How much alfalfa to seed with grasses?

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2005
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southeastern Washington
I have a few acres of pasture that I need to seed this spring. I am going to seed orchard and alfalfa, but need some recommendations from other. I live in southeastern Washington, rainfall is about 18 inches, topsoil is about 4 feet of sandy loam.

Bobg":1ix8j1g8 said:
I have a few acres of pasture that I need to seed this spring. I am going to seed orchard and alfalfa, but need some recommendations from other. I live in southeastern Washington, rainfall is about 18 inches, topsoil is about 4 feet of sandy loam.


Will it be strictly pastuer or will it be hayed also?

Now we're to the how much of thepercentage of the field you want to be alfalfa.
Of course this is a different environemnt but the recommended seeding rate for alfalfa is 9 1/2 lbs (pls) per acre and for OG it's 5-5 1/2. If you wanted 50:50 you'ld use about 4 3/4 alfalfa and 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 OG.

I would also be looking at the maturity dates for the varieties you choose if you are counting on a good first cut. I don't know about orchard but timothy usually matures later then the best time to harvest most alfalfa.
The maturity date is close on both orchard and alfalfa. I don't think I'll try a 50/50 mix, I'm a little worried about bloat.

Bobg":2whnuj31 said:
The maturity date is close on both orchard and alfalfa. I don't think I'll try a 50/50 mix, I'm a little worried about bloat.


I just used 50:50 as an example to illustrate the math. I trust you are aware that you won;t be able to replant alfalfa in the same field if you get a poor stand of alfalfa.


I understand about the replanting. Does that include clover? I've been frost seeding sections of the pasture for the last two years and have had good luck. I missed the boat on frost seeding this year, should have done it in January, but had too many things going on.

Only applys to alfalfa. It puts something in the soil that prevents other alfafa seeds to germinate within a distance from the plant. Clover will sprout right on top of clover.

Autotoxicity-Definition: Alfalfa germination is inhibited by
naturally occurring chemicals released from
decomposing leaves, stems, and roots of mature
alfalfa plants.

You should check with your seed company and find out if they have any of the pasture(grazable) alfalfa. That way you could go with a 50:50 mix. Most of the time you would only want about 20% alfalfa in your mix. You should also think about some other grasses to mix in with your orchard grass, ie. ryegrass, fescue, or what ever would work best in your area. A mixture of three grasses would be better than straight orchardgrass because they would grow in different stages and you could stretch your supply a little better.

I know it gets pretty hot and dry in eastern WA, and without irrigation, you could have a hard time getting your alfalfa to establish.

I would definitely talk to a field man or whoever you buy the seed from. They will be able to discuss your situation much better than anyone on here.
Try calling or emailing Steve Fransen at the WSU experiment station in Prosser. He is one of the best pasture, grass, alfalfa, grazing experts in the west. And he is working in a similar climate to you. He is real easy to talk to and always helpful.
Hi Dave,

Prosser is a whole different climate than we're in, we get approx. 18 inches of precip, Prosser gets about 10.

One of my wife's piano students parents run cows and I asked him what they use. He said to try Grassland West's Economy mix, it's a local company. It has a mix of OC, smooth brome, tall fescue and a little clover. They mix alfalfa in so they come up with about 20% in the field. He said they alway seed the end of May, which seems late for me, but he said they have had very good luck with establishment. I'm planning on seeding Saturday, Monday we're expecting showers so the timing may be good.

Thanks everyone for the advise.
