Wuhan coronavirus is in the US............

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Aug 25, 2013
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Wonder if it can be transmitted on the imported items we get from China? If so I am in trouble and probably everybody else...

The deadly Wuhan coronavirus has spread to the US — authorities have confirmed a case in Washington state. The US has its first case of a deadly coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China. The virus, which can be transmitted between humans, likely originated at a seafood market in Wuhan, China.

Outbreaks are scary, but it's not the first time in human history when this has happened. Our species survived through many unfortunate incidents it's a sad reality, but history shows it too well.
Caustic Burno said:
How much of this is media hype?
The flu kills far more every year so far than this.

Well my step father is on that princess cruise in Japan. There are now over 540 reported cases on his ship out of 3,000 people. The Canadian government is sending a plane to collect him and his wife tomorrow and take them to a military base in Ottawa. He left the first week of January to Japan before we even heard about the virus. Its now said he wont be home until the first week of March assuming that he still continues to test negative.

Some people on his ship that tested negative two weeks ago are now testing positive. Whos saying its not just siting dormant in his system...

I have a 2 year old and sorry Grandpa, but I'm not risking that its just hype. I've asked him to stay away from our family for the next few months. Call me crazy but im not risking some weird Asian flu in my kid.
All flu originated in Asia.

There were 10 more pediatric flu deaths reported to the CDC last week, bringing the total for the season to 78. ... The CDC estimates that this flu season, which started on September 29, there have been at least 22 million cases of the illness in the US, 210,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths.Feb 7, 2020

Why isn't this more newsworthy?
Caustic Burno said:
All flu originated in Asia.

There were 10 more pediatric flu deaths reported to the CDC last week, bringing the total for the season to 78. ... The CDC estimates that this flu season, which started on September 29, there have been at least 22 million cases of the illness in the US, 210,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths.Feb 7, 2020

Why isn't this more newsworthy?

That is true and a fair statement to make. I agree.

But...it is my understanding from a medical perspective that the coronavirus holds a more unique threat.
Have to wait and see we haven't defeated the flu yet.
The Spanish Influenza epidemic is estimated to have killed 50 million worldwide and 700k in the USA.
Since time began we have had pandemics. With today's media constantly vying for ratings each news cycle versus reporting facts makes me very skeptical.
Caustic Burno said:
Have to wait and see we haven't defeated the flu yet.
The Spanish Influenza epidemic is estimated to have killed 50 million worldwide and 700k in the USA.
Since time began we have had pandemics. With today's media constantly vying for ratings each news cycle versus reporting facts makes me very skeptical.

You're right CB. Nowaday news presents a whole other level of issue and worry. People have this wild crazy idea like the world we are in today is killing us faster and more viciously but heck, 100 years ago we'd be dead by 30. That was a good reasonable age to go and die.
Caustic Burno said:
All flu originated in Asia.

There were 10 more pediatric flu deaths reported to the CDC last week, bringing the total for the season to 78. ... The CDC estimates that this flu season, which started on September 29, there have been at least 22 million cases of the illness in the US, 210,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths.Feb 7, 2020

Why isn't this more newsworthy?
Still not as high as gun deaths in America even taking the amount of suicides out of the figures.
hurleyjd said:
Caustic Burno said:
All flu originated in Asia.

There were 10 more pediatric flu deaths reported to the CDC last week, bringing the total for the season to 78. ... The CDC estimates that this flu season, which started on September 29, there have been at least 22 million cases of the illness in the US, 210,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths.Feb 7, 2020

Why isn't this more newsworthy?
Still not as high as gun deaths in America even taking the amount of suicides out of the figures.

Your point other than activism.
No where close to automobiles either at over a 100 a day. Over 34k a year injuring over 2 million.
Every time you get in one your five foot from death.
Caustic Burno said:
hurleyjd said:
Caustic Burno said:
All flu originated in Asia.

There were 10 more pediatric flu deaths reported to the CDC last week, bringing the total for the season to 78. ... The CDC estimates that this flu season, which started on September 29, there have been at least 22 million cases of the illness in the US, 210,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths.Feb 7, 2020

Why isn't this more newsworthy?
Still not as high as gun deaths in America even taking the amount of suicides out of the figures.

Your point other than activism.
No where close to automobiles either at over a 100 a day. Over 34k a year injuring over 2 million.
Every time you get in one your five foot from death.

Well he has a good point. Mental illness seems to kill people faster than any known live virus that we know of...shockingly horrible truth
cowgal604 said:
Caustic Burno said:
hurleyjd said:
Still not as high as gun deaths in America even taking the amount of suicides out of the figures.

Your point other than activism.
No where close to automobiles either at over a 100 a day. Over 34k a year injuring over 2 million.
Every time you get in one your five foot from death.

Well he has a good point. Mental illness seems to kill people faster than any known live virus that we know of...shockingly horrible truth

Not really as "Robbery and violent crimes
15% of robberies, 63% of intimate partner violence incidents, 37% of sexual assaults, 45-46% of physical assaults and 40-45% of homicides in the United States involved use of alcohol."
Another 20% is drug related.

Again it's just activism, with that line of thinking we should be outlawing drugs and alcohol as well as automobiles.
Caustic Burno said:
hurleyjd said:
Caustic Burno said:
All flu originated in Asia.

There were 10 more pediatric flu deaths reported to the CDC last week, bringing the total for the season to 78. ... The CDC estimates that this flu season, which started on September 29, there have been at least 22 million cases of the illness in the US, 210,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths.Feb 7, 2020

Why isn't this more newsworthy?
Still not as high as gun deaths in America even taking the amount of suicides out of the figures.

Your point other than activism.
No where close to automobiles either at over a 100 a day. Over 34k a year injuring over 2 million.
Every time you get in one your five foot from death.
Every one practices activism. Even you you sly old fox.
How much of this is media hype?
The flu kills far more every year so far than this.
Why isn't this more newsworthy?

I would have thought that would be obvious but evidently not. New(s) is 'something new or unexpected'. The severity of seasonal flu might be somewhat newsworthy in a particularly bad year, and for a short period of time, the particular strain of seasonal flu might be, but flu is expected each year, just as it has been for decades now. It's nothing particularly new, therefore is not "news".

Unexpected events ARE news. This particular zoonotic coronavirus has never been seen before, there is little known about it, either in severity, morbidity, mortality or anything else, therefore, it is "news".

A meteor shower doesn't make the headlines, is usually relegated to the back pages but an asteroid strike or an impending strike would be "news".

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