Boulder Super Market shooting..

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I think we're in agreement. I was simply making a point that this isn't an issue of immigration, as JL wants it to be. I'm not blaming the shootings on anyone's race, quite the opposite. No immigration policy is going to make a difference in our rate of mass shootings, whether we deport everyone or let them all in.
That was an example as immigration was not the only issue. It seemed after this the media/politicians wanted to start the ban gun issue again. That was the main thing of the point I wanted to make. I can read a lot of what you write and make something out of it you did not intend. Have you not seen any of the media of what is going on at our border? We have a mess at our border and something tells me it is a lot worse than being reported.
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I am not a gun owner or carry a gun, but will share what little I know about the gun laws. Seems like Texas has the most guns per capita, so if this happened in Texas, is it likely that other people in the market would have been carrying and ended this situation a lot earlier? I have no idea what gun laws are in Boulder.
You made a point I was going to make.
This issue, like any other has many direct and indirect factors as possible causes or eventual repercussions. I do not believe that banning guns or certain types of guns is a good solution. There are some factors that should be addressed though. I believe that as a society as a whole people are being raised in an environment that shelters from responsibility and personal responsibility. In daily life the inundation of violent content on TV movies and video games is desensitizing the younger generations. Now add a growing number of disgruntled folks who are easily motivated and manipulated and there is quite a number of potential troublemakers. Granted very few of these would take any acts that far but the potential is there. I grew up around people that all had firearms whether it be for hunting, varmint hunting, or for protection if the need arose. That was instilled and respected. It's a hard subject as now it's so divided and political. If society were to say that certain people cannot legally have a gun, where does that begin or end? If a certain type is banned where does that end? As political as it's gotten something will eventually likely be done legislatively and my hope is that if it comes to be it would be as minimal as possible as far as affect on gun owners and hopefully effective in addressing the most likely problematic scenarios. I really do believe that other areas of activity in our society need to be addressed simultaneously if not first.
The irony is that by opposing any gun legislation at all you only increase the odds of your gun rights being taken away. What's the harm in things like making background checks mandatory for ALL gun sales? Responsible people like you will only be mildly inconvenienced. If it keeps someone like this guy from doing what he did, that's the best thing that can happen for keeping your gun rights secure.

He moved to the United States as a kid. Presumably nothing in his history would have stood out when he came here.

You post anti-immigration stuff all the time. This is not an issue of immigration. This is an issue about gun violence. It's not the gun's fault, but until someone comes up with another solution that actually works, guns are going to be in the crosshairs.
I don't think people like this or the inner city scumbags purchase their guns from a legal source!!
Interesting that you'd choose to focus on this one, given that the overwhelming majority of our mass shooters are white men born in America.
Why do people only get concerned if it's a mass shooter. A black man was in news lately asking why 45 blacks killed by blacks in Chicago last week and no one is concerned. If any white kills even one it's national news. This guy works tirelessly to get help in Chicago and no one lifts a hand.
No not at all. I am willing to die to keep that right are you and the other troll willing to die to take it from us.

It appears your on the blue side when it comes to our rights.
Talk of dying and name calling over a man made right?
10 laws that really don't need man's 'improvement.'
I guess the father of 7 police officer Eric Talley died trying to infringe
Ahmad Alissa's rights.

Supporting the 'blue side' has always referred to supporting the thin blue of police officers who prevent society from descending into chaos. Yes, I support the blue side. The chaos last summer in Minneapolis is an example of what happens when a RED mayor orders them to stand down. Historically red has always been the color of extreme liberals, communism, socialists, Red China ect and blue the color of true blue conservatism. How we allowed the news media and American society to flip it is beyond me. Next thing you know, right will be wrong and what is wrong will be called good, even in marriage... oh wait

By the way heard local media today reporting congress will be pursuing progressive funding.... guess the old term of tax increases has fallen out of favor.
The probably didn't even make the national new. If it had been a gun, time to ban them.

Texting to blame for crash that killed 5 teens?

We also need to take a look at cell phone usage as I am more scared of them than guns. Seems every time I get out on the road I am dodging an idiot talking/texting while driving.

The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
B.S. reporting and twisting of stats by national safety council

1990 no cell phones 44,599 total traffic fatalities
2019 cell phones 36,096 fatalities
source: the insurance information institute

19% decrease in traffic fatalities with the addition of cell phones
even though more drivers, more traffic and more miles driven
cell phones save lives :) lol

Drivers have always found a way to be distracted.
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No not at all. I am willing to die to keep that right are you and the other troll willing to die to take it from us. This is real simple your on one side of the fence on the other. It appears your on the blue side when it comes to our rights.
lolololol so quickly you run your mouth with absolutely nothing to back up your comment. If you only knew. Yet when given the opportunity you took a selective service deferement that noone can even explain rather than take up arms. Reminds me of Cassius Clay.
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lolololol so quickly you run your mouth with absolutely nothing to back up your comment. If you only knew. Yet when given the opportunity you took a selective service deferement that noone can even explain rather than take up arms. Reminds me of Cassius Clay.
You have become a troll.

