This really gets me going.

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Earl Thigpen

Well-known member
May 10, 2006
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South Texas
This morning while getting ready for my day job there was a broadcast about a young Muslim woman who was not allowed to play in a socker game because she was wearing a traditional Muslim head scarf. Anyone see this?

Folks, I am an American. My shorts are Red, White and Blue. I support everything America stands for including the right to kick everyone in the balls with the kind of display this young person chose to do. At best this was a poor choice on her part. At worst, her Mother (I guess it was her Mother) showed very poor parenting skills by allowing her to wear the scarf and supporting and encouraging her to make that kind of display.

If I am racist then so be it. I believe that there is no Muslim. moderate or radical, who is innocent of the attrocities commited on 9-11. If so called moderate Muslims would take a stand denouncing what's going on over there in the "stans", Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc., the world would, within a few weeks, be at peace.

For this young person and her Mother (who, by the way, was obviously well off and wore traditional western dress) to say they didn't see a problem with wearing the head scarf they obviously are more radical than moderate. Oh, yea. The girl wore shorts. Isn't that against Muslim beliefs? So if wearing shorts is OK then why the head scarf. Does the Koran say it's OK to wear shorts as long as you wear the head scarf?

So to the young woman and her Mother I say "Go home. Don't be flaunting your Muslimism and expecting everyone to be sympathetic to your beliefs when you pull stunts like this. You obviously are enjoying this lifestyle and are making a very good living. Why don't you support us rather than thumbing your nose at us".

I don't expect this post to be up for long. Too politically incorrect. But maybe it's time to be a little politically incorrect.
I agree with you 100%. Seems almost everybody is "testing" to see just how far they can go, and what they can get by with. Most of this crap I can just let slide, until they get to the "flaunting" part.

Of course, it seems most people nowadays are busily looking for someone to sue, trying to get rich the American way.
You know what really gets under my skin? What I have to press "1" for ENGLISH! Hello! last time I checked english is the official language of the USA. If we moved to any other country I doubt they would be so hospitable to American culture.
Earl Thigpen":2ipaomt8 said:
This morning while getting ready for my day job there was a broadcast about a young Muslim woman who was not allowed to play in a socker game because she was wearing a traditional Muslim head scarf. Anyone see this?

Folks, I am an American. My shorts are Red, White and Blue. I support everything America stands for including the right to kick everyone in the balls with the kind of display this young person chose to do. At best this was a poor choice on her part. At worst, her Mother (I guess it was her Mother) showed very poor parenting skills by allowing her to wear the scarf and supporting and encouraging her to make that kind of display.

If I am racist then so be it. I believe that there is no Muslim. moderate or radical, who is innocent of the attrocities commited on 9-11. If so called moderate Muslims would take a stand denouncing what's going on over there in the "stans", Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc., the world would, within a few weeks, be at peace.

For this young person and her Mother (who, by the way, was obviously well off and wore traditional western dress) to say they didn't see a problem with wearing the head scarf they obviously are more radical than moderate. Oh, yea. The girl wore shorts. Isn't that against Muslim beliefs? So if wearing shorts is OK then why the head scarf. Does the Koran say it's OK to wear shorts as long as you wear the head scarf?

So to the young woman and her Mother I say "Go home. Don't be flaunting your Muslimism and expecting everyone to be sympathetic to your beliefs when you pull stunts like this. You obviously are enjoying this lifestyle and are making a very good living. Why don't you support us rather than thumbing your nose at us".

I don't expect this post to be up for long. Too politically incorrect. But maybe it's time to be a little politically incorrect.

Yeah, posts like thise one get me going, too. You rant and rave about being a good American, yet you will refuse to let someone wear a headscarf in public JUST BECAUSE SHE'S A MUSLIM. How about a Star of David? Is it OK if someone wears one of those in public? Or a St Christopher medal? Is it OK if I wear one of those to your ballgame? Americans have died for this young woman's right to worship as she pleases. If some Jews can wear a beard, why can't this CHILD wear a head scarf? It's religious discrimination clear and simple and I hope they sue.
Earl Thigpen":xujfcvvy said:
This morning while getting ready for my day job there was a broadcast about a young Muslim woman who was not allowed to play in a socker game because she was wearing a traditional Muslim head scarf. Anyone see this?

Folks, I am an American. My shorts are Red, White and Blue. I support everything America stands for including the right to kick everyone in the balls with the kind of display this young person chose to do. At best this was a poor choice on her part. At worst, her Mother (I guess it was her Mother) showed very poor parenting skills by allowing her to wear the scarf and supporting and encouraging her to make that kind of display.

If I am racist then so be it. I believe that there is no Muslim. moderate or radical, who is innocent of the attrocities commited on 9-11. If so called moderate Muslims would take a stand denouncing what's going on over there in the "stans", Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc., the world would, within a few weeks, be at peace.

For this young person and her Mother (who, by the way, was obviously well off and wore traditional western dress) to say they didn't see a problem with wearing the head scarf they obviously are more radical than moderate. Oh, yea. The girl wore shorts. Isn't that against Muslim beliefs? So if wearing shorts is OK then why the head scarf. Does the Koran say it's OK to wear shorts as long as you wear the head scarf?

So to the young woman and her Mother I say "Go home. Don't be flaunting your Muslimism and expecting everyone to be sympathetic to your beliefs when you pull stunts like this. You obviously are enjoying this lifestyle and are making a very good living. Why don't you support us rather than thumbing your nose at us".

