immigration proposals

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Mar 7, 2005
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Here's a bit of trivia...from Rush Limbaugh. Make sure you read to the end.
All right, immigration proposals under
discussion. Let me add mine to the mix. I want to call this proposal the
Limbaugh Laws. Here they are.
- First, if you immigrate to the United States of America, you must speak
the native language.
- You have to be a professional or an investor.
- We are not going to take unskilled workers - you will not be allowed.
- There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special
ballots for elections, no government business will be conducted in your
native language.
- Foreigners will not have the right to vote no matter how long there are
- Nor will they ever be allowed to hold political office.
- According to the Limbaugh Laws, if you're in our country, you cannot be a
burden to taxpayers. You are not entitled, ever, to welfare, to food stamps,
or other government goodies.
- You can come if you invest here, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000
times the daily minimum wage. If you don't know have that amount of money,
you can't come and invest. You have to stay home.
- If you do come and you want to buy land, okay, but we're going to restrict
your options. You will not be allowed to buy waterfront property in the
United States. That will be reserved for citizens naturally born in this
- In fact, as a foreigner, you must relinquish individual rights to
property. These are the Limbaugh Laws.
- Another thing. You don't have the right to protest when you come here.
You're allowed no demonstrations, you cannot wave a foreign flag, no
political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, or you
get sent home. You're a foreigner. You shut your mouth or you get out, and
if you come here illegally, you go straight to jail and we're going to hunt
you down 'til we find you.
I can imagine many of you think that the Limbaugh Laws are pretty harsh. I
imagine today some of you probably are going, "Yeah! Yeah!"
Well, let me tell you this, folks. Every one of the laws I just mentioned
are actual laws of Mexico, today. I just read you Mexican immigration law.
That's how the Mexican government handles immigrants to their country.
dang thats crazy. a few of those might need to be added to the U.S.

I went shopping the other day and I truly never heard anyone speak english execpt me, my mom, and the cashiers. Coming here and speaking a foreign language is fine but spending extra money for bi lingual police ect is not good.
Grew up with Mexican farm labor in Arizona (before there were snowbirds and the migration started) and wonder if any of the opponents have ever picked citrus, lettuce, berries or fruit.
Face facts, our kids will not do the work that these people will.
What do we expect the cost of our produce will be if union wages are paid to cut lettuce or pick an apple.
I say let them work, tax them like a citizen and keep them off welfare....and that's my two bits worth!
Susie David":1yzsyper said:
Grew up with Mexican farm labor in Arizona (before there were snowbirds and the migration started) and wonder if any of the opponents have ever picked citrus, lettuce, berries or fruit.
Face facts, our kids will not do the work that these people will.
What do we expect the cost of our produce will be if union wages are paid to cut lettuce or pick an apple.
I say let them work, tax them like a citizen and keep them off welfare....and that's my two bits worth!

Well Said, I know that the poultry business in my area could not keep its doors open if it wasn't for these imigrant workers.

We have the greatest country in the world and we should keep it that way.

Well Said, I know that the poultry business in my area could not keep its doors open if it wasn't for these imigrant workers.

What are you a Tyson exec?????

That poultry business is why we have so many illegals.
The owners are personal friends of the former pres and his wife.
That business in stead of following the employment laws, breaks them and recruits illegals from Mexico.
They do it for CHEAP LABOR
That same buch spreads disease by dumping rotting poultry instead of following the disposal rules.
We live in MISERY and Stinkinsaw because of those boold suckers.
Susie David":22742t20 said:
Grew up with Mexican farm labor in Arizona (before there were snowbirds and the migration started) and wonder if any of the opponents have ever picked citrus, lettuce, berries or fruit.
Face facts, our kids will not do the work that these people will.
What do we expect the cost of our produce will be if union wages are paid to cut lettuce or pick an apple.
I say let them work, tax them like a citizen and keep them off welfare....and that's my two bits worth!

Rock and the hard spot. We need them to do the things our spoiled little rug rats won't or an apple might cost $5.

I do agree they need to pay income tax just like the rest of us and no SS and no welfare ever! If they need it they can get it from Mexico.
Most big cities have certain areas that mexicans stand around on corner streets waiting on someone ( Construction ) usually to pick them up for a days work. Most African Americans stand around on corner streets waiting to sell some crack or mug someone.
Think about it 95 % of construction workers are mexicans and I have seen their checks and they make around $ 15 per hour which ain't to bad for unskilled labor.
I agree that everyone should be paying taxes but be careful when you talk about the working Mexican immigrant there are an awful lot of American citizens that have the idea that they are entitled, entitled to welfare, disability, food stamps
used to work for Uncle Sam and I heard the word entitled a million times

yes I'm now in the poultry business and I see an awful lot of the companies employees are Mexican but I also see some of the reasons for that

here is an example - baby chicken delivery
the truck comes to the house with 20,000 chickens (per house) the 3 guys have to dump the chickens out of the brooder boxes and do it quick so they can get back to the hatchery for another load and remember that the house has been heated to 93 degrees for the comfort of the baby chick.
The last chickens that we had delivered I saw one of the regular workers working at twice the speed of another worker - almost exactly twice as fast (it had caught my eye and I started paying close attention)
The speedy guy was a mexican and the slow one was white, the white guy was the "crew boss" too :roll:

