Eye Issues.... UGH.

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Just texted my vet. Got them both on Terramycin eye ointment. Thinking about just going for injectable antibiotics. I'm worried about doing the eye patch because you cannot see if they eye is getting better. Thoughts? What do you all treat pink eye with?
1 cc of long acting pen under the membrane at the top of the white of the eye or 1.5 cc of Dexamethazone mixed with 1.5 cc of Exemel RTU in the eyelid. Patches optional.
1 cc of long acting pen under the membrane at the top of the white of the eye or 1.5 cc of Dexamethazone mixed with 1.5 cc of Exemel RTU in the eyelid. Patches optional.
I think I'd need help from my vet to inject the eyelid. Never done that before. I have heard of it working well though.
I think I'd need help from my vet to inject the eyelid. Never done that before. I have heard of it working well though.
Simple and easy once you have done it and animal is restrained properly. One person job if need be.
Usually I work them by myself but I did have help today which is always nice. I'll keep that in mind. But hopefully won't have to deal with pink eye again soon!
The restrained properly is the hard part. I do 1cc penn and 1/2 cc dex if I'm giving in the membrane. But by myself its hard to restrain them tight enough.
Rope halter and tied high and to one side of the squeeze makes it quite easy to do. One just never gets in a rush until they quit the worst of their fighting.
This thread will never end with my ongoing questions! Two more: I administered LA 300 yesterday and today she has one lump on just one side, but I did administer same amount of cc's on either side. Is there something I did wrong to create this lump or is it typical? Photo attached. Next question: how long before I will notice the pink eye has cleared? I guess I mean if it hasn't cleared in X amount of days, when should I recheck with my vet or check for foreign bodies again?


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This thread will never end with my ongoing questions! Two more: I administered LA 300 yesterday and today she has one lump on just one side, but I did administer same amount of cc's on either side. Is there something I did wrong to create this lump or is it typical? Photo attached. Next question: how long before I will notice the pink eye has cleared? I guess I mean if it hasn't cleared in X amount of days, when should I recheck with my vet or check for foreign bodies again?
The lump is typical with LA injections, particularly the 300. I don't use it much for that reason.

If you haven't seen improvement in 3-4 days, check with your vet and send a picture. If she's not watering and squinting, it's getting better, no matter how ugly the eye itself looks. Lots of people will keep treating a cow that doesn't need it because they see corneal scars and think it's active pinkeye.
The lump is typical with LA injections, particularly the 300. I don't use it much for that reason.

If you haven't seen improvement in 3-4 days, check with your vet and send a picture. If she's not watering and squinting, it's getting better, no matter how ugly the eye itself looks. Lots of people will keep treating a cow that doesn't need it because they see corneal scars and think it's active pinkeye.
Thank you! The corneal scars - do they ever heal and go away?
Pink Eye is a scourge for us. We cannot handle them frequently, so we work hard on prevention. The pink-eye vaccine seems to target some other strain from what is found around here. We have never had any luck with it. Our vet has suggested we need to culture the fluid from the eye, but by the time we get it, it is too late or something? Eye injury seems to be a big part of it. If they are grazing in tall grass, the seed heads can get in and scratch their eye. My friend deals a lot with this because the star thistle on her winter ranch is headed out before she moves her cattle to the summer range. This year we are trying to be extra careful keeping dustbags out. Our heifers love them, running around with their black faces fashionably powdered. On the mountain ranges the cattle have little to no problem, I assume because they move around more and it is drier. So far this year the dustbags have done their job, but this might be because it is so dry or because I have been moving the cattle every few days. We'd like to think it is because we are being so vigilant with our dustbags, but we have tried ear tags in the past to no avail.
Sometimes no. We have a lot of pink eye survivers with tiny scars. Vets used to prescribe something with a steroid in it that one injected in the eye. That helped, but I don't think they do it any more. Now we find patches to help more than anything else. I don't even know if LA-200 really works. Years ago they used to inject the eye with evaporated milk! The ranchers who did that, some of them, still swear by it! This makes me wonder if there isn't really anything effective a person can do after putting on a patch. We irrigate the eye, look for stickers, use vetricyn opthalmic spray, and patch everything.
I'll keep you all updated. Thank you! I have only administered antibiotics one other time. I for some reason get a little nervous giving injections because it's difficult for me to tell weather or not I'm under the skin or into muscle.
You may be trying this already, but One thing that can help with the sub q injections if you're afraid of getting into the muscle is to pinch/tent the skin and inject that way. Sometimes it may not be possible to do that, but that might help you in some instances.
Sometimes no. We have a lot of pink eye survivers with tiny scars. Vets used to prescribe something with a steroid in it that one injected in the eye. That helped, but I don't think they do it any more. Now we find patches to help more than anything else. I don't even know if LA-200 really works. Years ago they used to inject the eye with evaporated milk! The ranchers who did that, some of them, still swear by it! This makes me wonder if there isn't really anything effective a person can do after putting on a patch. We irrigate the eye, look for stickers, use vetricyn opthalmic spray, and patch everything.
Pinkeye strains resistant to LA 200 are becoming more common. Most of the old treatments like evaporated milk or tiny doses of penicillin in the membrane don't actually work any better than doing nothing. Yes, many of them get better, but so do untreated cases. I don't recommend applying any meds to the eye topically; they aren't staying on the eye long enough to do the job reliably. Systemic antibiotics and patching or sewing the eye shut work well.
You may be trying this already, but One thing that can help with the sub q injections if you're afraid of getting into the muscle is to pinch/tent the skin and inject that way. Sometimes it may not be possible to do that, but that might help you in some instances.
Thank you. Yes I tent the skin before injecting. I'm pretty careful about making sure it's under the skin because you can move the needle around under the skin. That's kind of my go to if that makes sense??
Well... no pink eye here... they were both FOXTAILS! They both got shots of LA 300 because I thought it was pink eye. Was that a waste now that I found out they were foxtails? Who knows... this is life on the ranch. It has been 2 days since putting patches on and giving antibiotics. Something told me to lift the patch up and check just one more time for a fox tail. Here is my result, glad I got this figured out. Thank you for everyone's help! I cannot say thank you enough.


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Well... no pink eye here... they were both FOXTAILS! They both got shots of LA 300 because I thought it was pink eye. Was that a waste now that I found out they were foxtails? Who knows... this is life on the ranch. It has been 2 days since putting patches on and giving antibiotics. Something told me to lift the patch up and check just one more time for a fox tail. Here is my result, glad I got this figured out. Thank you for everyone's help! I cannot say thank you enough.
I don't know about where you are but here if they get a poke or a foxtail and the eye gets irritated even a little pinkeye sets in. If the foxtail is fresh (only been in hours) sometimes we can get away with just a topical then all is well. Generally as soon as there is any irritation at all even if the eye is still clear we end up with pinkeye showing up days later if not treated. We vaccinate for pinkeye but still fight it if there's an eye issue to cause irritation.
Glad you found the foxtail. They can really get down in there and hide. Would recommend checking the eye again in a few days if possible to be sure it's healing so you don't get surprises down the line.