> My dad just bought a mare 3 months
> ago. after he bought her he found
> out she was pregnant. She was a
> very loveable and docile until she
> had the baby. now she won't let
> anyone near her she tries to bite,
> kick, and lung at us. We don't
> know what to do. Please help.
My family raised Paint Horses for many years and it's not uncommon for new mares to a farm to become protective of their foals. You've only had the mare for 3 months. It takes quite a bit of time to develop a trusting relationship with any horse and it's natural for your mare to protect her foal. She's not being mean, she's just protecting her little one. What you can do is spend time with the mare. Tie her up and brush her and offer her treats.speak to her in low, soothing tones. Let her get to know you and let the foal sniff you and explore you on it's terms. When the foal sees that you aren't a threat, the mare will relax and before you know it, she'll be nickering at you to come see her foal when you go to the barn.
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