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VanC":2fuh6vw2 said:
Saw this thread last night and decided not to comment. Been doing a lot of that lately. It sure as heck doesn't mean I agree or disagree with anything. That's absurd. Sometimes I don't find something interesting enough to comment on, sometimes I just don't feel like commenting, and I sure as heck don't feel the need to build myself up by tearing others down like some of you do.
If nobody ever says anything doesn't the man go on thinking he has nice cattle. I applaud people that have the intestinal fortitude to say something. No I don't think everybody should get on the bandwagon telling the man what has already been said.

As for the steer, I'm with pdfangus, Northern Rancher and Alan on this one. If Poundsy thinks it's a nice steer, that's good enough for me. All he did was post some pictures of his animals, which he seems to be proud of, and which seem to be making him some money. Nothing wrong with that. He wasn't asking what the self appointed "phenotype experts" think about it, and he sure as heck didn't claim it as some sort of standard that people new to the cattle business should strive for. He may not have a bunch of highly sought after bulls for sale and fancy schmancy donor cows but he's proud of what he's got. Anyone that can't see that is the one with the problem, not him.

Poundsy's post should have created a bond between him and others that raise cattle. Instead, some of you chose to keep him at arms length because, after all, his cattle aren't as good as your cattle, are they? :roll: Shame on you.

If someone asks for advice, by all means give it as best you can. If not, would it kill some of you to just keep your mouths shut? On the other hand, if your one of those that thinks everything just HAS to be a teaching moment, and you just HAVE to bless us with some of your infinite wisdom, try doing it with a little kindness. Most people will be more receptive if they feel someone is truly trying to help than they would if they feel they are being looked down upon. And don't give me any of that "you need to have thick skin" crap. That's no excuse for the way some of you treat others. Some of you really need to get over yourselvs.
So how is your post and others all that different than the criticism your are criticising?
I learned a long time ago that you cannot fault a person for not knowing what they do not know. However, once they know the difference then they have the knowledge to do differently and benefit accordingly. By knowing, everyone benefits and prospers.
I will not defend Knersie's comments and he did not say what he did not like in that steer; BUT that profile shot makes him look awfully soft in the pasterns to me. I know that things look wrong in pictures that are not wrong in the real world (and vice versa) but he looks downright weak there. It may never be a problem; but when he is 1200++ pounds in the feedlot will he wind up lame and go off feed???? If he were a 3 year old bull tracking 50 cows in a 300 acre field would he be able to keep up??? I am not real critical of anything from the legs up but down below I don't like what I think I see.
Why don't you all just remember that there are different uses for the word NICE??

Poundsy says his steer is NICE. It's his DAMN steer and if he thinks it's NICE, it's NICE!

He could have been talking about it's disposition, he could have been talking about how quiet it is, he could have been talking about how POLITE it is and how it lets other steers and heifers to the feed trough first! He could have been talking about how NICE it is to stand there and let him take it's picture!

He could very well have been talking about how much he appreciates how NICE it is to handle and never gives him a moment of trouble!

I've been reading this thread and getting angry with some of the responses. I agree with VanC, Northern Rancher, PDF and the others that didn't try to tear him down. :clap: :clap:

He didn't post the steer for judgement. He posted his pictures because he's proud of what he has, proud of what he's worked for, and proud of what he's doing. He's not breeding the dang thing! He said he sells a few for the freezer and his customers are happy, he eats them, and HE'S happy. Why are some of you so quick to rain on his parade?

Frankly Poundsy, you DO have a NICE steer. He's doing well with you, and you're doing quite NICELY with him. Enjoy your animals, enjoy the bit of money they bring in, enjoy your beef!

You're doing a NICE job and you posted some NICE pictures. Now all the naysayers can BE NICE and just enjoy the scenery! God forbid we have to be nervous about posting pictures on here. Good Lord anyway folks!!!! Do you all forget that we're supposed to enjoy what we do?
I think the urge to expound in some individuals surpasses the urge to procreate lol. The poor guy took a picture of a pet group of steers coming for grain for crying out loud-the steer is weak in the pasterns I agree- big deal where he's headed it won't matter much. Heck there's bulls in A'I studs that aren't much better the truth be known.
I understand the need for some manners. However, the breeds section is where serious analysis of animal structure happens. Good chance of that continuing regardless of who posts here.

