Water Tank Algae

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I know this is a little late but I have found something that actually works. It is a small plastic sinker that you put these packets of dried bacteria in. You only replace them every 30 days. It says it will do tanks up to 500 gallons, I have them in my automatic water tanks that are about 100 years old so they are really rough on the inside and I can't keep them clean. I didn't put this in before because I was still testing it. I put these packets into two separate tanks, one clean and one full of funk. The clean one never got green, I waited and checked and thought nothing was happening in the nasty tank. I kept checking and in four weeks I was about to pull the piece of @$#! out of the tank and my husband ( the one who bought the things) stuck his hand in and all the stringy green crap disintegrated in his hands and now they are beautiful! The cows and horses never acted like the water tasted different. It is non toxic, 100% natural, and Vet approved.
It cost 25 bucks for a 6 month supply. and 25 bucks for refills.
maybe we are lucky but I haven't scrubbed a tank (but the tester tank) all year!
Why do people think cows cannot drink water with algae? Cows eat grass off the ground next to a pile of poop. They stick their nose in the urine of others. They lick all kinds of crap off their calves, and other cows. Their rumen system is designed to digest all kinds of stuff. How do you know algae isn't good for them? To top it off birds crap in it when your not looking.
Blue-green algae in lakes is toxic. The regular green algae in water tanks is not.
Nova..very true....I have treated tanks with copper sulfate but lately just turn off the water to them, let the cows suck them dry and the algae die...let them dry out completely and turn the water back on it a couple of days...If they can't make this work for them they can go to the tank, remove the algae from the surface from their nose and suck up whatever they want.
I have no problem with algae in the big stock tanks, but in the little auto waterer's it gets so thick there is very little water, it screws up the floater and they are 60 bucks to change. Had to do it when we moved here, pain in the butt to find your stock have no water. Just my preference.
Here is some info...
I haven't checked out the sight. hope it works. I ordered mine from a lawn equipment mag! I surprised to find it there.
well havent tried it but rather than buying goldfish why dont u go to the nearest river or lake that has carp in it and catch a few and toss them in a large stock tank. I doupt a coon will pull an 8 pound carp out of a stock tank but i could be wrong. Could also be a mink that is stealing your fish we had one taking them out of a little pond we had on a creek that we had minnows and chubs in for fishing. Dog chased it into the wood pile nearby one day.
Algae is protein! My cows are lucky to drink swamp water! :D Just think of it as liquid minerals!

Now if I could get water algae into "cube form" I could get rich selling it to horse people! :p
theyre makin biodeisel outta algae! im gonna let it grow and dump it in my truck!!! bwahahahahaha!
it just gets nasty around the float ball and keeps it leakin runnin up my electric bill..dont realize it til its overflowin the tank....i dont care how it looks them cows aint never complained and the water in the pond is waaaaaaaaaaayy worse and the dogs will drink either one also so....in the truck it goes!!