Are WE Offending You? Serious Post Please READ!

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Saltydawg":1u2398a3 said:
If people have enough time or energy left at the end of the day to get upset over stupid jokes or hijacking threads then they aint got enough work and cattle to keep um busy...go buy some more :lol: .

Now that is the most truthful thing I have read today. AINT IT THE TRUTH
Crowder as I said on the other post I enjoy the site encluding your post so keep them coming. Besides I'm so old my skin is thick.
Crowderfarms":2e3o5g94 said:
I want to ask all the other Board Members here if you have a problem with ANY of us that cut up and joke around, or display a sense of humor?
It's been brought to my attention, that myself and "Cohorts" are causing grief here, and that we need our own forum...Apparently some Politically Correct person does not enjoy the gift of laughter and humor.I feel it's our right to say what we want to say here, as long as no one is threatning someone, cussing or posting pornography, calling someone a racial name, or other serious infraction. Please share your thoughts with me and give me your opinions. Thanks.

P.S. There's a bunch of us that have gotten to be friends, and we enjoy razzing one another.

Humor and razing are fine by me. Even the fat Jokes and So dumb jokes are just so outlandish they should be taken as jest. But I am sure there are just some people that take stuff very personal. Not sure if banning jokes is the answer, I am overweight and have no problem with the fat jokes, and I am sure Caustic is not offended by the Dumb jokes :D Just have to take stuff with a grain of salt, as long as we do not call xxx person fat then that would be mean. So crowder keep bringing the humour, eventually you might get it right ;-)
The coffee shop is the first place I go to. It has always given me more laughs than the TV. When Crowder and his cohorts get going it is the most entertaining thing going. We need this kind of thing to make life less serious (i.e. Katrina,Rita,drought,fire,ect). So let them go it's all in fun!!
I get a kick out of reading these posts, doesn't offend me one bit. These posts are not aimed to hurt anyone or make anyone feel like they are singled out. Who out there have not told a racial joke, a fat/skinny joke, or a dumb blonde joke? I would be willing to bet that 99% percent of you would say "YES" and the other 1% would be liars.
First place I go is the Coffee Shop. Dont mind it at all. Need a good joke or laugh after working all day. Chill Out, you will live longer. :lol:
I love the jokes on the coffee shop. Why is it today that everyone has to watch everything said or done in order to avoid upsetting a few people. I know it might not be politically correct to tell off color jokes but is it really any different than the old days of polish jokes or other types of humor. Lighten up and enjoy life. My wife worries about her weight too, but she laughs at the jokes all the same. As long as the jokes aren't referring to a specific person I can't see the harm, just my opinion.
edb130":3byg9oan said:
Why is it today that everyone has to watch everything said or done in order to avoid upsetting a few people.
we dont. i dont give a ratsbutt. i HOPE my Christmas tree offends someone.

I enjoy the banter back and forth, it's funny to watch....

The only thing that causes me some concern is that someonw starts a new post with a serious question and is looking for help. After a couple of helpful responses, somone pops a joke and the rest of the responses take the thread off in another direction. I guess you can say that sometimes the banter may contribute to the hijacking of the original post. I too have been guilty of this on another website I visit, but I am trying to be more mindful and not do this as often.

Just my 2 cents worth.
i'll throw in 2 more cents. maybe we can buy a coca cola later on..

who's to say what is offensive? it varies from person to person. it really just depends. not much offends me, personally.

To me, fat jokes, dumb blonde jokes, etc are not offensive. the male vs female rivalry is not offensive to me. Y'all [should] know when i make "a womans place is in the kitchen" remark that i am just kidding.

And while not offensive to me personally, i dont think the following belong on a public forum b/c you just dont know who the audience is and its common courtesy to respect that. just a few examples:
1) racial remarks particularly about blacks or hispanics
2) terms like *******, "fag" etc.
3) most profanity (true, kids have heard and likely said worse, but we dont have to encourage it)

Having said all that, i enjoy bantering and reading the banter, but the unintentional hijacking can and does get old when someone asks a genuine question. I am as guilty as anyone about going off on a tangent.

What do yall propose we do about it? Just being conscious of it is a start...
Crowder, I have never seen you set out to maliciously hurt anyone for no reason. You are doing fine.
Do not let critics detract you from your priorities (campaign).

