What could be wrong with black angus cow, again????

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2003
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MO Ozarks
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We posted on this board, about a black angus cow having calving problems. I have seen where, on these boards, that would like pictures,etc. of some of these problems, deformities, We found another black angus calf 2 days after the cow had given birth to the first calf. This calf was dead with a deformed head or skull. I took 3 pictures of it. I thought maybe, someone has seen this deformity. Maybe, it could help someone else, maybe I can learn from this problem. Gary is not intending on keeping this cow. The first calf, was perfectly formed, that is in the original post "What could be wrong with black Angus cow????" With this second calf, we found loose extra 4 hooves,also. They were both female calves.

Thanks to you Dun, for looking at the pictures. and posting them for me. Also, thanks to Alice for getting the pictures to Dun. I tried to do this picture thing myself, didn;t get anywhere, just " page not found" Merry I guess I will have to practise some more, i can email pictures in the body of an email, but apparently that is all I can do, yet.
i cant tell what i'm looking at. i can see the eye, mouth and nose but what in the world is Gary holding? and how in the world did she deliver it if that is a "head"?
The piece that gary is holding up, is not solid, it is like a piece of thin flat bone. I guess, it could have flopped down or over, when she delivered it. i suspect. that people who have been in the cattle business for a while, may have seen this or heard of this deformity???? I, myself, have not been in the cattle business, very long. Gary knows more than I do. I wish the pictures I took were better, maybe you all could tell more. I appreciate any and all comments. I fee that it could be a possible learning experience. Merry
Same cow, 2 calves or two different cows with deformed calves? Reg. Stock? First thing I thought of was in breeding if it's more than than one cow, you might check your papers a few generations back.

Good luck,
Merry, so sorry for your losses with these calves...yeah, I know it's part of having livestock, but it's still rough. And good of you to share the photos so we all can learn from your unpleasant experiences.
well Merry and Gary, i cant help but i can say that it sure is nice to see that i'm NOT the only one that crap like that happens to! thanx for sharing.
:shock: I have never seen anything quite like that before. Sorry I haven't got an answer for you.

Interesting pics.

See Beefy? You're not the only one. ;-)

Just a thought do you have an inbreeding problem was the cow breed to the same bull?

Never seen anything quite that messed up.

The only thing I can think of is it is a deformed snorter as English breeds are known for this deformity
I'm sorry for the loss of the calves, but I can't help you Merry, I've never seen anythink like that before.
i want to explain, about the pics and possibly answer the questions, so far. Anyway, the 2 pics of the deformed female calf, are one calf(twin) from the same cow, happened this year She had a regular full term female calf found dead on August 19, 2006, then another female calf was found dead on August 21, 2006. smaller than the first twin, dead and with a deformed head. Last year, this cow, had another full term regular female calf , found dead. There was a different bull that bred her for her last year;s calf. All other cows' calves were born healthy and all were sired by the same bull. This bull is a good registered bull, and has good numbers, and is no relation to the cow. Thanks for all the replies and questions. so far.
:x I had a similiar type of calf this past spring. It was normal size but it had no bones in the body. The head was small and the ears were elf like. Vet said it was from cow eating molded
hay. The other calves were all normal. I think that sometimes
things just do not develop right and these odd fetus's are
formed. :roll:
Yes, Caustic, now I see where you are coming from. Yes, if the sire and the dam, had thoses recessive genes for that snorter gene, there would be a problem. I don't know much about the snorter gene, but I have been looking it up on the internet. Merry
Merry, is this a registered cow? If so, please contact the Angus Assn and talk to someone. If this is some sort of recessive gene, both the cow and the bull would need to be carriers for it to affect the calf. I'm sorry for your troubles. It's so discouraging to lose a calf under any circumstances, but this is an especially terrible thing. Good luck....
It looks to me like it could be an incompletely formed siamese twin. If that is the case then I believe it is just a freak of nature and not something genetic. Just a guess......?
Yes, C.B. There is always a possiblity of a common ancestor, with these animals. Our bull is registered, but our cow is not. Thank you for your input. Merry

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