Wisdom for the Young'uns

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2004
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Directed specifically to AngusCattleShower and the nice group of young people on this board...

What sage words can we offer?

"Don't eat yellow snow" comes to mind

"Slow down--life goes by fast enough!"

What say you?
The only ones I can think of aoff hand are from Will Rogers.

Always drink upstream from the herd, don't squat with your spurs on, don't pee on the electric fence, etc.
Don't argue with a fool, bystanders can't tell which one is the fool (or something to that affect)
Don't wrestle with a pig, you'll just get dirty and it irritates the pig

We all have a purpose in life, even if it's only to be a horrible example

Don't keep doing that son! That's just like whiping your butt on a wagon wheel! :x

Son , If your not in bed by 10 , you might as well go on home! :lol:

My Will Rogers favorite is " Never slap a man with a mouthfull of chewing tobacco"!

Son , I don't care how goodlooking she is , somewhere , somebody is sick of her crap! ;-)

Son , If something is worth doing , I mean really worth doing ,, then it's worth going and finding somebody to do it right!

Son , If you can't dazzle them with brilliance , Then baffle them , with Bull Sh!t 8)

Son , Instead of buying a cat , Why don't we just " Quit Flushing?"
' If you want to find the easiest way to do something, ask the laziest person'

'Love many, Trust few,
But always paddle your own canoe'

'If you can't be an asset, don't be a liability'
'If you can't be an asset, don't be an a**hole'
Thanx for all the info, and I will try to remember it for next time :roll: :cboy: My favourite is, Those cant do anything, teach. Those who can not teach, teach gym. :lol:
Don't try to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Or, the down-home version, Don't try to polish a turd.

Son, you love her so much you could just eat here alive, 10 years from now you will wish you had. ;-) ;-) :heart:
Get over it , or learn to live with it , or die with it on your mind..