My 4-H steer(brangus/hereford) seems to be breaking out with warts to the neck and facial area. What type of medication or vaccine can I use to get rid of these before the state show in July?
There is a vaccine called "wart vaccine", relatively cheap, but it does not cover all the different types of warts. I would vaccinate, but I would also cut them off. Pull the wart away from the body, cut it off with scissors - cutting the skin. You want it to bleed. If he has massive amounts of them, you may only want to cut half a dozen or so. The object of making it bleed, makes them build an immunity. Without doing anything, they may very well be gone by July. But I wouldn't wait to see. We show cattle & do it all the time. Jeanne
> My 4-H steer(brangus/hereford)
> seems to be breaking out with
> warts to the neck and facial area.
> What type of medication or vaccine
> can I use to get rid of these
> before the state show in July?
Well you may not believe it but the previous is true! I bought a Limi bull many years ago at 12 months, he got them in his ears, BIG ones too. Yhe guy I bought him from said pull it off, mince it and feed it back to him via a bolus gun. I did (with lots of squeamisniss) and IT DID WORK!!