Craigslist Cattle

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Today I caught the tail end of the cow sale today. There was a couple 250 pound crippled calves that sold for a dollar each. I don't think it was worth taking them to the sale.
Sounds like the real market IS craigslist.
350 beats 100 any day!

Bottle calves brought 375 last week. 9 of em in one shot!
No it isn't. At least not here. I just got lucky. This is a county bigger than the state of Delaware with a population of 16,000. People either live in town or a big ranch. Very very few of those small acreage type places that want to fool around with bottle calves. People in town don't have the place to raise a calf. People who own 300-400 up to 2,000 cows have enough twins and orphans of their own.
Yeah, there is a real influx of DAM#@D Yankees in Va... and yep, I'm one but I have been here for 40 years so it doesn't count because I have been trying to send the unfriendly ones back!!!!!
I think that Mass yankees are as bad as or worse than NY ones....
Yeah, there is a real influx of DAM#@D Yankees in Va... and yep, I'm one but I have been here for 40 years so it doesn't count because I have been trying to send the unfriendly ones back!!!!!
I think that Mass yankees are as bad as or worse than NY ones....
Is there a difference in a Yankee and a DAM#@D Yankee. Pretty sure the ones moving in here are in the second category.
I've heard a lot about the exotic sale and the crazy prices. Reminds me of ostriches back in the 1990s. I really need to go just for entertainment.

I'm planning to go to their cow sale tomorrow
In 1995...i took 10 free EMUs from a retired couple that invested their entire retirement in incubating and raising Emus for supermarket meat sales...that never happened. They had $60,000. invested felt so sorry for them. I paid them $100. for trailer transport to my land. After just a week with these birds i realized they couldn't forage for themselves and were eating only expensive grain. Had all my work friends come over on the weekend and we killed and butchered them all. Meat was good...extremely cook it lightly (to keep it tender) overcook it becomes rubbery.
In my area the folks trying to sell cattle on craigslist evidently have not got the message that cattle are not as high as 2 years ago.
Looked yesterday and didn't see anything of great interest to me, mostly longhorn or maybe I didn't search right
Is there a difference in a Yankee and a DAM#@D Yankee. Pretty sure the ones moving in here are in the second category.

You got it. The regular ones, without the adjective, are the ones that come visit and go back where they belong. Or never leave home to begin with.

And this is all in fun. Don't anyone get their panties in a wad.
Is there a difference in a Yankee and a DAM#@D Yankee. Pretty sure the ones moving in here are in the second category.
The "old definition" was that a "Yankee" came and visited and went home... a DAM@#D Yankee came and stayed (and nowadays they try to change things to be like where the he// they came from because it is too uncivilized) (they are idiot a$$holes)
@dave_shelby ... I was planning to go to the bred cow sale this evening... but my son is getting a friend and state grader to come and we are going to sort steers and get them a little better grouped to take to the sale here in Staunton on Friday. They should have gone last Friday... but...
We have a guy who wants 7, we rent another place from him so always take him some good ones and ones that aren't crazy so they will come for grain and to be more easily handled; and another friend who will take any with a bad eye as he simply runs them on grass and then kills and sells the beef, so we will have a good outlet for them. But
he wants to get the bigger bulk of them sorted so that they can get put on the trailers somewhat grouped in size/etc. on Friday.
I would have loved to have met up with you and had a meal in the lunchroom with you and your wife .... maybe next time.

Oil prices dropped a little this morning AND the stock market was up 700 pts ... it could lose it all but maybe things will get a little better for a little bit... heard yesterday that cattle futures were up for fall too....Here's hoping feeder prices didn't take too big of a hit after l;ast week....
Jan was out your way (Grottoes) looking at a piece of equipment. New houses all over. Its quite sad. Where are all these folks coming from? Where do they work?

In Shenandoah county a lot of it is Northern Virginians with some just as second homes. The county is, of course, salivating at more tax revenue having just done a re-assessment. The real battle now - here and everywhere - is solar farms. The downward pressure on the ag sector is also putting pressure on land owners to find income. Heck at 500/acre per year even in good times thats tempting. Until the company leasing the land goes bankrupt and leaves the toxic waste behind.
Oil prices dropped a little this morning AND the stock market was up 700 pts ... it could lose it all but maybe things will get a little better for a little bit... heard yesterday that cattle futures were up for fall too....Here's hoping feeder prices didn't take too big of a hit after l;ast week....
There isn't much security in these market conditions. Its hard to take on any additional risk. You know when covid hit, I got it all wrong and sold in anticipation of needing cash, both myself and others. In place we got stimmies and inflation. No idea what to do now. I should be adding to the herd. Or maybe dig a bunker somewhere?

Would still like to meet up sometime, there are number of us Virginians around.
@dave_shelby there is a dairy 5 miles+ south of me... you can see it from the interstate just below the 200 exit in Fairfield... that is selling out this month and they were approved for a solar farm on the 40 acres that abutts the interstate several months ago. Another proposed and maybe has already been approved, for a place 2 miles from there. I am with you on the big bucks and then the "cleanup" afterwards... it is really a shame...
Add to that the Amazon warehouse that is going in just outside of Fishersville... 1 mill sq ft or something... 23 acres of nearly flat farmland under roof and concrete.... building now for operation by 2023.... Us farmers are just not able to pay the money for the land, or the taxes... or stop the influx of houses from all the yankees that are coming here then changing everything... I came down here for the very purpose of getting away from the changing up north and the better climate for farming... TO FARM....
Add in Rockbridge... that is where these 2 solar farms are scheduled... and we have ridiculously high personal property taxes here... and too many off the wall liberals and it is showing with all the defamation of the civil war ties.... Washington & Lee college is now trying to change the name.... removing the statues at VMI to be more "sensitive" to some of the cadets....
All the pansy-a$$ed ones that will not be able to fight their way out of a wet paper bag but will want to talk things to death with people looking to come in and just "take us over".... How long and how many of us will be around in another 20 years to make these changes being done now to actually get exposed for some of the stupidity they are????

Yet they all like to eat and think that it can come from other countries... Sure... but at what price and what are they giving up to get it???
True. I have this sense of homesickness for a Virginia that left me.

One more question - I noticed a lot of the homes going in are built on small lots. As in you can mow with a weedwacker. That has to say something about what people are moving in? A decade ago it was retirees on large lots. Or are folks retiring on less income?

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