I can only think of a few white guys that would do that job and even fewer that would last a week -
I know I couldn't = they'd have to haul me out on a stretcher :roll:
That's why we use mexican's because their production rate is twice the rate of white folks who also call in sick every other day. We pay the mexicans by piece work and I have seen checks as high as $ 1500 per week. I also have numerous mexican friends that I trust more than most white folks which is very sad. We are now seeing some mexican youth's getting americanized and now they are becoming useless and are joining gangs and using drugs.
Missed it all didn't you
The issue is not Mexicans (there happens to be several in my linage) the issue is ILLEGALS
Why is it fair for Mexicans to ignore the immigration laws while Asians can't?
You all sound to me like you have found the "new blacks"
Treat everyone the same, don't take advantage of one ethinic group just to line your pockets with money
rbell":1quwkqye said:
Missed it all didn't you
The issue is not Mexicans (there happens to be several in my linage) the issue is ILLEGALS
Why is it fair for Mexicans to ignore the immigration laws while Asians can't?
You all sound to me like you have found the "new blacks"
Treat everyone the same, don't take advantage of one ethinic group just to line your pockets with money
The bottom line with Immigration, is one has to go about gaining Citizenship the LEGAL way. Not by floating, swimming, climbing, flying or walking here and thinking you're going to reap the benefits of MY country, that my Forefathers faught and died for.

If the Feds had any intentions of stopping the illegals, they would have been out with giant nets at the protests recently and could have captured thousands.I'm tired of these people, from anywhere coming here and sapping our resources dry.
I do not buy into the fact that we need illegals to do the jobs that others wont do. I also believe that statistics show that labor is not a big factor in the price of a vegetable or fruit. Farmers could pay twice what they do now for labor and a piece of fruit would not go up double it would only go up a small fraction of the current cost.

I always thought our country was set up on free enterprise, supply and demand. When the demand for workers gets greater than the supply then wages go up, benefits go up. That is why businesses started offering vacations, Health benefits, Raises, Higher Wages, Dental plans. These things were offered to get better workers, harder working workers, and more workers.

Illegals go against this system we were founded on. They actually put it back closer to the slave days. As long as a farmer, business owner can hire illegals at a cheaper wage, they will never be forced to make the changes that other business have made over the years. Also they will not be forced to find a better productive way to pick lettuce or other produce if they can hire some cheap slaves to do it.

In the cleaning business there is lots of opportunities to hire illegals, it rates up there with farming, lawn service and construction. But instead of hiring an illegal for $5.00 or $6.00 per hour cash to do my grunt work, I hire legal workers for $10.00 per hour, pay Work comp on them, unemployment, Match their Social Security payment to Uncle Sam. And I do this because this is the American Way, This is what made America great, Supply and Demand, and Free Enterprise working the way it is suppose to!
aplusmnt":zmeavbli said:
I always thought our country was set up on free enterprise, supply and demand. When the demand for workers gets greater than the supply then wages go up, benefits go up. That is why businesses started offering vacations, Health benefits, Raises, Higher Wages, Dental plans. These things were offered to get better workers, harder working workers, and more workers.

In the cleaning business there is lots of opportunities to hire illegals, it rates up there with farming, lawn service and construction. But instead of hiring an illegal for $5.00 or $6.00 per hour cash to do my grunt work, I hire legal workers for $10.00 per hour, pay Work comp on them, unemployment, Match their Social Security payment to Uncle Sam. And I do this because this is the American Way, This is what made America great, Supply and Demand, and Free Enterprise working the way it is suppose to!

Basically those perts were compliments of Organized Labor's efforts over the years. Not from the goodwill of coporate America.
I certainly applaud you for that action but what it amounts to is you're operating legally and complying with Federal Law.

fitz":24z6x4ks said:
aplusmnt":24z6x4ks said:
I always thought our country was set up on free enterprise, supply and demand. When the demand for workers gets greater than the supply then wages go up, benefits go up. That is why businesses started offering vacations, Health benefits, Raises, Higher Wages, Dental plans. These things were offered to get better workers, harder working workers, and more workers.

In the cleaning business there is lots of opportunities to hire illegals, it rates up there with farming, lawn service and construction. But instead of hiring an illegal for $5.00 or $6.00 per hour cash to do my grunt work, I hire legal workers for $10.00 per hour, pay Work comp on them, unemployment, Match their Social Security payment to Uncle Sam. And I do this because this is the American Way, This is what made America great, Supply and Demand, and Free Enterprise working the way it is suppose to!

