Which is the Best Calf?

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2006
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And Why, about the same age and weight.


I like the baldy mostly because of the muscling...and looks too, I guess. :lol:
I like the baldie.... VERY nice muscling

Which is the BEST calf and WHY?

We visit this same scenario over and over every time a question such as this raises its head and becomes the "Vital Question du jour", and we read the same answers - which become the "Critical Answers du jour!" ;-)

Which is the BEST calf - for what PURPOSE?!? :help: Backgrounding? Grass feeding protocol? Are they castrated yet?? Can't tell for sure! Club calves?? :shock: Probably not, but I've seen crazier possibilities. To end-up in the owners locker? Maybe :roll:

...WHY? Good question. With all of the information which has been dispensed through these posts in the last several years, and the knowledge that these breeders have available, and have tried to help new members with many types of cattle problems, there really should be no big question about which or why these calves should be "best" for any purpose! The answer should be obvious!

I like the whiteface myself , kind of getting tired of everyone paying more because it's black, it shore don't taste any different!
The baldy has more muscling through the rear quarter and looks to be a little more finished in that maybe he is on feed where the other calf isn't???
I like the little yellow guy on the right hand side in the first picture...

...for the curiousity look in his eye and "pet-ability" factor

OK, Here's the facts, at least the way I see them.

First, both steer calves have been treated the same. No creep until the last month, then just some pail feeding in prep for weaning. Both will weigh about 650.

The Black and white calf has some continental, the other is purebred.

The calf with white is carrying a bit to much flesh to impress the buyers.

I will bet the black calf would bring $50 more. Even though I like the build of the other better.
As has already been said, it would depend on what you plan to do with the final product.

But just for grins and giggles, I'll tell ya what I think. (That and a dollar might get ya a cup of coffee.)

The baldy is by far the better calf in my opinion. Better legs, spring of rib, girth, topline, etc.
warpaint":nvstpm6m said:
As has already been said, it would depend on what you plan to do with the final product.

But just for grins and giggles, I'll tell ya what I think. (That and a dollar might get ya a cup of coffee.)

The baldy is by far the better calf in my opinion. Better legs, spring of rib, girth, topline, etc.

I don't know what I'm going to do with them?

Which one would you rather put on feed for the next 7 months or so.

And which do you think will have the best gain and feed conversion?

I may have to feed these calves as a learning experience.

It's interesting to me why the baldy crossbred has put on more flesh while the purebred is green, but both weigh about the same and only a few days difference in age.
I suspect you're going to put more gain on the black calf while the baldie will probably need much shorter than 7 months on feed to finish.

The real difference between the calves would show when you try to finish them on grass though. It's a pity you're heading into winter now and not summer like I do, would have been an interesting experiment.