I see train wreck coming

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I cannot stand tea either. Only time i liked tea was wen during harvest, my late great aunt would make non sweet tea, only tea i ever drank and liked.

My caffeine fix comes from pop. I drink most kinds, the Zeros are pretty good for what they are.
Fair enough. You could try this:

I don't know how but I just came across this site and almost bought some after reading it the sales pitch was that good
Fair enough. You could try this:

I don't know how but I just came across this site and almost bought some after reading it the sales pitch was that good
Did it work?
I drink a 12-cup carafe of black coffee pretty much every morning. I can't remember the last time I drank a soda - there's a weeks worth of sugar in one.
I love the smell of those flavored coffees (hazelnut, French vanilla, blueberry, etc.) , but every one I've ever tried tasted so awful that I couldn't drink half a cup.
I drink a 12-cup carafe of black coffee pretty much every morning. I can't remember the last time I drank a soda - there's a weeks worth of sugar in one.
I love the smell of those flavored coffees (hazelnut, French vanilla, blueberry, etc.) , but every one I've ever tried tasted so awful that I couldn't drink half a cup.
Some flavored coffees are really good, others......and it depends very much on the brand/makeup. I really like hazelnuts, and hazelnut coffee for the most part. There is some 'hazelnut' coffee that about pickles my stomach. French vanilla for the most part is really good. I haven't been pickled by any French vanilla, but I have had some that I would haver never guessed was French vanilla (not a good thing). As for blueberry and some other.....unusual......flavors (I had a box of Kerreg cups someone got for me that were flavored by girl scout cookie kind (no kidding)). Who in their right mind would try to flavor coffee with these? (I actually have had blueberry coffee, unfortunately).
Some flavored coffees are really good, others......and it depends very much on the brand/makeup. I really like hazelnuts, and hazelnut coffee for the most part. There is some 'hazelnut' coffee that about pickles my stomach. French vanilla for the most part is really good. I haven't been pickled by any French vanilla, but I have had some that I would haver never guessed was French vanilla (not a good thing). As for blueberry and some other.....unusual......flavors (I had a box of Kerreg cups someone got for me that were flavored by girl scout cookie kind (no kidding)). Who in their right mind would try to flavor coffee with these? (I actually have had blueberry coffee, unfortunately).
Oh no, not girl scout cookie flavored coffee, yuck. I'm not much of a fan of girl scout cookies; I just don't think they taste very good. My sister one year gave me so sort of vanilla coffee that I really liked, but when I asked her where she bought it she was not sure.
I had a student bring in some coffee with chicory; that was the nastiest thing I had ever tasted. We tried to cut it some regular Folgers, but ended up tossing it in the trash where it belonged.
Columbian roast (medium) or Italian roast (darker but not as dark as French roast) whole bean and grind my own. Flavored coffees taste nasty to me. Been grinding my beans since 1990. Drink black and strong or with heavy cream. Usually a couple big cups in the morning and pour whatever is left in a thermos to save for lunch.
Oh no, not girl scout cookie flavored coffee, yuck. I'm not much of a fan of girl scout cookies; I just don't think they taste very good. My sister one year gave me so sort of vanilla coffee that I really liked, but when I asked her where she bought it she was not sure.
I used to really like girl scout cookies. Thin mints I still do. I kinda lost my taste for them when my wife was a leader and had a couple hundred cases in our basement that she was struggling to get rid of, which I helped her successfully sell all of them. Unfortunately, at that point, she thought I did such a good job that she bought another 100 cases for the 'troop' to sell (troop money). We still have 2 cases of those. Been slowly consuming them for about the past 9 years. I wish I was making this up.
I had a student bring in some coffee with chicory; that was the nastiest thing I had ever tasted. We tried to cut it some regular Folgers, but ended up tossing it in the trash where it belonged.
Chicory is......well........different. I know it was a widely used coffee substitute at one time. There must have been a trick to brewing it.
I had a student bring in some coffee with chicory; that was the nastiest thing I had ever tasted. We tried to cut it some regular Folgers, but ended up tossing it in the trash where it belonged.
Musta been Community brand Coffee. Nastiness personified...

Not much on any flavored coffee except for one and I just add a little of it to my regular 10 cup basket of Folgers dark roast. Lots of imitators of it out now, but they fall way way short.


I do NOT drink instant coffee including any of the 'international brand' flavors.
(I made an exception many times with instant C-ration coffee but only out of absolute necessity. )