We are at a loss, we are raising Holstein bull calves ( That we get from a dairy farmer) and we are loosing some with these symtoms:
Scours first, then a a cough and congestion, usually mild or no fever , they appear alright one minute , eating and drinking and then a couple hours later, they are dead... We have observed some and it looks like they cannot breath..( They do appear slightly depressed)
We have had the vet out here every day, and we have tested some for Colostrum levels and they are consistantly failing, he is saying there is nothing we can do if they do not have it...
Aside from that we are treating them with Nuflor, etc. Banimine , oxygen treatments and I.V. , etc. They get 24 hour care here .. someone is always with them..
What does this sound like? We had an autopsy done , but the results are not back in..
Thanking you in advance.. kat
[email protected]
We are at a loss, we are raising Holstein bull calves ( That we get from a dairy farmer) and we are loosing some with these symtoms:
Scours first, then a a cough and congestion, usually mild or no fever , they appear alright one minute , eating and drinking and then a couple hours later, they are dead... We have observed some and it looks like they cannot breath..( They do appear slightly depressed)
We have had the vet out here every day, and we have tested some for Colostrum levels and they are consistantly failing, he is saying there is nothing we can do if they do not have it...
Aside from that we are treating them with Nuflor, etc. Banimine , oxygen treatments and I.V. , etc. They get 24 hour care here .. someone is always with them..
What does this sound like? We had an autopsy done , but the results are not back in..
Thanking you in advance.. kat
[email protected]