To implant or not to implant

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callmefence said:
Buck Randall said:
callmefence said:
You should have listened to that old vet, you wouldn't be trying to get your foot out of your mouth.

You misinterpret me, but I'm not surprised. Keep on insisting that up is down.

Buck ...I told you this morning, I post for two reasons...... ;-) :hat:

But hey all joking aside....since you jumped into this conversation, you've contributed nothing to the actual topic( which says alot of your intent)
How bout you go ahead and share your experiences with implants...?
Buck Randall said:
Ky hills said:
It is not necessarily being a "fool" to question so called facts. I believe some scientific research and developments have been beneficial. On the other hand much of the product research in my opinion can be skewed to favor a desired result. The fine print on a lot of products reads to the effect of results may vary ect.
I have known people that had polio. I also believe that my mother may have still been living if not for some new great drug.
On the subject of AI, Used to utilize it in our registered herd, then tried the TAI stuff years later and our commercial herd got out of whack on calving window worse than ever, still working to get some semblance of that back, by using bulls. I'm not saying that AI bulls are inferior, but just because some one doesn't AI doesn't mean they are buying low end stockyard bulls either. Fact is I do as most others do utilize many modern inventions, and would be lost with out them likely. I just don't believe that every farmer needs to buy into the hype of every latest and greatest animal or gadget that hits the market even if it is backed up by science. Pick and choose what works. If I had money to buy all of it then I doubt I would be trying to farm.

Questioning research and development is a good thing. There are lots of products that don't work the way they did in research trials because life doesn't always play out like a research trial. There comes a point, however, when denying mountains of scientific evidence and real world observation is just foolish.
I'm not criticizing anyone for not implanting calves. If a person said that they'd just rather not mess with it, I could respect that. There are valid reasons for not doing it, but "I don't think they work" or "the drug companies just made up the research" are not.
Same thing with the AI. I grew up on a farm that still uses bulls exclusively, and they aren't particularly high quality. It works fine for my dad, but neither of us would try to claim that his calves are consistently on par with some AI quality stock.

When I was in school, an old vet once told me, "We all have reasons for doing things the way that we do, but don't ever fall into the trap of believing your own b.s." It's human nature to believe that our own way is the best way. When significant evidence suggests you are wrong, consider that you might be wrong, rather than making up some baloney to justify it.

For the record, I am not trying to dissuade anyone from implanting their calves, I could care less that is not a big deal. I simply choose not to do it with ours, as I really do believe that the outcome could be subjective. I am not disputing that it increases pounds.
On the subject of AI, I am very confident that SOME AI sires are very good, and others not so much. I also don't believe that ALL AI sired calves are superior to their natural service herdmates, some may well be but usually not all. I know that there are lots of bulls out there better than what I can raise or buy, and I would not try to imply otherwise. My reasoning for not using AI anymore is that it does not always pan out to be the most effective means of getting cows bred in a timely manner. Factor in multiple runs through the chute, the need for clean up bulls that could service the whole herd anyway. They may not be as good as some AI bulls, but all things considered for us bulls are the best choice for us. There again I am not anti AI, but I am not ready to admit that it is as great in all cases as some would like to believe. Two of three of our walking bulls this year were AI sired.
I have no problem admitting when I am wrong, done it many times, and will again. How many times do we hear something is not healthy to eat, then years later, another study says what ever it is, is actually healthy. The same for products that are deemed safe then a few years later we learn they aren't. Like I said in a previous post, I am not anti science and technology either, I just don't have 100% faith in it.
callmefence said:
Buck Randall said:
callmefence said:
You should have listened to that old vet, you wouldn't be trying to get your foot out of your mouth.

You misinterpret me, but I'm not surprised. Keep on insisting that up is down.

Buck ...I told you this morning, I post for two reasons...... ;-) :hat:
Pot-stirring son of a... :)

Let me know if you're ever in Wisconsin. I'll buy you a beer.
callmefence said:
callmefence said:
Buck Randall said:
You misinterpret me, but I'm not surprised. Keep on insisting that up is down.

Buck ...I told you this morning, I post for two reasons...... ;-) :hat:

But hey all joking aside....since you jumped into this conversation, you've contributed nothing to the actual topic( which says alot of your intent)
How bout you go ahead and share your experiences with implants...?

I wouldn't say I've contributed nothing, I had the first couple of responses to the OP and they thanked me for them.

I don't have any animals of my own, but most of my experience is with the Synovex line of implants. Got a couple of dairy farm clients that are using Synovex C on all replacement heifers (wasn't my idea, we're going to see how it goes). I have several clients using the Synovex One Grass and Feedlot implants. They like the results. I've seen Revalor XS work really well for some guys, but definitely had more bullers from those where the nutrition/genetics weren't right for that hot of an implant.
We get paid a premium for non-hormone but before that, we didn't either.

Ive been curious to pull a similar group to finish out with implants and non. To see which gets to finish faster. If let's say, our implanted cattle finished a month earlier than our non-implant.... would the 16-19 cent bonus still be more profitable for the non-hormone?
Along the same line, I just worked a group of calves earlier this week. As a trial, I implanted all that will be going to the sale barn. My question is, with the now steers, should I increase the amount of grain they are getting each day because of the implant. They are currently getting 2-3 pounds of grain mix per day (14% protein). These calves are on very little grass and mainly hay. Most are between 500-600lbs.
The implant makes the animal be more efficient with whatever you are feeding them. It works by making more of your feed turn into muscle. Increasing the feed will surly help just the same as it would a non-implanted animal.
5S Cattle said:
That was directed at sky, fence.

