The Critics

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I've tried so hard to not get into this, but either she has a dippy topline or it
s the unn-naatural pose with her held held high. If she had her head at a normal angle maybe it wouldn;t accentuate that sway back. But I'm hyper critical of toplines, or so I've been told. Haven;t I Jeanne?

Guest 25, thank you for putting your money where your mouth is, that is to be commended.

I know you never asked for my opinion, but here it goes anyway. Although its clear to see that you have high quality cattle, I see a few less than ideal toplines there too and a bull which is a bit posty in the hindlegs.

My point in pointing this out.....although they are not perfect they have a role to play in your program. I think the same goes for 6M's heifer.

I agree that the topline on the heifer isn't perfect, but she sure have alot of other qualities that I don't often see in angus heifers posted on this board. Even with her SLIGHT imperfection she is still a top heifer. ( she could also be heavy in calf and that would add to that too)
nortexsook":k8n1lzdt said:
Just as an example scroll down to the bottom of this page for an example:

"pencil gutted"???? What are you talking about??? I am not a Simmental fan; BUT too trash those heifers on capacity or depth of rib is insane. This is pencil gutted... ... sarben.jpg

or this ... ide111.jpg

(we use Dr Ritchie's site because he has a pic of almost every animal under the sun). The Radiant heifer is the only one that trends that way; but she is ONLY 9 months of age. Give her 3 or 4 more months and she should look fine. Snickers and Reward already have the beginnings of that "barrel shape" you like to see in a cow and they are only 5 and 9 months old.
dun":3b6p83g2 said:
I've tried so hard to not get into this, but either she has a dippy topline or it
s the unn-naatural pose with her held held high. If she had her head at a normal angle maybe it wouldn;t accentuate that sway back. But I'm hyper critical of toplines, or so I've been told. Haven;t I Jeanne?


I didn't want too get into this either; and I disagreed with you about that other animal but FROM THAT PICTURE ALONE you have got too call that heifer 'swaybacked'. I can't believe that she won a ribbon with that topline like that. I THINK that is just a bad front leg set leading to the worst pic that heifer has ever had, or the judge missed that class.
As far as the earlier picture, all I can say is that it must be the way she is standing. She is definitely long bodied and level topped. I won't comment on the pictures in the link, as I'm not familiar with that breed. I'm not sure how they compare to that breed as a whole. We raise Angus and club calves. The showring is dominated by Angus, Maine and Simmental crosses, and those cattle in the pictures would not compete. But that has nothing to do with how they work. We pick cattle for the phenotype ideal, then they have to have the EPD's we look for, because eventually they'll enter the herd. This is another one of our donor cows, she was never shown.

I agree ther is a lot of BS where people are just hurtful. To say all the stuff that is wrong is fine but say why it is wrong. Remember just because it doesn't fit in your herd doesn't mean it isn't perfect for someone elses cows. I have been told bull A is too framey, not if your trying to get more frame in your replacements or bull B is too low on milk, what if your trying to decrease maint. in your herd?????
dun":3b2k79u1 said:
I've tried so hard to not get into this, but either she has a dippy topline or it
s the unn-naatural pose with her held held high. If she had her head at a normal angle maybe it wouldn;t accentuate that sway back. But I'm hyper critical of toplines, or so I've been told. Haven;t I Jeanne?

From my perspective , the heifer has her head cranked up, is heavy bred, has her back feet too close together which is jacking her tailhead up, has her rear quarter closer to the camera than the front quarter and naturally runs down hill some from tailhead to shoulder. She's also a little barn shaped in the rump with her tailhead being higher than her pin bones and her pelvis tilts up or is at least level. If I've got it right, she's still a real good female in anyones heard. She's broody and if she has a good udder, She'd be better than 90% of the purebred cattle IMO. She's not that sway backed unless you are looking from her ears to tailhead. She just runs down hill.
ollie'":2g4ngj20 said:
From my perspective , the heifer has her head cranked up, is heavy bred, has her back feet too close together which is jacking her tailhead up, has her rear quarter closer to the camera than the front quarter and naturally runs down hill some from tailhead to shoulder. She's also a little barn shaped in the rump with her tailhead being higher than her pin bones and her pelvis tilts up or is at least level. If I've got it right, she's still a real good female in anyones heard. She's broody and if she has a good udder, She'd be better than 90% of the purebred cattle IMO. She's not that sway backed unless you are looking from her ears to tailhead. She just runs down hill.

