Good for a chuckle

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Oct 12, 2009
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Molino Florida
A farmer had been working hard all week and decided he needed a day off. So he went to town to see a movie. At the ticket window, the ticket seller said, "Sir? What is that on your shoulder?" "Oh, him? That's my pet rooster Chuck. Wherever I go, Chuck goes."

"Well sir, I am sorry but we do not allow animals in the theater." Not to be rude, the farmer went around the corner and stuffed Chuc...k down his overalls. The farmer returned, bought a ticket and went on in to see the movie. He found a seat next to two old widows…Ethel and Mildred.

The movie started and Chuck began to squirm. The farmer unbuttoned his fly so that Chuck could stick his head out to get some air and watch the movie.

"Ethel! Ethel!" whispered Mildred. "Shhhh! What?" said Ethel. "Ethel this fella next to me is…oh my, he's …Oh Lord!" "Mildred, get ahold of yourself. What is wrong with you?" said Ethel.

"This guy is a pervert I think," whispered Mildred. "Oh Ethel, why do you say that?" asked Ethel. "He undid his fly and has this thing out," stuttered Ethel.

"Well Ethel, don't worry about it. At our age we've seen 'em all," snickered Mildred. Still shocked Ethel said, "I know, that's what I thought too, but his one is eatin' my popcorn!"

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