> Gentlemen:
> How can you make money
> supplementing your cows if they
> are all in good condition?! For
> all types of cattle, you have to
> feed according to their Body
> Condition Score! Overly fat or
> thin animals can suffer
> reproductively. When your cows are
> preparing to calve, they need to
> be carrying moderate condition. As
> they go through their lacation,
> they don't, they're expending too
> much energy on theirself instead
> of where we want it, on that calf
> by her side. BCS is essential when
> it comes to feeding and you should
> group cattle according to their
> numeric score 1-9; 1 being deathly
> thin and 9 being so fat they can't
> move. Most cattlemen in the East
> want their cows to carry a little
> more condition as they approach
> calving than western ranchers, so
> a high 5/low 6 is about where we
> want them. Cattlemen from the west
> would call our 5 cows a 6 due to
> their theories of the ideal
> conditioning (thinner than ours).
> A score of high 4 on a cow would
> mean that she is showing a couple
> of her last ribs, instead of just
> being smooth down her side. If our
> cattle reach this point, we either
> wean early or start supplementing
> with soy hulls and corn glutten,
> which is readily available in our
> area. The cows need to make it on
> their own! You CAN NOT afford to
> feed energy supplements to fleshy
> cattle.
I agree with you when you say to use BCS. And you are right about the East and West thing. I went to an Exterion program and the instructors were calling a BCS of 5 when I would call it a 6. This was in Wisconsin and I am from Texas. However, I don't agree with you on the loosing weight, at least not right away. A cow that is loosing weight will not rebreed. She must be maintaining or gaining weight to breed.
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