Weight gain- Texas Longhorn calves

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Well-known member
May 31, 2006
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South Central Kentucky
What would be the average weight of a pasture fed texas Longhorn calf at 200 days of age?? What would be the average weight of pasture fed texas longhorn x charlosis calf at same age?
So much depends on the type of pasture and amount of pasture you have.

Longhorns tend to require about 80% of nutrition that other breeds do to maintain condition since they convert food more efficiently. However, one can have a BCS of 3 or 4 on a Longhorn or a BCS of 5-6. Depends on quality of nutrition, genetics, one's objectives, and all.

Longhorns tend to mature slower than some of the other breeds. A 205 day weaning weight can range between about 300# and 600#: a lot depends again, on nutrition, genetics, stocking rates, etc.

Just remember that with Longhorns you are not raising "feedlot cattle". The Longhorns tend to have a ADG of 1.5 to 3.0 lbs, depending on all of the above comments. They tend to "mature" at around 3-4 years old (in terms of horn growth and other factors). However, the LH are easy calving, breed back quickly (with proper nutrition and mineral program), and are service age (bulls and heifers) at usually 14 months old.
RAB, you forgot to mention how long of a life span they have, e.g. how many calves can I expect out of that cow. LH exceeds many other breeds in this category, from what I understand.
You also have a wide size range. 700 lb to 800 lb adult cows is normal for LH's. Then you have some that are 1000 lb cows. The WR longhorns are very small in size. Then you have "Monster Longhorns" like the ones Ryan breeds.

At 14 months you can be breeding a 400 lb heifer! Sure looks weird seeing a big bull covering little heifers.

Genetics are a big factor.
At 6-7 months of age, most of our calves would probably weigh between 300-450 lbs. This is when we wean them, and up until that point, they have only been on pasture/hay and their mother's milk.

A Longhorn X Charolais cross calf I suspect would weigh a little more.

The calves I feed out go in the pen at around 18 months, and get grained for 120 days. Weight gain on these is usually 1.5 - 2.5 lbs per day.

It takes longer to finish a Longhorn calf, but from my experience, the meat is very good.

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