Boulder Super Market shooting..

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I am not a gun owner or carry a gun, but will share what little I know about the gun laws. Seems like Texas has the most guns per capita, so if this happened in Texas, is it likely that other people in the market would have been carrying and ended this situation a lot earlier? I have no idea what gun laws are in Boulder.
Last time I looked, I am pretty sure Wyoming had the distinction of most firearms per capita*. (per 1000 residents)

Texas has the most total firearms of the 50 states but is also the 2nd most populated state. IIRC, Texas per capita firearm ownership was somewhere close to the middle, #20-#25, meaning we are "about average".

*it really depends which survey was used and what their definition of 'gun ownership' is. Some go by gun sales, some by registration, some by telephone survey, some gun census takers go by ATF's National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record.

Bottom line, nobody knows for sure, and maybe not even close.

One such 'survey' put it this way:

Guns per Capita by State

The number of firearms per capita ranges significantly between states. The lowest is 3 per 1,000 people in Rhode Island and New York, to 229 per 1,000 people in Wyoming.

Wyoming has, by far, the highest number of guns per capita. Of Wyoming's 581,075 people, there are 132,806 registered guns. The four other states with the highest number of guns per capita are:

Seventeen states have at least 20 guns per capita. Of these states, Texas has the most registered guns, with 588,696. Due to Texas's population size, its guns per capita is 21 per 1,000 people. New Hampshire, which has the second-highest guns per capita, has some of the most relaxed firearm laws in the U.S., including no requirement to register your gun. This is the case in many other states, so it's important to remember that the majority of guns in the U.S. are not registered.

Last time I looked, I am pretty sure Wyoming had the distinction of most firearms per capita*. (per 1000 residents)

Texas has the most total firearms of the 50 states but is also the 2nd most populated state. IIRC, Texas per capita firearm ownership was somewhere close to the middle, #20-#25, meaning we are "about average".

*it really depends which survey was used and what their definition of 'gun ownership' is. Some go by gun sales, some by registration, some by telephone survey, some gun census takers go by ATF's National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record.

Bottom line, nobody knows for sure, and maybe not even close.

One such 'survey' put it this way:

Guns per Capita by State

The number of firearms per capita ranges significantly between states. The lowest is 3 per 1,000 people in Rhode Island and New York, to 229 per 1,000 people in Wyoming.

Wyoming has, by far, the highest number of guns per capita. Of Wyoming's 581,075 people, there are 132,806 registered guns. The four other states with the highest number of guns per capita are:

Seventeen states have at least 20 guns per capita. Of these states, Texas has the most registered guns, with 588,696. Due to Texas's population size, its guns per capita is 21 per 1,000 people. New Hampshire, which has the second-highest guns per capita, has some of the most relaxed firearm laws in the U.S., including no requirement to register your gun. This is the case in many other states, so it's important to remember that the majority of guns in the U.S. are not registered.

Interesting. Minimum all the guns sold at gun shows, black mark, unregistered to criminals and felons.
Last time I looked, I am pretty sure Wyoming had the distinction of most firearms per capita*. (per 1000 residents)

Texas has the most total firearms of the 50 states but is also the 2nd most populated state. IIRC, Texas per capita firearm ownership was somewhere close to the middle, #20-#25, meaning we are "about average".

*it really depends which survey was used and what their definition of 'gun ownership' is. Some go by gun sales, some by registration, some by telephone survey, some gun census takers go by ATF's National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record.

Bottom line, nobody knows for sure, and maybe not even close.

One such 'survey' put it this way:

Guns per Capita by State

The number of firearms per capita ranges significantly between states. The lowest is 3 per 1,000 people in Rhode Island and New York, to 229 per 1,000 people in Wyoming.

Wyoming has, by far, the highest number of guns per capita. Of Wyoming's 581,075 people, there are 132,806 registered guns. The four other states with the highest number of guns per capita are:

Seventeen states have at least 20 guns per capita. Of these states, Texas has the most registered guns, with 588,696. Due to Texas's population size, its guns per capita is 21 per 1,000 people. New Hampshire, which has the second-highest guns per capita, has some of the most relaxed firearm laws in the U.S., including no requirement to register your gun. This is the case in many other states, so it's important to remember that the majority of guns in the U.S. are not registered.

Here are the comments in the article by CBS. Others disagreeing with main stream media interpretation.

"CBS is about as a biased a news source as they come," says Alan Korwin, Arizona's resident gun-law expert. "So if CBS has a story about guns, their bona fides for facts and unprejudiced reporting is zero."

CBS did not respond to a request for comment.

Korwin's thoughts on CBS aside, he has a valid point: No one knows how many guns there are in the country.

"Gun ownership is private [so] there is no way to determine which states have more per capita ownership than others," he says, adding that the entire premise of the story should be the first red flag that something is wrong.

But the inaccuracies go deeper, explains Rob Reed, a Detroit-based gun expert. He wrote the following in an article for The Examiner:

"CBS News once again displays both complete ignorance of firearms-related topics and an absence of basic journalism skills…They mistake [the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives'] National Firearms Act (NFA) registration data on rare and heavily regulated firearms such as machine guns, short barreled shotguns, and silencers, for some mythical 'national registration database' for all firearms."

