Wife Got a Fright

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
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Farmersville, Texas
She went out to her Jeep this morning and came running in the house screaming. I thought there had to be an axe murderer out there and grabbed the appropriate tool to exterminate such a creature. Turned out it was an already dead copperhead laying by the passenger door. My guess is the feral cat that's been living in the shop left us the present. She gets a little food today.

Cats are 100% unafraid of snakes. I saw one casually grooming itself just barely out of striking distance from a coiled up and rattling diamondback.
We've had roadrunners around the house for decades. I've been stressing their value to the grandsons.
Good cat! We had a bit of a nuisance copperhead running the yard a few years ago. The cat and the dog that got bit lived, but we had a bunch of dead chickens over the deal.
I just knew this was going to be about a snake when I read the title. I really don't like snakes.

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