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JSCATTLE":3nbtzikw said:
The only reason race is still an issue is because people make it part of the equation . Mainly the blacks . You don't see white history month . You don't have a white beauty pageant . You don't have a magazine called "white" . White people use to have the kkk now blacks have the panthers . They are always the first to cry foul . It's not the white peOple anymore . White people don't have an equivalent of al sharpton Jessie Jackson etc... They stereo type them selves by how they act . Acting like a thug and roaming the streets at night and wearing ur britches around your ankles isn't part of your heritage . Kids don't walk the streets in a gated community . They drive BMW 's and Volvo 's . The government gave them 40 acres and a mule and welfare many years ago . We don't owe anyone anything . I'm tired of the you white people owe me mentality .

Well put. :nod:
Hey Jim you reckon the police was maybe doing a investigation, or had already figured out that selfdefense is not a crime.The blacks are way more racist than the white folk. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will make sure of that. Its how they make their living. Bill Crosby and Judge Joe Brown would be a lot better examples for the Black community.
Red Bull Breeder":vucfsbmw said:
Hey Jim you reckon the police was maybe doing a investigation, or had already figured out that selfdefense is not a crime.The blacks are way more racist than the white folk. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will make sure of that. Its how they make their living. Bill Crosby and Judge Joe Brown would be a lot better examples for the Black community.

Today there is no way they would have released him had they thought otherwise.
I don't know about Fla. but in Texas even if it is self defense it is going before the Grand Jury to make sure all the I's are dotted and t's crossed.
The racist blacks got to screaming, the media seen the opportunity and worked the crowd up into a frenzy with Jackson and Sharpton. Then to top it all off Fla dropped the evidence from going to the grand jury to go straight to a special prosecutor too satisfy a lynch mob. Why is no one screaming for Zimmerman's right to due process. If they had bypassed the grand jury on a black it would be the end of the world.
I totaly agree with the Space Cadet Cowboy, I don't owe anyone anything. Our own government has created this monster and the goof balls can't even figure out they are still slaves. They are slaves to the Democratic party the true irony to this is. This is the party of slavery, founded the KKK, came up with share croping to enslave poor whites and black's, the poll tax to keep poor whites and blacks from voting. The final cherry was LBJ's great society that enslaved them and destroyed the family unit. Even more irony to the fire Nancy Pelosi has made her fortune off of slave labor using illegal workers and she is leading the charge for their right's. ;-) They are leading the charge for their pocket book. Plantation Politic's is alive and well.
its easy for someone from a blue state,,with a black population less then some small southern towns.. how we should feel.....a jailer friend of mine says folks need to deal with em in jail
Caustic Burno":ses4xg5g said:
Today there is no way they would have released him had they thought otherwise.
I don't know about Fla. but in Texas even if it is self defense it is going before the Grand Jury to make sure all the I's are dotted and t's crossed.

CB, you gotta know that the State's prosecutor makes the decision whether a case gets forwarded to the GJ or not. The Grand Jury has been an abused system for years being screwed over by spineless prosecutors that wouldn't make a decision and throwing the monkey on the Grand Jury's back. I applaud the prosecutor for looking at the evidence and making a decision. Most would have bowed to JJ, Sharpton and their ilk.
The only prosecutor that has been appointed was one to replace the DA for the county who recused himself from the case for reasons not stated. After investigation it will then be sent to grand jury if justified.

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (AP) -- Florida's governor has appointed a new prosecutor to oversee the investigation into last month's shooting death of an unarmed black teenager.

Gov. Rick Scott late Thursday appointed Angela B. Corey to oversee the investigation into the death of Trayvon Martin.

She is the prosecutor for the Jacksonville area. Scott said this came after the local prosecutor for the central Florida county where the shooting happened, Norman Wolfinger, volunteered to recuse himself.

Martin's parents have complained that the 28-year-old shooter, George Zimmerman, has not been charged after he claimed self-defense.

Scott also appointed a task force led by Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll to hold hearings about the Feb. 26 shooting and make recommendations for changing state laws and procedures.

The death has sparked nationwide protests.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.
ALACOWMAN":1mzt6t3r said:
its easy for someone from a blue state,,with a black population less then some small southern towns.. how we should feel.....a jailer friend of mine says folks need to deal with em in jail
I know folks who work at the jail. They say the same thing.

