Showing steers

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Does anyone know of a message board or web site where I can get help for my son in showing steers as a 4H project? This is his 3rd yr, with the best steer yet, and was hoping to find some advice on grooming, showing, etc. Thanks....

[email protected]
This link to the Breeders World site is a discussion board related mostly to show stuff. Good luck...

<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>
> Thanks Kyla and Frankie for your responses. The steer is Angus. After a rough start, he's doing better with halter. Kyla, what is a Aus state champion? Any hints for grooming products for a black steer?

[email protected]
for short hair try using a small amount of baby oil for a shine or if the hair is long and you want to make him loog long and thick, train the hair forwards and brush, dry and wash it like that. a blowdryer is a good investment. the West Aus state champion is sarah martin. I am really happy actually because i found out im in state finals for judging and parading. im second year and normally you don't get into state till 3rd year. good luck all the same but yeah, if he uses those brushing techniques they really impress the judge more than brushing down does. i personally think fluffy looks better angus but really it depends on how you want the judge to notice about your animal.

[email protected]
Try and select the junior's page. They have several helpful pages; Create a Winner, Feed a Winner,Select a Winner. This is the Limousin site and is helpful for all breed if starting out. Check with your local 4-h about workshops. We have several a year for our 4-Hers.

> Does anyone know of a message
> board or web site where I can get
> help for my son in showing steers
> as a 4H project? This is his 3rd
> yr, with the best steer yet, and
> was hoping to find some advice on
> grooming, showing, etc. Thanks....

[email protected]
> John, thanks for referring us to the site. I'm printing alot of info off there. I wish there were workshops concerning grooming in our area. And our Beef leader in the past 3 yr. we've been involved, has held ONE meeting. Yes, we're getting alot of help from him.

[email protected]
What a great site. Although Limousin's are not my breed of preference, I greatly applaud their association for providing this valuable information. Other breed associations should stand up and pay attention to the NALJA's foresight! I will share this same information with recent juniors who have purchased either steers or heifers from our farm.

Not to fault any 4-H leaders because being a 4-H leader is mostly a thankless job, but too often parents step up to the plate only when they have children that are involved, not necessarily because of their expertise. I know in my county the leaders are grandparents of 4-H members. These folks never were involved in the cattle business, feeding cattle and are definately not proficient in handling cattle. Unfortunately, these same people pooh-pooh any ideas of visiting cattle breeders, participation in state sponsored Beef Expo events, etc. They are very comfortable with the 'keep them down on the farm' attitude....but then they don't understand why membership is low or why kids opt to go to other counties to join clubs!!!!

[email protected]

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