My NI 5209 has been cutting some heavy wet lodged stuff. Gear box was too hot to hold yesterday. Estimate it was about 140 F. Swapped out the lube and it was 124 F today. Any tips? How hot is too hot?
Not sure on a gear box but for a bearing they say ambient temp plus 100 degrees is max. I would think 140 would be ok over 180 I would be getting concerned as a lot of seals and lubes start to break down above that. As long as your sure it has good lube in it and no bearing noise I would say run it. Hope your hay crop is good this year.
Cool spring and lots of moisture have produced good pasture, hay, and small grain crops here. Very hard to dry anything so cutting a little late and renting a bale wrapper at times. Disc bine is getting a work out.
Some corn will not finish here. Silage is a hard sell since so may small diaries have closed...
Glad you got plenty of grass to cut. That baleage option is a game changer when weather won't cooperate. I leave coming up on Thursday and will be there til almost end of month. If you get in a bind and need an extra tractor operator let me know I will be right around the corner in a house full of in-laws. SAVE ME!
After a few hours of cutting my discbine cutterbar gets to 170-180 routinely. In 100 degree heat mowing heavy hay at 12mph I've seen temps up to 220 or so. I run good synthetic 75w140 and change it yearly and dont worry one bit.