This thing has been so blown up by the media, Al, and that other dude that they have whipped up a lynch mob type hysteria.
That bunch of youths that looted the Wal Greens store was nothing less than a mob out of control.
Just think what it would be if the store owner/manager had used a firearm to protect his property. :roll:
JSCATTLE":64q0ly1l said:
The only reason race is still an issue is because people make it part of the equation . Mainly the blacks . You don't see white history month . You don't have a white beauty pageant . You don't have a magazine called "white" . White people use to have the kkk now blacks have the panthers . They are always the first to cry foul . It's not the white peOple anymore . White people don't have an equivalent of al sharpton Jessie Jackson etc... They stereo type them selves by how they act . Acting like a thug and roaming the streets at night and wearing ur britches around your ankles isn't part of your heritage . Kids don't walk the streets in a gated community . They drive BMW 's and Volvo 's . The government gave them 40 acres and a mule and welfare many years ago . We don't owe anyone anything . I'm tired of the you white people owe me mentality .

I completely agree. Just look at the Henry Gates case where Obama criticized the police who responded to a call about a black man trying to jimmy the door open to his house. Gates and Obama both threw up the race card and accused the police of racial profiling. Had that been me, I would have cooperated with the police and not thrown racial slurs at them as Gates did. In the end we would have all had a laugh about my locking myself out of my own house but I guarantee you I would have thanked them for looking out for me and my home. Unfortunately it seems many blacks want equality but only when it suits their selfish needs. They want to be considered afro-american and not american. I'm scots irish and we picked our own cotton or that of someone else and never owned slaves so like you - I don't feel I owe them anything other than equal rights. But how can we treat them equal when they get extra points on tests, when they get preferential treatment in job interviews solely on their race? Is this not in itself discrimination? Is this not saying that they are somehow less capable for jobs if they must be given this "special treatment"? Just look at the government bidding contracts. If things were "equal" then the low bidder should get the job not the high bidder because of race. This is far from equality.

We are americans and americans are a conglomeration of various people and cultures. As americans we need to act like americans. If someone wants to set themself apart from the norm and dress like a gangsta he should expect to be treated as such. This, afterall, is what he wants and right or wrong it looks like this young man got what just what he was looking for. While I agree it is wrong to cast judgements on someone its understandable when you consider that only about 13% of the population is "afro american" yet when compared to an american they are 15 times more likely to murder someone and are 6 times more likely to sexually assault someone and nearly 40% of them do not work in spite of the fact we have lowered the bar for them. With the vicitims of nearly half of all homicides in this country involve "afro americans" with the primary agressor also being afro-american its no wonder why this unique instance made the news as it is a rarity. So I guess it was a safe assumption of the press to assume it was a "hate crime".

Whatever happened, I think the local courts are more than capable in sorting this thing out and justice will be served. However, I do think with his previous drug use, his school's disciplinary record he himself is largely to blame for what happened and based on statistics its a fair bet this country hasn't lost anything other than more mistrust in the media.
ALACOWMAN":15ldg4kf said:
its easy for someone from a blue state,,with a black population less then some small southern towns.. how we should feel.....a jailer friend of mine says folks need to deal with em in jail

Deal with the animals in town
Jogeephus":29o8on29 said:
JSCATTLE":29o8on29 said:
The only reason race is still an issue is because people make it part of the equation . Mainly the blacks . You don't see white history month . You don't have a white beauty pageant . You don't have a magazine called "white" . White people use to have the kkk now blacks have the panthers . They are always the first to cry foul . It's not the white peOple anymore . White people don't have an equivalent of al sharpton Jessie Jackson etc... They stereo type them selves by how they act . Acting like a thug and roaming the streets at night and wearing ur britches around your ankles isn't part of your heritage . Kids don't walk the streets in a gated community . They drive BMW 's and Volvo 's . The government gave them 40 acres and a mule and welfare many years ago . We don't owe anyone anything . I'm tired of the you white people owe me mentality .