I'd compare this to a guy in a rusty Toyota pulling into a racetrack and revving his engine and wondering why some drivers there might laugh at him.

Perhaps these kind of threads would do better in the beginners section, or maybe there needs to be a pet cow section.
Man this thread went alot farther than what I thought!!! To clarify how I got the pasture(45 acres total) is it was my grandfathers and he retired. The corn I get for free because I work next to a government grain grading inspection and they give me the samples after they are done grading them for buyers(20-30 bushels a week). I took no offense to anyones comments, not everyone strives to raise the "golden" herd. These calves are not out of my "stock". As I commented earlier I have yet to drop a calf , I just bred my first 4 hiefers this Jan. I purchase the feeders from a local farmer straight off the farm. I do this to have a hobby that can be self supportive and even make a little money, not to try and rewrite the history of the cattle industry. I work a full time job and my family farms a little over 1,000 acres, so this hobby is a good way to keep connected to the family farm also. I gurantee one thing, not one buyer has ever asked to see the pedigree of steer while loading those grocery bags full of meat into thier trunk.
I often wonder where the less than perfect animals are to be deposited :???: Do all of the breeders with such high standards just kill the imperfect ones and bury them out back?
My last comment on this thread...

I think most are missing the point I tried to make. Poundsy said it is a nice steer, going by conventional wisdom I disagreed, the steer has poor beef conformation, meaning he is using feed, but has limited potential to put on red meat, in other words the same feed could have been put to better use by feeding a higher potential animal.

If he didn't say it was a "nice steer", I would have commented at all, like I didn't on the other animals in the photos. Maybe his meaning of the word is different than mine when used to comment on steers. Maybe he doesn't know what a "nice" steer should look like (again going by conventional wisdom), I think this is probably the case. If he stated it was just his hobby and he sees the cattle as his pets, I also wouldn't have commented.

For the rest, most know me long enough to know I don't have evil intent even if I come over as a bit abrupt.

For the record, to maximise profit, you need to optimise the rest, even if its just a steer, that doesn't mean he needs to be perfect, there is a reason that he is a steer in the first place, his weak pasterns most likely would not be a problem in his short life. His poor beef conformation will never change, though.

The great northern rancher seems to get his kicks by following me around trying to make it sound as if no one else in the world is depending on cattle to make his money and continually question the integrity of my posts, yet he is the one always going on about cattle that need to be able to walk on the range while he posted one of the worst footed cows I've seen posted in a long time, not to mention the poor shoulder structure on the bull he so openly promotes at every opportunity. I may be an ocean away, but I'll never put my name on promoting a bull for AI with structural faults. I have more integrity than that, even if I may have hurt the feelings of a few softies.
IMO each of us need to be open minded and receptive to criticism. We never get to old to learn and we will never know it all. I did not see any of the negative inputs that were for anything but making the original poster more informed or aware of what he is producing in order that he could become a more experienced producer. Being more informed will make him more money and elevate his status as a source for his product.

We have become a continent where all the students get promoted regardless of grades and all the participants in any undertaking get a trophy whether they win or loose.
I want to clarify something and then I'll be done with this thread, too. It's already gotten too far out of hand, partly because of me. First of all, my rant the other night wasn't meant to be directed at any one person. If it had been, I would have addressed that person directly. In fact, this particular thread was pretty mild compared to some, and my comments actually had little to do with what has been said in this thread. No, my little tirade was more of a reaction to the way some who've been in the business for years seem to have little use for those that haven't. Advice is one thing, advice paired with ridicule is another.

Don't believe for a minute that I think I'm perfect in this regard. I've done the same thing, both on this forum and in other situations, and I'm ashamed of it. Maybe that's the real reason I reacted the way I did.

I'm sure some of you think I should have taken my own advice and kept my mouth shut. That's fine. Others may think I said something that needs to be said. That's fine, too. In the grand scheme of things, it won't make much difference either way. It's just something that's been bothering me for quite some time and it boiled over as I read this thread the other night.
Wow, this is the first time I've read this thread and what a wealth of information here. The steaks look great and have made me hungry, and the other info has made me want to try and figure out what the steers ass end looked like next time I see a ribeye.

