Some years ago when we decided to go to a solid red cow instead of black, we looked at a number of breeds. It finally boiled down to either Red Poll or Red Angus. Although we found very little difference in the statistics for the two breeds when it comes to carcass, fertility, etc., there just wasn't the gene pool to select from. We had a hard time finding RP herds to cisit and evaluate disposition, but the ones we did find we didn't see any real difference between them and RedAngus. In a croaas breeding program, Red Poll cows wouldn't be a bad start for half of the british influence. But for registered stock it still (for us anyway) came down to the depth of the gene pool and the accuracy rating of the EPDs. We are demons on accuracy for the traits that we consider significant and we don't do line/inbreeding, but we are a commercial herd anyway. Get a hold of the Redpoll Assoc. "", they were helpfull and very co-operative to work with when we were doing our research. As always, just one persons opinion/experience
> I would lide to know if anyone has
> had any experience with red poll
> cattle and red angus cattle. I
> have black angus cows that are
> crossed with many different breeds
> and would like to replace my older
> cows with registered heifers. I
> want very gentle easy to handle
> red cattle. Which way should I go?