I completely agree. Just look at the Henry Gates case where Obama criticized the police who responded to a call about a black man trying to jimmy the door open to his house. Gates and Obama both threw up the race card and accused the police of racial profiling. Had that been me, I would have cooperated with the police and not thrown racial slurs at them as Gates did. In the end we would have all had a laugh about my locking myself out of my own house but I guarantee you I would have thanked them for looking out for me and my home. Unfortunately it seems many blacks want equality but only when it suits their selfish needs. They want to be considered afro-american and not american. I'm scots irish and we picked our own cotton or that of someone else and never owned slaves so like you - I don't feel I owe them anything other than equal rights. But how can we treat them equal when they get extra points on tests, when they get preferential treatment in job interviews solely on their race? Is this not in itself discrimination? Is this not saying that they are somehow less capable for jobs if they must be given this "special treatment"? Just look at the government bidding contracts. If things were "equal" then the low bidder should get the job not the high bidder because of race. This is far from equality.

We are americans and americans are a conglomeration of various people and cultures. As americans we need to act like americans. If someone wants to set themself apart from the norm and dress like a gangsta he should expect to be treated as such. This, afterall, is what he wants and right or wrong it looks like this young man got what just what he was looking for. While I agree it is wrong to cast judgements on someone its understandable when you consider that only about 13% of the population is "afro american" yet when compared to an american they are 15 times more likely to murder someone and are 6 times more likely to sexually assault someone and nearly 40% of them do not work in spite of the fact we have lowered the bar for them. With the vicitims of nearly half of all homicides in this country involve "afro americans" with the primary agressor also being afro-american its no wonder why this unique instance made the news as it is a rarity. So I guess it was a safe assumption of the press to assume it was a "hate crime".

Whatever happened, I think the local courts are more than capable in sorting this thing out and justice will be served. However, I do think with his previous drug use, his school's disciplinary record he himself is largely to blame for what happened and based on statistics its a fair bet this country hasn't lost anything other than more mistrust in the media.

:tiphat: to both JS and Joe

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
wish i could take yall back in time,,, to my home town..... where they were standup people... i swear you could leave a dollar setting next to one... and there would be two when you checked on it
ALACOWMAN":a5krtpyv said:
wish i could take yall back in time,,, to my home town..... where they were standup people... i swear you could leave a dollar setting next to one... and there would be two when you checked on it
I know what you mean.
I grew up with some of the finest black people you could meet.
Welfare created an animal, and we continue to feed the beast.
Each generation is worse than the one before.
Won't work, drink beer, smoke dope, sit on the porch all day wander the street's all night.
There's black folks and their are ******s. And you don't have to be black to be a ******
A good friend died this week and he was black. RIP Bernard
Heard a guy in the know say about twenty years ago that the worst, sorriest group of people in the USA were inner-city fifteen year old girls. Absolutely the scum of the earth that would do anything. He also said that if you think they are bad, wait until their kids get fifteen.
I think we are there. Can't help but wonder about their kids?
Jogeephus":1tkhyl5x said:
JSCATTLE":1tkhyl5x said:
Unfortunately it seems many blacks want equality but only when it suits their selfish needs. They want to be considered afro-american and not american. I'm scots irish and we picked our own cotton or that of someone else and never owned slaves so like you - I don't feel I owe them anything other than equal rights.

We are americans and americans are a conglomeration of various people and cultures.

Cute talk yet we needed a "Black History Month" because those in charge of our History books don't understand that "Black History" is American History. So it appears "we" still feel the need to separate us instead of include all. :hide:
gimpyrancher":jrw6dbdk said:
Jogeephus":jrw6dbdk said:
JSCATTLE":jrw6dbdk said:
Unfortunately it seems many blacks want equality but only when it suits their selfish needs. They want to be considered afro-american and not american. I'm scots irish and we picked our own cotton or that of someone else and never owned slaves so like you - I don't feel I owe them anything other than equal rights.

We are americans and americans are a conglomeration of various people and cultures.

Cute talk yet we needed a "Black History Month" because those in charge of our History books don't understand that "Black History" is American History. So it appears "we" still feel the need to separate us instead of include all. :hide:
I don't know when you went to school but there are several blacks in the history books my son brings home . When you make it a special month for One race your separating . If we are gonna do that we need to have a history month for each race to make it fair . I grew up in the most racist town in Texas . Vidor . Just because we were from vidor we had rocks thrown at our busses on our way to football games . We had to be escorted into stadiums by police . I'm just tired of the poor me additude so many have . Grow up and stop complaining about something that happened 150 years ago . If anyone should be complaining its the Indians . Whites stole their land. And pretty much pulled a hitler on them . The blacks were sold by there own kin into slavery .