Again TB you know nothing of what you speak as usual.
I applied for no deferment.
I guess the US government wanted someone who actually understood how to make JP4,JP5 and JP8 is why they changed my status.
I still vehemently disagree with that waste of American life to enrich Democrats paying there debt to George R Brown.
B.S. reporting and twisting of stats by national safety council

1990 no cell phones 44,599 total traffic fatalities
2019 cell phones 36,096 fatalities
source: the insurance information institute

19% decrease in traffic fatalities with the addition of cell phones
even though more drivers, more traffic and more miles driven
cell phones save lives :) lol

Drivers have always found a way to be distracted.
SOB so you are saying driving while talking/texting is not a distraction. In 1990 I had a bag phone (still have it) as a lot of people did. Just trying to use one was a distraction. I am lucky to be alive after trying to use that thing. lol Stats get twisted in everything along with gun crime and all crime.
B.S. reporting and twisting of stats by national safety council

1990 no cell phones 44,599 total traffic fatalities
2019 cell phones 36,096 fatalities
source: the insurance information institute

19% decrease in traffic fatalities with the addition of cell phones
even though more drivers, more traffic and more miles driven
cell phones save lives :) lol

Drivers have always found a way to be distracted.
Safety design of cars along with seat belts becoming common practice and airbags get the credit for that. Your twisting the states Butch.
Anyone who states cell phones don't cause deaths and lots of them is full of it, or stupid.... And I ain't calling you stupid Lol...
Here's my plan. Let's make it a legal requirement that all adults be equipped and trained to defend themselves families and other's against violent crime. There would always be good guys in a position to stop bad guys. I think that would be the most effective. Both as a deterrent and a solution when determent didn't work.
You can trace most of our societal problems to one party.
The more the government tried to fix the problem the more broken it became.
This is just my idea, so people can feel free to pick it apart. Require all gun sales to be performed by a licensed gun dealer, or if it's a sale between private citizens, arranged through the local police station or sherriff's department. The dealer or law enforcement will perform a background check on all purchasers.

Anyone charged with a violent crime (assault, battery, making threats) should have their rights to purchase, carry, or own guns suspended. Offenders can have their rights reinstated by completing an anger management course and getting letters from two people who know them well and are willing to "sponsor" them. If that person goes on to commit a crime with a gun, their sponsors will also face criminal charges of some kind. That puts skin in the game for both sides - don't sponsor people you don't really trust, and don't commit crimes because it will land your loved ones in jail.
Background checks are already required for most all purchases in every state. Even private sales. Most of these people will pass a check and do to purchase their firearms when it comes to mass shootings. The breakdown comes in mental health reporting and that fuzzy line of should someone who hasn't committed a crimes rights be taken away? I guess they think the way around that is to take everybody who hasn't committed a crime yet rights away.

This issue has never been about guns and will never be about guns. It is about people and no law will ever fix all the people. You can sure as hell eliminate repeat offenders and use them as an example/ deturrent for those considering these acts. No that won't get rid of all of them either but it will get more than you think when you start making an example out of these people.

The sponsor idea is not a terrible one but not sure it will fix the issue. At least it addresses only those that have broken the law and that is a big step above blanket gun control.
Fence>You just nailed the 99 thesis to the door! LVR
Ever been in a situation where somebody is making some outlandish statement and those in his sight are trying to keep a straight face
and those behind him are looking at each other and grinning ear to ear? Buck,, You have my attention, really you do!!!
In my opinion regardless of more laws peoples that's going to do such crimes laws isn't going to change it. Criminals don't go by the laws, so passing more laws on guns is only hurting people that actually are responsible with guns. Takes away all the guns being sold in stores just be there will be a higher black market for them. Kind of like drugs, if people can't get pills from a doctor they go to the streets. If pills aren't available thats when more and more people end up on heroin. It's the sad truth. Lots of people use guns for hunting, on farms to protect their animals, ect. We don't need more gun laws. Just my opinion. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Besides that a person in there right mind isn't going to go do a mass shooting or any shooting. We need to figure out what is the real problem that's causing people to snap a mental break or not facing enough punishment for these times of crimes?
I know personally I couldn't live with myself know I did a crime like that. I believe most normal people would feel the same.

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