Very good breakdown and description of what you are seeing in the photo. A picture can make a great animal look bad and a bad animal look great.

I'd like to see a picture of her in the pasture standing natural.
Jeanne - Simme Valley":1rmxlbwb said:
guest25 wrote:
underline is curved or bowed
That's what a breeder of cattle would call VOLUME. Get real. That's what makes a cow a good cow - volume.
I'm not going to argue with you. Just don't want newbies to think there's something wrong with her fullness.
6M - you still didn't post what breed she is. I don't recognize the people in the pic. She could easily be Angus or Simmental - or Maine, or ---

I posted a few pix of some yearling heifers and someone called them pot-bellied also. I told them that the cattlemen I knew called it "volume" also. That was what I always heard too. As long as she is long and deep, I'll take "pot-bellied".
AngusLimoX":29mvz6tp said:
When people post pics in here and say rip it up it reminds me of movie scenes where the guy say's" punch me, go ahead punch me". So the other guy labels him and the guy goes "why did you punch me so hard"! :lol:

When it comes to confirmation I rarely comment because I am not qualified to, and if I do I normally qualify the comments.

Gotta remember these are photo's too, sometimes in real life cattle can turn a certain way and you don't recognize them.
A lot of us got fooled by a bull pic in here a few weeks ago, wish I had saved that thread.

About a year ago I posted pics of my new bull. It was a bad angle. Doc Harris picked him apart pretty good. I posted new pics from a better angle and Doc made it a point to post his retraction and give the bull some praise. Doc is a classy fellow not many people will do that.
HOSS":vqt4hgq9 said:
AngusLimoX":vqt4hgq9 said:
When people post pics in here and say rip it up it reminds me of movie scenes where the guy say's" punch me, go ahead punch me". So the other guy labels him and the guy goes "why did you punch me so hard"! :lol:

When it comes to confirmation I rarely comment because I am not qualified to, and if I do I normally qualify the comments.

Gotta remember these are photo's too, sometimes in real life cattle can turn a certain way and you don't recognize them.
A lot of us got fooled by a bull pic in here a few weeks ago, wish I had saved that thread.

About a year ago I posted pics of my new bull. It was a bad angle. Doc Harris picked him apart pretty good. I posted new pics from a better angle and Doc made it a point to post his retraction and give the bull some praise. Doc is a classy fellow not many people will do that.

I've always thought Doc Harris rocked! That guy can back up what he says...and he's got the integrity to say so when he thinks he may have erred, no matter the matter the circumstance. Luv ya', Doc Harris! Mrs. Doc Harris, also...

Thanks for the compliment, Nebraska and others. The only point I was trying to make is don't judge cattle by pictures, and take the opinions on here for what they're worth. I'd take some current pics, but they're off being flushed.
nortexsook":wm2amejg said:
Just as an example scroll down to the bottom of this page for an example:
Thank you for sending people to my web site :p
Here's an updated picture of that 9 month old Macho heifer, Reward:

Not fancy in all her frozen mud & snow, but you get the picture.
Eeeks, just looked at preview & pic is too tiny - how do I get it bigger? I uploaded pic to Photo Gallery from Kodak Easy Share. New digital - still learning.
Wow: The clueless are coming forward on this thread.

6M: Beautiful heifer. She is pretty ok, I would take her off your hands.

Jeanne: Nice heifers. Some people have no idea how heifers develope do they. Those are going to be high volumed cows and you should be proud of them.
I think that the first winter for spring born calves is probably the hardest time the really fairly judge a heifer. If she was good enough at weaning, when she gets on something besides marginal winter feed they should be ok.
Of the 2 heifers we retained this year, one really still looks good if you can overlook the wooley mammoth hair. The other one at weaning looked just like her mother and her full sister. Her mother is a great cow, her sister although only getting ready to calve for the second time has proven to be a powerfull cow, the coming yearling looks like crap right now. She's not horrible, but if I didn;t know her background I sure wouldn;t want her around.
