Why aren't they in prison

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Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
I'll be glad when election season is over. Every other add is either democratic or republican and each one is bashing the other saying how terrible and corrupt the other is. If what they are each saying is true, then why aren't they both in prsion?
Because they're politicians. Politicians are supposed to be terrible and corrupt, and everybody knows it.

It ain't likely to change. It's the new American way.

We can change it when "we, the sheeple" quit reelecting them to office. Sadly, it has become a situation, not of who's BEST for an office, but one of who's LEAST bad.....
Jim62":1a2sfomq said:
Because they're politicians. Politicians are supposed to be terrible and corrupt, and everybody knows it.

It ain't likely to change. It's the new American way.

We can change it when "we, the sheeple" quit reelecting them to office. Sadly, it has become a situation, not of who's BEST for an office, but one of who's LEAST bad.....
My dad alwasy daid he looked forward to the day he could vot for someone instead of against someone.
Didn;t happen in his life time and probably won;t in mine either.
Jim62":3hx8nk89 said:
Because they're politicians. Politicians are supposed to be terrible and corrupt, and everybody knows it.

It ain't likely to change. It's the new American way.

We can change it when "we, the sheeple" quit reelecting them to office. Sadly, it has become a situation, not of who's BEST for an office, but one of who's LEAST bad.....

Not only that, but the people that are supposed to investigate, indict, and try the politicians are usually politicians, too. Kind of like the fox guarding the hen house.
I'll just be glad when the whole mess is over with. I can't say I can ever remember it being so much name calling and low blows.
This is true. At least after the election they will crawl back into their holes and we won't have to watch these horrid ads. I will say I've found a good thing about the elections is the wonderful signs they stick up in front of your porperty. These things are wonderful if you need something to tape a target to when you need to sight in your rifle unless the candidate has an O in their name then you can use this as the bullseye.
I'm not opposed to a good political pitch but today all the ads are "gotcha" tapes where a candidate says something on video which sounds just terrible. My district features the social security scare ads. One candidate on tape says "SS is a Ponzi scheme" and heck, it IS a Ponzi scheme. But the guy gets skewered for saying that out loud. Neither party has any interest in tampering with the SS system or any of the systems which have grown up so it isn't a legitimate reason to change your vote.
Earmarks won't change. Defense won't change. Trade rules won't change. I doubt the healthcare or legal or financial systems will change very much.
I've come to the point where I vote on my narrow self interests as I see them.
My choices in the runoffs never seem to make it, so I will be voting for the ones I think will do the least damage. Of course one of them may end up in jail before it's over with. :roll:
ALACOWMAN":ot1c9wvg said:
we got some real mud slinging going on now in our senate race,, but our current senator is constantly getting the he$% kocked out him :cowboy:
AKA..Bobby Bright?
I like how they get a little tiny bit of truth and the run with it, twisting it at their leisure... The one's in the Tex guv race are particularly interesting.

Most of the time, it isn't the candidates that are making them. It's out of state political groups trying to push their own agendas. And with the new Supreme Court ruling that corporations can contribute to campaigns legally now, it's just gonna get worse.
Jogeephus":2c00uy44 said:
This is true. At least after the election they will crawl back into their holes and we won't have to watch these horrid ads. I will say I've found a good thing about the elections is the wonderful signs they stick up in front of your porperty. These things are wonderful if you need something to tape a target to when you need to sight in your rifle unless the candidate has an O in their name then you can use this as the bullseye.
Yes, they're excellent targets. I always collect a few after the election and use them for such. Usually I just pick out a letter and try to hit it.
One candidate for our State Senate has annoyed me greatly by placing his signs on state highway right of way.
A candidate who wants to make laws should obey the law against placing signs in the r-o-w.
john250":3ulw1x2e said:
One candidate for our State Senate has annoyed me greatly by placing his signs on state highway right of way. A candidate who wants to make laws should obey the law against placing signs in the r-o-w.
You wouldn't be happy here, john. Every candidate does that in this locality.. Or puts them on private property next to the ROW without permission.
Based on a large article I read in our paper it is illegal for us to take them down. Don't you just love it when they pass self-serving laws?