Calve with front broke leg"WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE"?

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Apr 1, 2012
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florida gulf coast
I'm new to this sight and have read alot of post.I sure have learned somethings on this site.The reason I'm writing this is because I just put a 3 month old bull calve down and fell bad.I am not a big herd operation,I only have a couple cows and like messing with feeding and seeing the new ones every year.A friend called me and asked if I would go help an elderly man with a calve that he couldnt take care of anymore.The 2 1/2 month angus bull got his front leg tied up in the bobwire fence.I didnt ask to many questions,The old man was really beside himself.The man had the calve in a corral pin and let the mama cow in twice a day to feed the calve.He was spraying the wound with cut&heal from the other side of the cow.When I got there the calve jumped up and I could see that the limb was two weeks old and the limb was completely broke in two because of the wire and probably the calves thrashing.The ankle and the "lack of another word"elbow were completely severed only the skin on one side held them on.I was suprised to see the calve looking so strong and alert.He asked me to take the calve he couldnt put it down because of the two weeks he spent on it he felt bad.He didnt care to know what I was going to do.The elbow joint was snaped right at the joint and the ball was sticking out.I cut the dead leg from the joint down off and put blood stop on the freash cut to stop the bleeding.I have skinned alot on hog and deer so I dont get sick or anything like that.When I got a chance to really look at it I didnt know if he was able to heal over that exposed bone? :???: WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE NEXT?
Don't feel bad Searoach, nothing was your fault, you did the right thing, the elderly man was lucky to have you to do it for him.
Thank you for the feed back, I didnt want to get too long winded about the calve with my first post. I have tried to save down calves that other people gave up on and watched them pass.This one really bothered me cause I know a vet was out of the question and I wasnt going to put the calve through any more truma. Again thanks for all the good and sound words of advice.