What are you eating today?

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Must be a big batch.:eek:
She makes up the dough and freezes it.
, that way she already has the biscuits made up and just has to cook them as needed. Plus I may try to drink some of it, see if I like it any better than the last time tried it.
Buttermilk is one of those things I have to try about ever ten years to remember exactly why I don't like it.
I know some that love it.
I have only been eating one big meal a day or two smaller meals a day for a few weeks now. Earlier I had a passel of eggs, gonna cook beef and beans and corn for the fam, probably only going to eat the beef and beans though, likely with eggs.
She makes up the dough and freezes it.
, that way she already has the biscuits made up and just has to cook them as needed. Plus I may try to drink some of it, see if I like it any better than the last time tried it.
Buttermilk is one of those things I have to try about ever ten years to remember exactly why I don't like it.
I know some that love it.
IMO, buttermilk is only good for baking.
Wife bought a half a gallon of buttermilk at the grocery yesterday to make biscuits .

My son was making biscuits one morning a few days after Christmas. When Jett, his 5-year-old, saw him using the biscuit cutter he got all excited and went and got the Christmas cookie cutters. So they had Christmas tree, bell, and star shaped biscuits for breakfast that morning.
My son just got back from the Philippines and brought me 4 different cans of corned beef. I made hash with one this morning. So good your tongue will slap your brains out!🤣
I ate 9 gondola carloads of corned beef in the military in 1970/71. Red Death! Have never eaten a single forkful since and hope never to again.
What a terrible waste of good brisket.
I found a Tupperware bowl in the fridge earlier. It had a hodgepodge of stew-like veggies and some chunks of beef or venison. It wasn't bad, but wasn't great either, until I fetched a sleeve from the pantry…….and I told her "because everything's better when it sits on a Ritz."

I was off a bit, but she still didn't believe me until she searched it and found this one.