I don't expect this post to be up for long. Too politically incorrect. But maybe it's time to be a little politically incorrect.
thank you !!! Earl ,you sur hit the nail on the head..
Frankie I think the point was that she wanted to wear it while playing football (Soccer). I can see where they were coming from if this was the case. As surely it would be dangerous for her and the other players, it would be restricting for her vision for following the ball, and if it got caught while she was in a tackle could strangle her, or flap into the other players eye. I go along with you that you can wear or pray to whom ever you like, but keep it to yourself, dont bitch to others about it when it goes against the rules of a club or something of the like. Rules are there to follow, if you wore a St Christopher, a Star of David or a Crucifix Cross, you would have to remove it to play a game of Soccer, wouldn't you. Samething in my book, remove the head scarf.
I"ll agree with you Earl , what will we have next, wearing scarves and playing football or a bull rider wearing a scarf if you have a set uniform it should not be altered
cowboy44":1kqow8gi said:
I"ll agree with you Earl , what will we have next, wearing scarves and playing football or a bull rider wearing a scarf if you have a set uniform it should not be altered

I think it's wrong for bull riders to wear flak jackets and helmets with face guards.
Frankie":1fi4e4tb said:
Yeah, posts like thise one get me going, too. You rant and rave about being a good American, yet you will refuse to let someone wear a headscarf in public JUST BECAUSE SHE'S A MUSLIM.

she did not want to wear it just in public. she wanted to wear in the soccer game, while playing. she wanted the uniform rules to be altered just for her. There is a difference there, and that is what the post is about. It is not about wearing something in public. the girl, or atleast the parents, knew about the uniform when she was signed up, and she should have to adhere to it.
Ryan":vb3gn62g said:
Frankie":vb3gn62g said:
Yeah, posts like thise one get me going, too. You rant and rave about being a good American, yet you will refuse to let someone wear a headscarf in public JUST BECAUSE SHE'S A MUSLIM.

she did not want to wear it just in public. she wanted to wear in the soccer game, while playing. she wanted the uniform rules to be altered just for her. There is a difference there, and that is what the post is about. It is not about wearing something in public. the girl, or atleast the parents, knew about the uniform when she was signed up, and she should have to adhere to it.

Read the news story
Earl Thigpen":3unhehtu said:
I believe that there is no Muslim. moderate or radical, who is innocent of the attrocities commited on 9-11. If so called moderate Muslims would take a stand denouncing what's going on over there in the "stans", Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc., the world would, within a few weeks, be at peace.

Like the good christians of the world did during the holocaust?
Here's a story from a Canadian article from last Februaray dealing with the same thing in Quebec, except the ref that kicked the girl out was Muslim. ... hijab.html

I can see it being a danger to the girl. My understanding is that even necklaces need to be removed when playing. Nothing around the neck as it is a choking hazard. I don't think this has anything to do with religious freedom, it has to do with safety. Any Christian girl there with a cross necklace should leave it in the locker room too.
Here's another one for ya'...

Yesterday was Muslim Family Day at Six Flags Over Texas.

When Van heard a snippet of it during the Cowboy game, he got incensed. He told me it had been announced that it was Muslim Appreciation Day at Six Flags, and he decided, that this was a Six Flags sponsored event.

I thought, nah, couldn't I googled it. And, just as I thought, it had nothing to do with Six Flags sponsoring or expressing appreciation to Muslims. It was simply a large Texas group of a Muslim affiliated religion going to Six different than say a large group of families from a Christian synod meeting at Six Flags for the day.

Now, here's the kicker...a group of protesters from Florida showed up to protest Muslim Family Day at Six Flags Over Texas...AND, the name of their group is American's Against Hate! Puhleeeeeze!

This is how hate continually is perpetuated...people with agendas putting out false information...or picking snippets of information out of something and then putting their hateful spin on it.

Hmmmmmmmmm............... Let's see. I remember readin this somewhere before. Someone said" A house what be divided against itself won't long be standin".Who was that now???? Oh yeah!, ole Abe Lincoln. Well he had it right, and we be about ta see what happens cause we be dividin fast. It's been they plan all along don'tcha know???? And we just keep playin along without seein. Shame be upon us. :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:
OK, all you bleeding heart liberals. I just read the article in the link posted here. So, tell me. What was the reason for wearing the scarf? It didn't say why she was wearing the scarf or if it did I must have missed it. It sure as heII didn't have anything to do with her religeous beliefs, did it? So if not for religous reasons Frankie, why was she wearing the scarf????

So Frankie, what do you think about the thousands of folks killed on 9-11. Think they ever did anything to the Muslims? Or the Catholics. Or the Jews? Did the folks in the World Trade Center's deserve to die? Or the folks in the planes? Is there anything you can think of that would justify killing all those innocent folks? If so, tell it to the survivors and see how they feel about it. You do remember 9-11 don't you?

Alice, I'm sorry you missed the point. I thought you were smarter than that. I said I am an American and believe in all that being an American stood for - including religeous freedom. But what this young woman and her Mother did had NOTHING to do with religeon. This was blatant mockery of American ideals and beliefs, all the while enjoying the freedom this country provides them. That's why I'm pi$$ed.

And Rookie, we've already lost this one. We lost the minute the first plane hit the tower. And if you don't believe it try getting on a plane without a body cavity search or something similar to it. I don't know if they "planned" it like that 'cause I don't think they're smart enough to figure that out but we have lost.
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