TLC or .22 Caliber

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sidney411":3cj4b9b1 said:
How soon after giving the antibiotics would an animal go into anaphilatic shock? How would you know that it was anaphalatic shock?

Sidney, I can actually answer this one......relatively quickly, maybe 10 minutes or so? Had a heifer do this last year after vaccinating her, and its very noticable. Shaking their head, staggering, circling backwards, fallingdown, then breathing difficulties as the allergic reaction, if severe enough, can cut off their air. Its the reason I now turn them back into the pen after vaccinating or hitting them with antibiotics, just so I can watch them for a half hour or so afterwards. Much easier to get them back into the chute for a dose of epinephrine if they're already penned.

DOC HARRIS":3cj4b9b1 said:
I killed a very expensive animal one time many years ago and they almost had to bury ME!

I almost did the same thing years ago by getting the antibiotic close but not in the vein. Horse fell off the needle and I thought for sure she was a gonner. I had even aspirated the syringe and had no blood, so I went ahead and injected her. Seems that there is a preservative in the penicillan that will cause them to do this if the vein is hit or in this case gotten very close to?
Cattle Rack Rancher":2pohbu6b said:
The term you are referring to is "Anaphaylaxis"

Actually, I think it is spelled anaphylaxis. ;-)
Cattle Rack - You are absolutely right! Sometimes my fnigres don't go wehr my brane tels thm to go! My old Inglush teecher wood stadn me in the kornre!
Cattle Rack Rancher":16e9tcf3 said:
Well, I hope it works but the next challenge if he gets up will be trying to graft him back onto the cow. I know there are some who will say that I should have been milking her to feed the calf but I tried throwing a rope on her and she wasn't exactly amenable to the idea. She kind of lost interest in him when he wouldn't get up so I threw her back out with the rest of the cows.

For what it is worth CRR I would have done the same thing. As a matter of fact I have many times. I guess I'm just an ole softie. As long as I think they have any chance I will give it to them. When I know there is no chance like one was born without a bu_ _ hole, it had to be put down. First I had ever seen this way and it wasn't one of mine.
3 weeks ago one our cows had a bull calf. I wasnt able to get to him right away, he was one day old when I was able to go up to him and noticed his eyes were sucken. I rushed him to the vet and he was started on a strong regime of antibotics. He didnt have the strength to stand up and his head always pointed sideways down. Vet thought at first it was an ear infection along with the fever and talked me into feeding him myself for a week. He did get his colostrum feed and was getting stronger because I was feeding him, however, he could never stand under mum for a feed. He just couldnt hold his head up. When he was a week old the vet found his eyes were now cloudy and fully blind, and the reason he was unable to hold his head up was due to apparent brain damage caused at birth as he no longer had any infections. Vet put him down for free. Oh yes the mum started to kick him away after a couple of days, I think she knew more than we did. If your calf cant lift its head up you might have a problem...good luck.

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