Buying pairs that calve at the sale barn

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2019
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N. Central boonies, Oklahoma
How many have experience with this?
They are ALWAYS cheaper.
I watched a real nice 6 yr old pair sell for 1175 today.
The calf was just born there. And he was trying so hard to get going. They carried him in with mama following. (Super gentle) Mama go to licking. Calf starts to get up. Mama lick him and knock him down. 🤣 then he tried again and they picked him up and hauled him out. 🙄

Got a friend swears by never buying any like that. I'd a sure bought that pair if I had been there!

What's ya'lls words of wisdom......
Buy and give LA or Trimidox and make sure it gets colostrum immediately. Never pass up opportunities.

I have a few times and still mad at myself.
These folks were just cutting back on numbers is all. Calving in June is probly why!
Really was a nice cow.

Kind of glad I wasn't there. I cut back some last fall, think I need to moderate my re-stocking anyway. Understock is the word.

O! Same friend bought a heavy bred cow last year. She calved at the barn before he could pick her up next day. We did dip her navel, but that was it. That pair did well. Forgot all about that!
My concern would be what the calf would be exposed to at the sale barn.
Prior to antibodies kicking in and a new fresh umbilical. Open pathway for who knows what.
These folks were just cutting back on numbers is all. Calving in June is probly why!
Really was a nice cow.

Kind of glad I wasn't there. I cut back some last fall, think I need to moderate my re-stocking anyway. Understock is the word.

O! Same friend bought a heavy bred cow last year. She calved at the barn before he could pick her up next day. We did dip her navel, but that was it. That pair did well. Forgot all about that!
Well, when the pair sells for the same price as open cows sell for, what not take a chance? Makes perfect sense to me. At $1175,, you basically bought the cow and they gave you the calf for free.
I got to thinking about that too!
She weighed 1145lbs well, the pair did
She weighed 1145 and sold for $1175. Someone was one bid over kill price which is were I would want to be on that kind. Hopefully the calf makes it but if it doesn't you can get the majority of your money back quickly.
I've gotten Several calves from the sale barn, that Were Born at the sale barn, that no one wanted. Every one of them did great! I did wash their umbilical cords off when I got them home. And I gave them Clostrum for 2 to 3 days. I didn't give them antibiotics, with the exception of one that developed Navel Ill, but she got over it fine, with me giving her exceed every 5 Days. Every one of those calves were free because nobody wanted them. . Wish I could get some more..

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