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  1. FarmGirl10

    We have a new Mommy on CT .

    Thanks everybody. :) After 3 days in the hospital it is amazing to be home.
  2. FarmGirl10

    Cops, most are a waste of space and uniform

    Definitely better screening. Got a few cops in my family and good family friends that are. Some join for a sense of power and as long as they behave so long, most of the time that they mess up they turn a blind eye to it. By that time they are usually good friends and no one wants to hurt their...
  3. FarmGirl10

    Bradford County Florida Sex Offender Signs Sheriffs Dept is posting signs outside of residences of sex offenders to warn neighbors. They should do this every where. Yes, there are lists available on the internet, but not everyone has...
  4. FarmGirl10


    I clicked on a couple of the names, 0 posts but links to their websites that have absolutely nothing to do with cattle/farming.
  5. FarmGirl10

    Worlds largest storm water pumping plant

    That isn't far away at all, should have guessed it based off of all those little Holsteins you have. :lol: Probably ran into you before and didn't even know it. For some reason i always guess you were from the Wooster area.
  6. FarmGirl10

    Worlds largest storm water pumping plant

    Completely off subject, but didn't realize how close you were to where I grew up.
  7. FarmGirl10

    The World Explained Using Two Cows

    ...Both are mad. AN IRAQI CORPORATION Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. No-one believes you, so they bomb the ** out of you and invade your country. You still have no cows, but at least you are now a Democracy. AN AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION You have two cows...
  8. FarmGirl10

    Opinions on a truck

    I figured what you meant, just never heard it said like that. But I have heard of someone being arrested for doing that (in the other context).
  9. FarmGirl10

    Opinions on a truck

    Hmmmm, odd thing to say.
  10. FarmGirl10


    Also, if your a military family adoption through the state is next to impossible. Considered an unstable environment.
  11. FarmGirl10


    Yep its very hard to adopt kids from the U.S. My cousin that wanted to adopt had to do a private adoption....and it cost her a crazy amount. I have a friend out here that was adopting a nephew from out of state, its almost the 2 year mark now and its still not permanent even though the...
  12. FarmGirl10


  13. FarmGirl10

    Colder than witches

    Thanks :)
  14. FarmGirl10

    Colder than witches

    Boy! :lol: No mistake there.
  15. FarmGirl10

    Colder than witches

    Didn't get near what they called for maybe 10 inches max. Oh well, hubby got another snow day, and we made it in to my ultrasound. So its a great day!
  16. FarmGirl10

    Colder than witches

    We're getting hit pretty hard here. Don't know if we will get the 20+ they were calling for, but the moisture is definitely needed. The local weather people said it put down 4 inches in an hour. I just hope I can make it to my ultrasound in the morning and that they'll be open to non emergency...
  17. FarmGirl10

    Colder than witches

    The storm system that is heading this has reported lightning. :lol: Thundersnow.
  18. FarmGirl10

    Colder than witches

    Its freezing here, it killed the battery on my car over night. :x We have a change of 20+ inches of snow in the next 24-36 hours. :bang: I'm still hoping they are wrong, but my luck is they aren't.
  19. FarmGirl10

    Hauling Cattle

  20. FarmGirl10

    Homeland Security and its cache of bullets

    I think a lot of people forget that the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Homeland Security. Are they getting all that ammo, I doubt it, but everyone always forgets that.