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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Seems to be alot of "lurkers" coming to the boards :D I was a jumper ;-)
I jumped! I LOVE cattle and could hang out all day just talking about them, or working with them, or watching them. Too bad I have to have a day job. Life would be great otherwise.
I'm a lurker. I use this board more as a learning tool right now. I don't have a whole lot to contribute so I stay out of it unless I can't find an answer anwhere else. I try to save the space for folks who are actually rasing cattle.
Thanks Farmhand! I know what you mean...on both counts!

You too..."Stranger"!.... :lol: I used to tell my kids (yup have some of those too) Eyes and ears open,...mouth shut... ;-)
I should have "lurked" but with BlackPower on the board--I couldn't keep my big mouth shut! Sure do enjoy all you chatter bugs and especially those that are free and honest with their experiences.
I lurked for about an hour, then decided I needed to comment on one of the posts. Ever since, I look at this board twice a day or more depending on if I have a thread going, or am watching a thread that pertains to me. I've learned lots and have heard lots of good and bad opinions. Overall, very entertaining and informational.
I "lurked" for a couple of months. Read a lot of the old threads getting to "know" every body and seeing who seemed to know/comment on things ----- Then I joined anyway.

Lots of good info / knowledge here on this site, more than any other site that I checked out. Macon does a good job of keeping things pretty much in line, a minium of name calling & sniping other than the good natured kind.

I do some question asking, and ALOT of reading here. Every now and then I'll pop in with an experience, but right now we're in the process of gaining those experiences, so its great to be able to learn from those who have "been there, done that"! Like you say, "Keep your eyes and ears open, and your mouth shut!"
I jumped right in also because I was just about to purchase my first cows and wanted as much information as I could absorb. This site has become far and away my favorite and the only one I check everyday as soon as I get to work and most weekends if I can get to the computer before the kids do! :lol:

Macon made it harder to be a lurker nowadays though! Up until a few months ago, you could post without becoming a member, and we were getting all kinds of nutso's in here just hitting and running!
I was in self imposed lurker exile for a month or so because I messed up my registration somehow. I was finaly able to reach Macon through the main web contact information.

I was content to just read. But sometimes you get caught up in the fun and you have to contribute something. For the real serious questions and commetns, I defer to those here who have a whole lot more experience than I do.

A couple of times I typed replies that I accidentally deleted. It was probably devine intervention. As the sayings goes, "Sometimes you just need to haul off and shut up." :)
I think I waited about a week before posting. I really enjoy the site and look at it everyday. I really love working with and learning about cattle and anything that relates to them. I try to answer a question when I know Im right otherwise I let someone else field it. Sometimes I think people are to vague with both questions and advice. I always remember that what works for one person might not work for another and that as someone here says all the time"you pay your money and you takes your chances" in the cattle business. Somethings can be changed and somethings cant and its good to know the difference. Have a good day
I lurked for about 9 months. Many times wanted to join in and comment, but didn't, was determined to "sit down and be quiet". During those months I learned alot about the people on this board, and learned alot of new things regarding the cattle business, both business and cattle-care. I learned that I knew more than I thought I did and I learned that I have a whole lot more to learn! I love the articles, I enjoy the "news-letter" and most of all enjoy these boards.

jumped right in when i found it. have always loved doing anything with cattle. was born dairying & got on buyout in 86. then started beef herd
Thank y'all for answering! Glad to meet you. This keeps me from having to go back and find out when y'all got started... :) I was suprised to see all the good information that is provided with these boards. I am learning alot, putting my two cents in every once in a while too.. ;-) I suppose I will have to go back through all the old stuff and see what I missed.

Me? Got a small operation, big dreams and no money.... :nod:
I"ve been reading the boards and articles for about 3 months now. In fact here on the ads was where I found my brangus bull.

I enjoy reading everyones opinions and help One can never learn too much and it doesn't matter how old you are, you learn something new everyday.
I have been reading everything including all the old stuff for about a year. This will be our third calving season and hopefully we will have a better idea of how to handle different problems as they arise. Even though we are heading toward a small herd (a total of 30 cows), it seems we still have a variety of things to deal with. This site is terrific and I thank each of you for the time you take to offer advice. Maybe, some day in the far future, I might be able to help someone else. I also really appreciate all the pictures. It makes things so much more clear!

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