Here we are about 4 pages into this and the and we have not heard a peep out of OP. There is more to this than the OP posted. But he really got you folks riled up.
Sorry I have not posted any replies, I have been busy with farm work and cleaning up a place my best friend lived at. He took the shot and died 2 weeks later with a heart attack on the road 1/2 mile away.
This idiot women's Dad, who I have the lease with came out, he is a nice guy, we talked, but he never said he should have let me know what they were doing. It just pisses me off to no end..
I have a farm 70 mils south that has been in the famly since 60. It was leased to a neighbor there by my Dad befre I was given a chance to work it. The lessee had let another guy move in and set up a trailer to live in and help him work the place. I tried to get my Dad to stop this but nmy Dad thought more of the lesee than he did of me, I really believe. Lesee was my best friend growing up..
The guy who moved the trailer in decided to go back to driving a truck and was gone most of the time, so he wasn't much help to the lesee. When my Dad died we were going to write up a lease agreement for the trucker as I did not want to deal with him dying in an accident and having to evict his wife. It turned out I was going to have to go to some expense to survey the property to write a lease. My lawyer said it would be easier to just evict him, but I would have to break the lease. I agreed, but before I culd talk to the lesee, my old friend, the legal letters were delivered, and It tookme 3 years to repair a 60 year friendship...
I don't want to get lawyers in this as it is not worth it. Common courtesy is just too uncommon. I try to be easy going, but these people think that you must be swimming in money if you have any land at all. 2 acres unimproved is selling for $72000 a mile from here..
The pile of dirt is just a pain in the ass to swing around with the equipment, and then it creates so many weeds in a field I have not had to spray in 3 years. I cut my hay at 6-8 inches and fertilize the weeds out of it.. This is why I get irritated at losing hay. I can put my hay and any other hay out and my cows eat mine first... I bale immediately after cutting and it is still green 2 years later..