and do it well. :p

But you want a war? Tell you what - when you are able to pee on an electric fence - and can describe the experience - we will talk! Until then I will simply keep my head down and wait for this to slowly die down. :oops:

Have a good one,

Bez?":h3zzlw7w said:
msscamp":h3zzlw7w said:
FARMER4LIFE":h3zzlw7w said:
I am fairly new to this site, so first off hello to everyone! I was wondering I am a female from the south and will be graduating soon with a degree in animal science. Growing up I ran into alot of people that were still very sexist even when I was in FFA. I was just wondering how often do you still see situations like this.

Have a great day! 8)

Daily! A woman has to be twice as smart as a man to be considered half as good.

Alright Miss Smartypants - I will answer both your posts in one.

Women are always twice as good as any man - and if any man really wants some personal attention on a regular basis he had better be willing to admit to it. 8) Most women have pretty big egoes - unlike us humble man types. 8)

Ego? If that is the desire of being acknowledged for a job well done or a man admitting that a woman has the brains and capability of running cattle, putting up hay, pulling a calf, or otherwise getting a job done then I have to plead guilty. Please notice I said 'acknowledged', not revered. If it is the desire to be revered as the superior sex, I have to decline because I don't believe that either sex is superior - we both bring different things to the table that balance each other out.

Perhaps it is because I am the only male in my outfit. Those danged women drive me crazy with their theories and their "workology" - but they get the job done and do it well. :p

But you want a war? Tell you what - when you are able to pee on an electric fence - and can describe the experience - we will talk! Until then I will simply keep my head down and wait for this to slowly die down. :oops:

No, I don't want a war. War is generally counterproductive in my experience. As for peeing on an electric fence, why should I go pee on an electric fence when I can ask most any guy and they will tell me what happens? ;-) :lol: :lol: :lol: No need for the oops, either. I've read enough of your posts to know you have a tendency to be mischevious! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have a good one,


You, too! :)
Bez...that's easy to pee on an electric fence, without fear of anything, do it in a bucket first and stand back and throw, if it is pee on the fence you want :shock:

The saying goes 'God may have created Man before Woman,
but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece'

Man may have won the battle but the War is not over yet!!!!!
Farmer4life, you have two things going for you, your female and you will have a college degree. A couple of points: Half of the populace of the world is female, and we all know some MEN and women with college degrees that are not capable of cleaning toilets at a rest stop. Having said that, nothing wrong with being a educated broad. :lol: Easy now, I'm just kidding! :D :D
Bez?":3ovxskud said:
VanC":3ovxskud said:
I think we have more than one Bez now. Don't we?

I do not think so.

Sure we do! there's good ol' Bez! and there's plain ol' Bez? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Farmer4life! Welcome! You're not the only woman with an AN SC degree (okay, I'm GETTING one, within three more years of undergrad studies!) I'm sure there's another fella on here that does as well... but he's a guy, so whatever. ;-) :lol:
Again, welcome!