I do not see anyway not to go off on other tangents on topics. Somebody will say something that makes you think of something else, and away it goes. I have done it from just getting caught up in the moment. In meetings the chairman is to keep people on topic. These posts are not organized meetings. They are disussions and comments and they are going to go astray. I would rather this happen and have some fun and amusement than everybody act so formal and boring.

Heck......I suspect I am one of the most conservative persons around............but I appreciate each an every one of the folks on this board............including the talent of humour which may or not fit my idea of fun. But 95% of the time, I can see where the humour comes from, and the joy of it's telling. I for one have a very dry and droll sense of humour and often illicet stares upon the telling of stories and jokes that I thought were a hoot.

I appogize to anyone I have ever, or will ever offend, but I have never been offended by anything I have read in this forum.

This web site is like TV, or radio.......if ya don't like what ya read or hear...turn to something's sooo easy to do.
Also, I think very important, is the fact, in reading the post of individuals, including myself, one can in time get to know the personality of that person posting, and I prefer that to strict factual, and scripted posting.

Just my two cents. :cboy:
Medic24":2l6qwez6 said:
This web site is like TV, or radio.......if ya don't like what ya read or hear...turn to something's sooo easy to do.
Just my two cents. :cboy:

Very good point. If I was offended or my wife was offended by fat jokes on a thread that was clearly for the purpose of making such outlandish jokes the last thing I would do is go there day after day or ever let my wife read that thread. I might stumble on to it by accident but very soon I would know that is not a thread I wanted to follow and then I would not be reading it. If you do not like the jokes click the little x in top right corner of screen, and all will be good.
All i can say is PLEASE PLEASE keep it coming boys
I am mostly a reader not a poster but I really enjoy all the post on here.
IF there something you do not like DO NOT READ IT
come on we all need a little fun
No problem here at all; I rather enjoy Crowder, Mike C and Flaboy go at each other. I really have laughed at the computer so hard; it's the perfect unwind for me after a stressful day.

One thing though, newbies may be discouraged when we hijack a discussion that they really wanted info on. I know I'm to blame for this as well. I'll have to try and improve on that.

I Only got offended once, and I pm'd the person, and now we get along rather well.

I only thought I offended one person, and I pm'd an apology, only to find that they weren't offended at all, and thought it was done in good taste.

Maybe we could keep the "good stuff" in the coffee shop, and try more to not hijack discussions on the other boards. Other than that, life is much too short to take oneself so seriously.
cypressfarms":3f3hwsc9 said:
Maybe we could keep the "good stuff" in the coffee shop, and try more to not hijack discussions on the other boards. Other than that, life is much too short to take oneself so seriously.

I couldn't agree more. :D
OK, NO MORE UGLY jokes. They offend me because I am ugly. I wake up every morning and have to look at my ugly mug in the mirror. You think it is a joke? You try being ugly all you life. Pork chops around the neck never worked for me. My picture is in Webster under UGLY. There I said it. I feel better now. Crowder no more ugly jokes :mad:

Psst, did you hear the one about the ugly cowboy that kissed his horse and said.... ;-)
M Gravlee":3vm1n4sf said:
cypressfarms":3vm1n4sf said:
Maybe we could keep the "good stuff" in the coffee shop, and try more to not hijack discussions on the other boards. Other than that, life is much too short to take oneself so seriously.

I couldn't agree more. :D
I argree too, but sometimes the temptation is hard to deny, when someone has dropped your name in on the thread. Let's try and keep it here. In the Coffee Shop. I personally have a ball here.But most importantly, I try to keep it clean, and suitable for most audiences.I realize some could get insulted, as for me that's a hard thing to do, because I can always make a joke out of something poked at me. Macon has blessed us with these boards, and there is no better way to unwind after a long day.Sometimes, it's hard to find someone that you can talk to with similiar interests, there's always something going on here, I find interesting!
flaboy+":3o28gwu8 said:
OK, NO MORE UGLY jokes. They offend me because I am ugly. I wake up every morning and have to look at my ugly mug in the mirror. You think it is a joke? You try being ugly all you life. Pork chops around the neck never worked for me. My picture is in Webster under UGLY. There I said it. I feel better now. Crowder no more ugly jokes :mad:

Psst, did you hear the one about the ugly cowboy that kissed his horse and said.... ;-)
I just hit Webster's online, and found you. Dont get me started.... well unless. Where's MikeC. Almost forgot he's on hour 12 of 'Beauty Sleep" Sure aint gonna help him. Poor Matress.