Oh so I cant give an opinion on something now... HMM.. Others felt the same way about me and have disappeared. If you don't want an opinion or to hear from someone my suggestion to you MR PROGRESSIVE CATTLEMAN is to start your own site where you only welcome people that agree with you or FOE me so you can't see what I am saying. Now implant that where the sun doesn't shine cowboy :cowboy: :tiphat: :tiphat: :tiphat: :2cents:
I tried implants for the first time this year. I used the Synovex One Grass that I got from Valley Vet Supply as I'm mostly doing grass-fed beef and feeding hay. The jury is still out, but I do think I've noticed slightly better gains and muscling with this year's group of steers -- though it is a limited sample size due to my small herd size. Ironically, the animal that seems to have benefited the most from the implant was a freemartin twin heifer we plan to butcher. She was small for her age -- and still is -- but visually she has probably made the most gains of any of the others and may have the best, thickest muscling.
I've seen the too many FFA and 4H steers implanted. Makes them aggressive. Not something I want around our kid when we are working cattle. That's fine though. We sell our beef to the folks that have concerns about the steroids in the meat. That's also why we raise our own and why we never bid on club steers at the fair. Lots of extra implants going in those. The cheating around here ticked me off. They brag about it. What are teaching 4H and FFA kids by telling them to give extra implants?
skyhightree1 said:
5S Cattle said:
That was directed at sky, fence.

Oh so I cant give an opinion on something now... HMM.. Others felt the same way about me and have disappeared. If you don't want an opinion or to hear from someone my suggestion to you MR PROGRESSIVE CATTLEMAN is to start your own site where you only welcome people that agree with you or FOE me so you can't see what I am saying. Now implant that where the sun doesn't shine cowboy :cowboy: :tiphat: :tiphat: :tiphat: :2cents:
You can have all the opinions in the world. Doesn't make em right. At the end of the day implants work, and for you to get on your high horse and start barking that your calves don't need em And trying to persuade other producers to not use em isn't doing any favors. They cost a dollar, if they make one extra lb they made profit. If you can't see through your own bs I don't give a damn. Have a good one
5S Cattle said:
skyhightree1 said:
5S Cattle said:
That was directed at sky, fence.

Oh so I cant give an opinion on something now... HMM.. Others felt the same way about me and have disappeared. If you don't want an opinion or to hear from someone my suggestion to you MR PROGRESSIVE CATTLEMAN is to start your own site where you only welcome people that agree with you or FOE me so you can't see what I am saying. Now implant that where the sun doesn't shine cowboy :cowboy: :tiphat: :tiphat: :tiphat: :2cents:
You can have all the opinions in the world. Doesn't make em right. At the end of the day implants work, and for you to get on your high horse and start barking that your calves don't need em And trying to persuade other producers to not use em isn't doing any favors. They cost a dollar, if they make one extra lb they made profit. If you can't see through your own bs I don't give a be nice. Have a good one

I'm wondering how they work when mixed with Mason's lime???

Dangit s5 I'm sorry , I just couldn't resist :kid: :hat: :hat:
I asked around yesterday at the auction.
Most don't find it profitable on "smaller scale" to make it worth while.
The opinions were same as here. From one end to the other. Most of the buyers we sell to said don't waste the time. Interesting all the way around. Haven't made a decision either way but seeing cattle being sold at a loss or very close to it all day yesterday makes it even a harder decision. Do we invest more $? Definitely have some decision to make before next season.
I appreciate everyone's opinions and information all the way around as I feel like it's important to look at it all. I was raised to look at all sides if possible.
5S Cattle said:
skyhightree1 said:
5S Cattle said:
That was directed at sky, fence.

Oh so I cant give an opinion on something now... HMM.. Others felt the same way about me and have disappeared. If you don't want an opinion or to hear from someone my suggestion to you MR PROGRESSIVE CATTLEMAN is to start your own site where you only welcome people that agree with you or FOE me so you can't see what I am saying. Now implant that where the sun doesn't shine cowboy :cowboy: :tiphat: :tiphat: :tiphat: :2cents:
You can have all the opinions in the world. Doesn't make em right. At the end of the day implants work, and for you to get on your high horse and start barking that your calves don't need em And trying to persuade other producers to not use em isn't doing any favors. They cost a dollar, if they make one extra lb they made profit. If you can't see through your own bs I don't give a be nice. Have a good one

I guess you told me huh cowboy :cboy: ...... Well nope no you didn't. I said my opinion and that was that... You on the other hand are trying to persuade people to follow what you say not me as you can tell I don't care what your opinion is and I move on you keep on and on about it. I can tell you what implant does work... My implant of my opinion is under your skin and I see your frustration growing daily and guess what my implant I used on you was free :cowboy: :tiphat:
Double R Ranch said:
I asked around yesterday at the auction.
Most don't find it profitable on "smaller scale" to make it worth while.
The opinions were same as here. From one end to the other. Most of the buyers we sell to said don't waste the time. Interesting all the way around. Haven't made a decision either way but seeing cattle being sold at a loss or very close to it all day yesterday makes it even a harder decision. Do we invest more $? Definitely have some decision to make before next season.
I appreciate everyone's opinions and information all the way around as I feel like it's important to look at it all. I was raised to look at all sides if possible.

Capturing what profit one possibly could in a down market is why we opted to go the NHTC route. Even if you don't finish yourself and want to sell at weaning, you COULD market your calves to an NHTC Livestock barn or a feeder who is interested. You won't capture the same premium but you will capture some.