Put simply, NFA guns represent a fraction of all guns in the country and are not an accurate indication or reflection of general gun ownership.
....until someone comes up with another solution that actually works, guns are going to be in the crosshairs.

What's wrong with the solutions that already exist? It's not like human nature changes, ever. A new solution is not what's needed. You keep giving a dead cow medicine? made right?

Are you referring to the right to bear arms?
Oh and the food and shortage that will be created by blocking the Suez canal.
Suez is now open.

"CAIRO (REUTERS) - THE first ship from a convoy that had been blocked by a stranded vessel in the Suez Canal is on the move, indicating a resumption of traffic in the waterway, a shipping source and witness said on Wednesday.
Port agent GAC said the stranded ship, Ever Given, had been partially refloated and moved alongside the canal bank."

Lemee guess. Fake news?
What's wrong with the solutions that already exist? It's not like human nature changes, ever. A new solution is not what's needed. You keep giving a dead cow medicine?
Are you okay with the status quo? No other first world country has the amount of gun violence that we have, and it's not even close.

If my cows are dying at a significantly higher rate than everyone else's, I'm not going to keep giving them the same medicine, I'm going to figure out how to get better results.
D2Cat..That's why I underlined "Bottom line Nobody knows for sure and maybe not even close".

There are a LOT of gun owners whose firearms don't appear anywhere on any official up to date records, which is generally, as it should be.
If my cows are dying at a significantly higher rate than everyone else's, I'm not going to keep giving them the same medicine, I'm going to figure out how to get better results.

Exactly. I'd even bet there would already be a tried and true medicine or method that you could try that would work wonders.
Are you okay with the status quo? No other first world country has the amount of gun violence that we have, and it's not even close.

If my cows are dying at a significantly higher rate than everyone else's, I'm not going to keep giving them the same medicine, I'm going to figure out how to get better results.
Your party created it with the Great Society why would we think you could fix this problem.
The real irony is why don't you fix Chicago first.
Will watch and see how that works out.
You're not concerned with gun violence or you wouldn't ignore Chicago or Houston's slave trafficking.
This is about destroying the country from within.
I didn't even bring guns into it. Just pointed out that JL has a habit of running to this board to start a new thread every time a non-American born person commits a crime.

People should be allowed to own guns. That said, gun owners are going to need to start proposing real solutions for keeping guns out of the hands of violent whackos, or the growing backlash is going to result in some legislation they're really unhappy with.
The government already has laws on the books to curb gun violence they just need to enforce them
Are you okay with the status quo? No other first world country has the amount of gun violence that we have, and it's not even close.

If my cows are dying at a significantly higher rate than everyone else's, I'm not going to keep giving them the same medicine, I'm going to figure out how to get better results.
Five times more people are killed with knifes than are killed with rifles but you want to do something about guns ........ hmmmmm. We are waiting for some one to fix the problem in Chicago. Heck even someone start to looking at the problem and suggest a solution other than gun control for neighboring states.
Five times more people are killed with knifes than are killed with rifles but you want to do something about guns ........ hmmmmm. We are waiting for some one to fix the problem in Chicago. Heck even someone start to looking at the problem and suggest a solution other than gun control for neighboring states.
Six times as many people are killed with guns as knives. Gun control (not banning guns) is not the solution, but it's part of a solution.
Suez is now open.

"CAIRO (REUTERS) - THE first ship from a convoy that had been blocked by a stranded vessel in the Suez Canal is on the move, indicating a resumption of traffic in the waterway, a shipping source and witness said on Wednesday.
Port agent GAC said the stranded ship, Ever Given, had been partially refloated and moved alongside the canal bank."

Lemee guess. Fake news?

You are so hard headed. You say you don't watch tv news but EVERYTHING you posted was mainstream media! The first ship? Really. The HRC/ Evergreen ship carrying the cargo containers is what it's about. Suez supplies, being in that 10% of the world trade and the cargo is still stuck, they are unloading it. Oh BTW the tugs helping are the Barak-a and the Moesod. Coincidence, I think not. If you reread my post, it has NONE of the conspiracy you speak of. You brought all that **** up. I dont read that crap. But I see you do. I stated you have to do research without all the mainstream, that you dont watch. Also, read again, the original video of the eye witness is no longer there.
Will someone with more patience explain to Buck that the U S Constitution is very specific in forbidding the government in interferring with
our right to bear arms. We are not 'allowed' to bear arms. It is a mandated 'right'! Still I am compelled to express my gratitude for his generous

I thought gun control was hitting the target one was aiming at. We need human control. However, our society says everyone has rights and anyone who disagrees with that is called a name that end with ....."ist" to get them to shut up. We don't like discipline, but we like handouts, and we don't like it if someone rats out someone needing mental counseling. And we can overlook deaths in singles but concerned if in multiples, and the single deaths are many times more.

If we weren't such a bunch of wosses we'd take those obvious killers and put them on the court house lawn in stocks and let the towns folk deal with them until they quit wasting oxygen, then leave them there a few more days so the stench reminds any fool what's next. It wouldn't take long and peoples thinking would clear up, less of that group murdering going on.

It's like training any animal, make the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult!
Preventing them from owning a gun is not the problem or issue. It's raising children right to value and respect life, being held accountable for their actions, raising them to understand not everything is going to be fair.
yup and requires a bottom up solution not top down, personal responsibility starts with the family unit and not from government mandates.