Wuhan coronavirus is in the US............

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First flu case announced in Minnesota Friday, a previous cruise ship customer, but since CDC had "technical issues" producing test kits, who really knows? Went out for dinner last night and there was a good crowd. Heard there are some "really good deals" now for travel to Vegas...

This thing has been building for about 3 months and it is still ramping. My guess is we are in for another 14 months of disruption before we come up with a biotech solution. So need more of a plan than stocking up on TP and staying home for a couple weeks.

What is an upside plan here? Refinance the ranch? Remote camping with the family? Roll the dice in Vegas?
As far as stocking up, I went to buy corn this morning and bought an extra 50lb bag of ground corn. So if when it hits here we will at least have cornbread. Now I just need to buy a 50lb bag of pinto beans and I am set.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
sstterry said:
Tennessee Tuxedo has a case in his County. A school debate and speech team canceled a trip to a National Qualifying Tournament just because the guy's kids go to that school.

Yes we do and I haven't left my house in days. :hide:

Are you wearing a mask?
Caustic Burno said:

A couple of things, the spanish flu killed heaps of young people which made it worse. I also think they are overstating the death rate of corona, I'd say closer to ½% given most people barely have any symptoms. One guy was saying he was tested positive but his mother, brother and grandmother all got it too but were never tested and got over it within a week. But on the flip side humans have zero resistance and it seems extremely contagious so for that reason is going to have a massive impact.
Good link, can expand different charts. Expand the 'recovered' chart, comforting reading.

Thanks for the link. It is interesting. I was a little concerned about having the ankle replacement due to getting any infections etc., but am glad that I did it. In case there are more cases down the road, I probably would have put off the surgery.
I have to agree that there are probably more cases than they realize and many do not seem to have many symptoms so probably we will never know how many have had it. There must be some reason why so many in China are having such a bad reaction to it in certain areas.... not having much resistance at all and others have an easier time of it. That is how the flu affects many people also.
Redgully said:
Caustic Burno said:

A couple of things, the spanish flu killed heaps of young people which made it worse. I also think they are overstating the death rate of corona, I'd say closer to ½% given most people barely have any symptoms. One guy was saying he was tested positive but his mother, brother and grandmother all got it too but were never tested and got over it within a week. But on the flip side humans have zero resistance and it seems extremely contagious so for that reason is going to have a massive impact.

This area of the world are full of cemeteries with headstones dated 1918/19 from Spanish influenza.
My grandpa and two great- aunts fell victim to it. My dad was the youngest and five years old when it came through.
It was one of the worst pandemics ever recorded the thing that made it unique is it was deadliest on young to middle age adults.
Caustic Burno said:
This area of the world are full of cemeteries with headstones dated 1918/19 from Spanish influenza.
My grandpa and two great- aunts fell victim to it. My dad was the youngest and five years old when it came through.
It was one of the worst pandemics ever recorded the thing that made it unique is it was deadliest on young to middle age adults.

I recently found out that my Grandfather had it as a very small child. Luckily he survived because I would not have been here otherwise!
Was recently talking to a man whose father was a cook in the army in the 1919 flu epidemic.
People were dying big time. Anyway, the cooks father told him to eat raw eggs.
He did and never got sick.

Anybody heard of this before?
Wonder if it would work for this virus??
Ryder said:
Was recently talking to a man whose father was a cook in the army in the 1919 flu epidemic.
People were dying big time. Anyway, the cooks father told him to eat raw eggs.
He did and never got sick.

Anybody heard of this before?
Wonder if it would work for this virus??

Never heard of this but just ate a dozen raw eggs!
The Chinese were making DIY masks back in January. Now 3M is prioritizing government orders so don't expect much there. Could be time to fire up the sewing machine.

I spent most of yesterday in my (tractor cab) isolation ward. Made a Walmart run after dark. Bought a 2020 fishing license as part of my social distancing effort.

Walmart did have sanitizer where you pick up a shopping cart. News channels are running DYI hand sanitizer recipes. Two parts rubbing alcohol and 1 part gel. Skip the vitamin E.

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