Cultural Changes with time

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I used to really like Burger Chef. There was one right across from the high school I went to. I forget who bought them out, but they were never the same afterwards.
greybeard said:
I hat central heat. It's actually warm but the 'warmth' is missing, if you understand what I mean. It was definitely a different kind of warm than my central unit provides now, and I kinda miss that heat. Don't miss the splitting or hauling tho.

I do understand what you mean. A wood-stove does provide some toasty heat. I have propane, and it seems warmer than some other types of central heat. My cousin had a heat pump, and the air coming out of his registers certainly didn't feel warm to me, and I always thought it felt chilly in his house, even though his thermostat read 72. As you wrote, the warmth was missing. I'll take it though. I don't miss the cutting, splitting, and hauling either.
herofan said:
greybeard said:
I hat central heat. It's actually warm but the 'warmth' is missing, if you understand what I mean. It was definitely a different kind of warm than my central unit provides now, and I kinda miss that heat. Don't miss the splitting or hauling tho.

I do understand what you mean. A wood-stove does provide some toasty heat. I have propane, and it seems warmer than some other types of central heat. My cousin had a heat pump, and the air coming out of his registers certainly didn't feel warm to me, and I always thought it felt chilly in his house, even though his thermostat read 72. As you wrote, the warmth was missing. I'll take it though. I don't miss the cutting, splitting, and hauling either.

Nothing beats a good fireplace.

herofan said:
backhoeboogie said:
herofan said:
Technology has made life much more comfortable these days,

I especially like air conditioning. When the stores got it we appreciated shopping. Being in the path of an oscillating fan at school was the desired location then they got A/C too. Shade trees just don't have the value they used to have. Everyone goes inside now. They used to head out under the shade tree and enjoy any breeze that existed.

I agree. I equally enjoy central heat as well. My family burned wood when I was a kid. Part of the house was always closed off in the winter, and if you were gone all day, the house was cold coming in. I enjoy evenly heated rooms and the ability to keep it warm all the time.

This is too ironic to pass up; I heat our home with a Lopi woodstove. House is almost 3000 sq ft. The upstairs stays pretty cool in winter. I have gravity vents cut into the ceiling to let the downstairs heat climb into some of the upstairs bedrooms. We burn a good bit of wood. One of my favorite childhood memories is of my grandfather splitting wood by ax and feeding it into an old railroad potbelly stove that sat in the center of his humble home. He would sit me on a chunk of wood and tell me not to move. I would watch him split wood for what seemed like hours to a small child. Maybe im more nostalgic than I originally considered.

We do have a propane furnace in the basement, but it runs very rarely. Been 4 years since I have had propane delivered.

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