> In general Simmental cattle have
> good dispositions, which makes
> handling them a lot easier than
> some of the other
> "clubby" breeds.
> From a competitive stand point
> there are some real good
> Simmentals out there. However,
> when you look at who is winning
> the championships it still seems
> like Chi's, Maines, and Shorthorns
> still bring home most of the Grand
> Champion banners.
> Please note, these comments come
> from a Gelbvieh and Balancer
> breeder who isn't into the show
> scene...I'm just a casual observer
> of junior shows. This year I showed 1 purebred steer and 1 3/4 simmi 1/4 angus steer. The simmi placed 2nd in his class the cross placed 4th on the state level. The simmi cause of his good looks even sold higher than the grand champion. The x was black but the simmi was red and white and wide!!!!
[email protected]