Interesting cow stories, I'd like to hear them

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2008
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Lillooet, BC, Canada
Well, I was thinking of all the interesting and funny stories I've had with the cattle over the years, and figured with all the people here, there's gotta be lots more of them...

I'll start it off with something my heifer calf Mega did the other day, she was cleaning up the manger, licking up the leftover leaves.. she got some brains in her thick skull.. she was liking a few leaves, and then licking the salt block a couple times.. back and forth... she figured out the hay tastes better with salt!

One I had heard from a diary farmer was that he had a cow who seemed to make it though the milking parlor twice sometimes.. and she'd have been milked already, she was just there for the treats.. After the cows got milked, the were sent outside, so he went and watched her, and she just stood around chewing cud.. so this went on a few times, she'd never do anything if he was watching, however, one day was particularly rainy and ugly weather, and she didn't want to stay outside, so he finally found out she was laying down flat and weasling herself under a fence to get back in

Your turn! :p
I've told this before but even to this day I'm still amazed it happened. I have a huge mamma cow named Bertha. She is the result of all sorts of genetic co-mingling so I really don't know what breed she is. Anyhow, she has always been very friendly to everyone. Almost like a dog. One day I was walking beside the fence by the corral where several calves had bedded down. I didn't think anything about it cause I had my mind on other things. All of a sudden in my peripheral vision I see motion by the time I have a chance to turn my head I see one of my evil branguses bearing down on me cause I've stepped between her and her calf. There was nothing I could do but stand there and wait to be smushed when all of the sudden there was more movement to my left and Bertha charged this mad cow hitting her in the side and totally knocking her off her feet. She literally saved me from at least a long stay in the hospital. I've never had a cow like Bertha and doubt I ever will again. That is why I will not ever get rid of her no matter what. Her actions earned her a name as well.
There is one here named Baby don't ask she got the name is a big Brangus girl and will die here she has earned the right. This girl can open a gate as good as you can if it doesn't have a snap on it. She will come to the house and beller outside the front door for cubes. She is a big old pet and she will make you have to change your underwear after dark as well. I have never figured out how a 1400 pound cow can walk silently up behind you and lick you on the neck or shoulder never making a sound. She has caused me to go over,under or through a fence on more than one occasion.
Caustic Burno":2kpylzln said:
There is one here named Baby don't ask she got the name is a big Brangus girl and will die here she has earned the right. This girl can open a gate as good as you can if it doesn't have a snap on it. She will come to the house and beller outside the front door for cubes. She is a big old pet and she will make you have to change your underwear after dark as well. I have never figured out how a 1400 pound cow can walk silently up behind you and lick you on the neck or shoulder never making a sound. She has caused me to go over,under or through a fence on more than one occasion.

Boo.....hahahaha...I can just see ol' Baby laughing her a$$ off knowing she just cold nosed old CB and he about come out of his overalls. :lol2: :lol2:
I loaded out a group a feeder heifers a couple years ago and one just did not want to go, so "Oprah" became a replacement. She is partial to treats and people. If I ever take 5 after a pasture move she will come over and graze right next me. She is a hard milking Simi-Angus cross and raises big calves who also love treats. Go figure.
Phylis is a shorthorn with self esteem issues and a big top knot. She is also a great cow who really really loves babies. We have a portion of the farm that requires the cattle to cross over a creek. The herd will charge over, then Phylis will come back and call to the calves that are afraid to cross. After they come over she will then rejoin the herd. So far she has only had bull calves...
I've got a cow, never been named and never been tagged. I think someone dumped her on me a couple years ago when hay took that huge run up. She is well mannered, raises a good calf and stays in good flesh. But when we work the cows she always hangs back and then, when she sees an opportunity, she jumps the gate. She lost her calf this year, so I'm going to recruit about 10 men and get her on a trailer and use the money to buy more gates. She has short legs, but she sure can jump.
My boss cow is a Black Angus named Mamba, because she's mean as a the rest of the herd and to a neighbor that helps me once in a while. Her mean/wild streak was in full bloom when we were trying to put her in a chute to give her a shot for hoof rot. Justin (the neighbor) was behind her and was urging her to get in. She moved just fine until she got to the chute, then without warning, she turned around - which I didn't think she could do given we had a gate on one side of the chute and the fence on the other - I thought Justin was a goner but instead, she ran through my six strand barb wire fence like it was the tape at the end of a marathon. Her mild mannered side came out after she had her last calf. It was born at night, so my wife had gone out the next morning to get a good look at it. My wife was standing next to the fence admiring the pretty black calf, eating her breakfast which was a piece of cinnamon toast. Something caught my wife's attention, and when she turned to look at whatever that was and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mamba's tongue snaking across the fence as it snatched the toast from her hand! The old girl is a sucker for cinnamon. Now, when my grandkids come down, they like to take cinnamon toast out to Mamba, which she gently and eagerly takes.
Caustic Burno":id2zevtg said:
There is one here named Baby don't ask she got the name is a big Brangus girl and will die here she has earned the right. This girl can open a gate as good as you can if it doesn't have a snap on it. She will come to the house and beller outside the front door for cubes. She is a big old pet and she will make you have to change your underwear after dark as well. I have never figured out how a 1400 pound cow can walk silently up behind you and lick you on the neck or shoulder never making a sound. She has caused me to go over,under or through a fence on more than one occasion.
Whatcha doing wondering around in the dark in your underwear anyway? ;) :)
Here's a few more.. here's one for Jog