Just a suggestion Poundsy, next time take a picture with them standing in waist high grass, like the Copyright bull picture.
Aww Knersie you think I'm great here I thought was just fair to middlin' lol. Did I say that cow had good feet-N0-in fact I pointed it out. As far as Lad's shoulder structure-I have no idea what your talking about. Ohh by the way one of my kids has a buck tooth want to take a run at them while your at it. As a matter a fact I do kinda know what cattle ake money it's what we make our living at. You keep on answering questions nobody asks-it's entertaining and hunerous-That's my last comment on the subject.
No where in the post did I see a request for an opinion or a visual assessment of the quality of the cattle pictured in the post. If an owner of stock requests an opinion from someone then they need to be prepared for the following opinion.

Giving a negative assessment or opinion of someones stock when none is asked is rude.

Dylan Biggs
Dylan Biggs":1n8ibc34 said:
No where in the post did I see a request for an opinion or a visual assessment of the quality of the cattle pictured in the post. If an owner of stock requests an opinion from someone then they need to be prepared for the following opinion.

Giving a negative assessment or opinion of someones stock when none is asked is rude.

Dylan Biggs
letting someone think their animal is nice when it aint, is worse.... they can get over rude... after a few informative post giving folks a clue to what he's doing really helped :cowboy:
I think we have a real case of the "pot calling the kettle black" here. We have folks who have never been known to bite their tongue being critical of a poster for stating his opinion.

In my opinion when you post a picture up you should be prepared for both positive and negative feedback.

I know I have been sharp with folks so everytime I post a picture, I am sure enough ready for the barbs should they come.

As a side issue some people are too wrapped up with their cattle. If someone doesn't care for your cattle it is not like they are calling you (as a person) ugly or stupid or whatever.

I take pride in my stock and try to raise the best I can with the overriding concept always being to make money. But I sure don't wrap my personal self worth in them.
Dylan Biggs":17129sti said:
No where in the post did I see a request for an opinion or a visual assessment of the quality of the cattle pictured in the post. If an owner of stock requests an opinion from someone then they need to be prepared for the following opinion.

Giving a negative assessment or opinion of someones stock when none is asked is rude.

Dylan Biggs
Got to agree with you. I took it the man just made a casual comment about the animal. He was not asking for a critique or an education.
A moutain has been made out of a molehill over nothing.
alacattleman":nt1l496d said:
Dylan Biggs":nt1l496d said:
No where in the post did I see a request for an opinion or a visual assessment of the quality of the cattle pictured in the post. If an owner of stock requests an opinion from someone then they need to be prepared for the following opinion.

Giving a negative assessment or opinion of someones stock when none is asked is rude.

Dylan Biggs
letting someone think their animal is nice when it aint, is worse.... they can get over rude... after a few informative post giving folks a clue to what he's doing really helped :cowboy:

You assume that you have a monopoly on the definition of the term nice in regards to cattle. You also assume the use of the term nice was in reference to the animals type and conformation. Maybe the steer has a nice disposition, maybe to the poster the steer is a nice color, maybe nice horns?

It might also be nice of those who are keen to educate posters on the proper use of the term "nice" in regards to cattle to supply a wee bit more detail as to what made the use of the term "nice" inappropriate in their opinion.
Dylan Biggs":1nkgci6s said:
alacattleman":1nkgci6s said:
Dylan Biggs":1nkgci6s said:
No where in the post did I see a request for an opinion or a visual assessment of the quality of the cattle pictured in the post. If an owner of stock requests an opinion from someone then they need to be prepared for the following opinion.

Giving a negative assessment or opinion of someones stock when none is asked is rude.

Dylan Biggs
letting someone think their animal is nice when it aint, is worse.... they can get over rude... after a few informative post giving folks a clue to what he's doing really helped :cowboy:

You assume that you have a monopoly on the definition of the term nice in regards to cattle. You also assume the use of the term nice was in reference to the animals type and conformation. Maybe the steer has a nice disposition, maybe to the poster the steer is a nice color, maybe nice horns?

It might also be nice of those who are keen to educate posters on the proper use of the term "nice" in regards to cattle to supply a wee bit more detail as to what made the use of the term "nice" inappropriate in their opinion.
nope i assume this is a cattle board with cattlemen... not a touchy feely politicaly correct dont hurt my feelings site

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