Basically those perts were compliments of Organized Labor's efforts over the years. Not from the goodwill of coporate America.
I certainly applaud you for that action but what it amounts to is you're operating legally and complying with Federal Law.


I think the perks have been around a lot longer than Organized labor, going all the way back to Ranchers offering a bunk house for the ranch hands. Employers will do what they have to do to get and keep workers. But when an employer has a endless supply of Cheap labor he will not make changes in his operation he will ride it out as long as he can.

Also Organized Labor would not have ever been such a success as it is today if there was that same endless supply of Cheap labor as there is today. The unions cut off the Supply of workers, so the Demand for them went up and the Businesses had to offer better wages, and more perks to get the Supply of workers they needed. Never would have worked if 10 million illegals were standing there willing to do the work for half of what they were already getting.
Some of you are missing the point.
1. Cheap Labor: Not they average $1200 per week in the construction biz.
2. Work Ethic: They have twice the work effort as us white folks.
3. Taxes: Most of them are enrolled in a Federal tax program that does not ask if they are legal or not
4. Morals: The best people you will ever meet. When the blacks start standing on the street corner looking for work instead of selling crack on the corner or sitting in the welfare office I will change my mind about Mexicans.

Next time you are traveling on a federal highway that is being improved look and see who is laying sod and pouring concrete, it ain't white or black folks.
Central Fl Cracker":27ll7pg6 said:
Some of you are missing the point.
1. Cheap Labor: Not they average $1200 per week in the construction biz.
2. Work Ethic: They have twice the work effort as us white folks.
3. Taxes: Most of them are enrolled in a Federal tax program that does not ask if they are legal or not
4. Morals: The best people you will ever meet. When the blacks start standing on the street corner looking for work instead of selling crack on the corner or sitting in the welfare office I will change my mind about Mexicans.

Next time you are traveling on a federal highway that is being improved look and see who is laying sod and pouring concrete, it ain't white or black folks.

You might re think the #4 they might not be selling Crack but they sure are supporting the Marijuna business. Commerce OK a small town of probably 2,000 people in it 18 miles from my house and a few years ago they did a drug bust at like 20 different locations and arrested over 50 people in one day for drugs. Everyone one of them from Mexico some illegals some legal.

And as far as #1 goes that is even a bigger piece of the picture. They are not only taking cheap labor, everyone likes to say how they do jobs we do not want to do. They are also taking the good paying jobs that lots of people would love to do.

I would have loved to cleaned that Wal-Mart in Miami OK that had an all Mexican crew a couple years ago (which ended with the big government sting operation). I would have contracted it and then paid my employees at least $10.00 per hour and paid all the taxes and insurance. I would have even kept any workers that had a green card.
" quote "And as far as #1 goes that is even a bigger piece of the picture. They are not only taking cheap labor, everyone likes to say how they do jobs we do not want to do. They are also taking the good paying jobs that lots of people would love to do"

If that is the case why aren't Blacks sitting on the corner street looking fo a job?
Face reality look at the prison population it ain't full of mexican's but full of blacks.
Central Fl Cracker":2p67b6yc said:
" quote "And as far as #1 goes that is even a bigger piece of the picture. They are not only taking cheap labor, everyone likes to say how they do jobs we do not want to do. They are also taking the good paying jobs that lots of people would love to do"

If that is the case why aren't Blacks sitting on the corner street looking fo a job?
Face reality look at the prison population it ain't full of mexican's but full of blacks.

I am not wanting to bash blacks or Hispanics! This is not what the thread is about. But if you look at the facts, yes blacks are more prone to be in prison, But who is close behind them? Hispanics by statistics are 3 times more likely to be in prison than a white person.
" quote"I would like to see that statistick and why are Hispanics in jail for what felony?end Quote

But who is close behind them? Hispanics by statistics are 3 times more likely to be in prison than a white person.
The majority of mexicans I work you can send them
down to Burger King with a $ 100 and expect them to come back.Whites and blacks misse on the average of 2 days of work on a 5 day work week when they call in sick.
1. Blacks and most young whites do not want to work.
2. Most of your crime is committed by blacks.
3. Black women have a lot of babies in which we do not no who the daddy is, so we pick up the tab.
4. Mexican's work harder than blacks or whites and take pride of their the workmanship.
5. Most of our drywall finishers,stucco,painters,carpet,framers,brick subs far better workmanship than blacks or whites and also make very good money in these trades.
So I guess they rule the Construction trade... The Blacks have sat on their dead asses for a long time letting us keep them up.
I have friends that are Brick contractors. They refuse to use "Latin" labor because they say the craftsmanship is so shoddy.With Tobacco basically gone from this neck of the woods, a lot of them have packed up and headed out.Good riddance.Most White folks I know, work pretty darn hard and have a lot of Pride.Saying they work harder than Whites is a slap in the face to the White Race.