Once I had my hereford heifer (at the time) Josie who was the yard cow, the four legged lawnmower and she was haltered and pegged in the garden area to clean up weeds, and my mother went to her, somehow she got the notion she was going somewhere, and she took off like a rocket, my mother getting tangled in the rope, my mother yelled "Josie! Stop!", and she stopped in her tracks.

The next one is for Caustic...
We had a Colombian guy working at our place for a summer, and he was a heck of a joker (many of which backfired on him, but that's outside of the scope of this thread), and he had a farm in Colombia, and he had a pet heifer as well... One hot day he stopped at the creek to get a drink, and for the heifer too.. as he crouched down to cup his hands, she gave him a nudge with her nose on his behind and into the creek he went

Another time I wanted to play a trick to a few cows who were always pests, suckers for attention, so I had some big woody-cored carrots, and I hollowed them out, and stuffed them full of chilli poweder.. the stuff that makes you put your TP in the freezer, and fed it to them.. it had NO effect, in fact, they wanted to eat the whole can of it... That really didn't work out as I planned!
ive got a few cow stories,but heres 1 ill never forget.i had this big old pet of a holstein show i kept her penned off from the bulls because i was going to have her AI bred.well 1 nite she was bawling an carring i went out to check on as kuck would have it she was in i learned against the fence for awhile.then all of a sudden i felt feet an legs over my shoulders,then i felt her put her chin on top of my there i stood with a 800lb heifer mounting i reached up slapping her neck telling her to get she did an i walked out of her pen.she jumped the fence that nite an got with the bull.i have 2 more stories about her.
bigbull338":ku2h5l68 said:
ive got a few cow stories,but heres 1 ill never forget.i had this big old pet of a holstein show i kept her penned off from the bulls because i was going to have her AI bred.well 1 nite she was bawling an carring i went out to check on as kuck would have it she was in i learned against the fence for awhile.then all of a sudden i felt feet an legs over my shoulders,then i felt her put her chin on top of my there i stood with a 800lb heifer mounting i reached up slapping her neck telling her to get she did an i walked out of her pen.she jumped the fence that nite an got with the bull.i have 2 more stories about her.

If your heifer mounts you, I would wear a chastity belt while around the bull if I were you.
well i never had to worry about the bulls.but that cow would do some strange stuff,an i always had to watch her.she was 1 of 2 holsteins we had with horns going through the once she slipped up on me an lowered her head picking me up on her horns.then she would slowly walk through the pasture till id tell her to put me down.
bigbull338":6sqttrlc said:
well i never had to worry about the bulls.but that cow would do some strange stuff,an i always had to watch her.she was 1 of 2 holsteins we had with horns going through the once she slipped up on me an lowered her head picking me up on her horns.then she would slowly walk through the pasture till id tell her to put me down.

Sounds like true love to me Bigbull. Is she the one who gave you your user name????? :nod: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
no shes not lolol.i came up with that nick because im the boss bull of all the cows an bulls.
upfrombottom":2egk26c4 said:
If your heifer mounts you, I would wear a chastity belt while around the bull if I were you.

Saw a Holstein bull mount a guy on U tube. Not as funny as the video of a buck mounting a "hot" deer hunter.
Was at the local auction one day and a nice little black hiefer bottle calf came in the ring. I was in no intention of buying anything, but she went so cheap I couldnt resist. After purchasing the $50 girl I backed my pickup to the alley way and promptly picked her up and put her in the bed, no trailer,no stock racks, just the bed. She never flinched. I tied a rope around her neck and to the middle of my tool box she couldnt get out. Got home and figured I would seperate her from the rest of the cows so put her in a small empty movable dog pen. Thinking she might jump out of it i tied some cattle panles to the top. After a few days I figured she was safe and healthy to turn lose with the rest. I opened the door thinking she might just run out and go the the barn --wrong. I went inside and put my arm around her neck, thinking I could help motivate her to walk to the barn. At this point I realized a 2 week old 120 lb calve could slam a grown man up and down off the top of the cattle panels like a rag doll . She beat the living hell out of me and then walked to the barn like nothing happened. I have since not put any calves in a dog pen.
my shorthorn heifer has tried mounting me a couple times... i've figured out that I just can't let her rub her chin on me... she's figured out it get her my undivided attention in a hurry, and she does it when she feels she's second fiddle.. she's about to calf now and she hasn't tried that for a long time, thankfully since she's at least 1300 now

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